How to connect a gaming console through the wired network in the residence halls.

Residence Hall students who wish to use their gaming consoles and other connected devices (Apple TV, Roku, Echo Dot and more) through the network need to follow a series of steps to ensure the best connection. The wireless network may not be compatible with all devices, so please bring your own ethernet cable.

General Guidelines

First, connect to either the wireless network or the wired network using the dorm network jack (with a CAT 5 ethernet cable at a minimum), using any computer, tablet or smartphone.

Once you are connected, access Network Registration ( using your Adelphi username and password.

Connecting Wireless Devices

  1. Choose connectivity type: Wireless
  2. Enter the Wireless (WLAN) MAC address of the device you are registering and click submit.
  3. Connect your device to the “AU” wireless network

Connecting Wired Devices

  1. Choose connectivity type: Wired
  2. Enter the Wired (Ethernet) MAC address of the device you are registering and click submit.
  3. Connect your device to the network wall jack (if it’s not already connected) and restart the device.
If these directions don’t work, unplug the power cable from the device for a few minutes and then turn it back on and try again. Make sure the device’s network configuration is set to DHCP.
Device registration will last until August 1 every year, at which point they will be reset.

Network Registration Manuals

Network Registration Troubleshooting – Windows

Network Registration Troubleshooting – Apple

Note about enhanced online gaming: NAT is a technology that allows multiple devices to share a single IP address. The only way to change the NAT type in an enterprise level network (where there are hundreds of game consoles active at the same time) is to make sure that every device on the entire network has its own, non-shared IP address. The limitation is on how the game consoles are designed and not because of the University blocking anything. The Office of Information Technology has researched this issue and has concluded that there is no short-term resolution, however, we will continue to investigate.

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Spring Semester
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