Centeio, E., Mercier, K., Barcelona, J., Erwin, H., Marttinen, R., Foley, J., & Garn, A. (Online ahead of print, 2025) Moving Beyond the Pandemic: Lessons Learned in Physical Education and How to Move Forward. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education.
Garn, A., Simonton, K., & Mercier, K. (2024). Development and validation of the Teacher Motivation in Physical Education Questionnaire. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education.
Simonton, K. L., Mercier, K., Richards, K., Gaudreault, K. L. & Gray, A. (2024). Relationships and differences between goal orientations and emotional experiences of physical education teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education.
Gaudreault, K. L., Schulz, D., Simonton, K., Richards, K. A., and Mercier, K. (2024). It's Complicated: Exploring relationships between emotions and career stages among physical educators. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education.
Marttinen, R., Mercier, K., Park, J.Y., Simonton, K., Centeio, E., Richards, K.A., & Wilson, K.S. (2024). A Longitudinal Look at Student Attitude, Perceived Competence, and Fitness Test Performance of Elementary Students. International Journal of Physical Activity and Health (3)2.
Simonton, K. L., Mercier, K., Richards, K. A. R., & Gaudreault, K. L. (2023). The association of perceived mattering and emotions with physical educator teacher resilience. European Physical Education Review,29, 582-600.
Mercier, K. Simonton, K., Centeio, E., Barcelona, J., & Garn, A. (2023). Middle school students’ attitudes toward physical activity and physical education, intentions, and physical activity behavior. European Physical Education Review, 29, 40-54.
Centeio, E., Barcelona, J., Mercier, K., Hart, A., & Foley, J. (2023). Believe in You student empowerment program: A pilot study. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living 4.
Barcelona, J., Phillips, S., Centeio, E., Gleeson, D. Mercier, K., Foley, J., Simonton, K. & Garn, A. (2022). Comprehensive school health: teachers’ perceptions and implementation of classroom physical activity breaks in US schools. Health Promotion International 37(5), October 2022.
Simonton, K. L., Garn, A. C., & Mercier, K. (2021 – Online Ahead of Print). Expanding the discrete emotions in physical education scale (DEPES): Evaluating emotions with behavior and learning. Research Quarterly in Exercise and Sport.
Centeio, E., Mercier, K., Garn, A., Erwin, H., Marttinen, R., & Foley, J. (2021). Physical education teachers’ successes and barriers while teaching physical education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education 40(4), 667-673.
Mercier, K. Centeio, E., Garn, A., Erwin, H., Marttinen, R., & Foley, J. (2021). Physical education in the United States during the initial phase of the Covid-19 outbreak. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education 40(2), 337-342.
Simonton, K., Mercier, K. Centeio, E, Barcelona, J., Phillips, S, & Garn, A. (2021). Development of the Youth Physical Activity Attitudes Scale (YPAAS). Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science 25(2), 110-126.
Phillips, S., Marttinen, R., Mercier, K. & Gibbone, A. (2021). Middle school students’ perceptions of physical education: A qualitative look. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education 40(1), 30-38.
Mercier, K., Donovan, C., & Gibbone, A. (2020). Investigating the impact of federal funding on students' attitudes toward physical education. The Physical Educator, 77(1), 59-77.
Simonton, K., Mercier, K., & Garn, A. (2019). Do fitness test performances predict students’ attitudes and emotions toward physical education? Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 24(6), 549-564.
Mercier, K. & Howard, T. (2018). The most physically educated contest. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 89(3), 17-23.
Subramaniam, P.R., & Mercier, K. (2017). Attitudes matter in physical education. International Journal of Physical Education, 54(4), 22-30.
Bernstein, E., Phillips, S., & Mercier, K. (2017). Combating gender bias, a mediating factor on teacher value orientation, using activity theory. International Journal of Physical Education, 54(4), 11-21.
Phillips, S.R., Marttinen,R., & Mercier. K. (2017). Fitness Assessment: Recommendations for an Enjoyable Student Experience. Strategies, 30(5), 19-24.
Mercier, K., Donovan, C., Gibbone, A, & Rozga, K. (2017). Three Year Study of Students’ Attitudes Toward Physical Education: Grades 4-8. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 88(3), 307-315.
Whitley, M. A., Bruening, J., Martinek, T., Mercier, K., & Quinlan, M. (2017). Educating future leaders of the sport-based youth development field. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance 88(8), 15-20.
Phillips, S., Mercier, K. & Doolittle, S. (2016). Experiences of teacher evaluation systems on highschool physical education programs. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 22(4), 364-377.
Cameron, J., Mercier, K., & Doolittle, S. (2016), Teacher-led change in high school physical education. The Physical Educator, 73, 32-58.
Mercier, K., Phillips, S., & Silverman, S. (2016), High school teachers’ use of and attitudes toward fitness tests. The High School Journal, 99(2), 179-190.
Donovan, C., Mercier K. & Phillips, S. (2015), Investigating attitudes toward physical education: Validation across two instruments. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 19(2), 91-98.
Silverman, S. & Mercier, K. (2015), Teaching for physical literacy: Implications to instructional Design and PETE. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 4(2), 150-155.
Mercier, K., Whitley, M.A., & Manson, M. (2014), Middle school assessments that contribute to literacy goals. Strategies, 27(5), 22-27.
Gibbone, A. & Mercier, K. (2014), Teacher candidates’ technology based service learning projects: Meeting PETE learning standards and achieving program accreditation. Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance, 85(5), 18-22.
Mercier, K. & Silverman, S. (2014), High school students’ attitudes toward fitness testing. Journal of Teaching Physical Education, 33, 269-281.
Mercier, K. & Silverman, S. (2014), Validation of scores from an instrument to measure high school students’ attitudes toward fitness testing. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 85(1), 81-89.
Mercier, K. & Iacovelli, T. (2014), Summative assessments: How we improved our high school physical education program. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 85(2), 14-18.
Mercier, K. & Doolittle, S. (2013), Assessing Student Achievement in Physical Education for Teacher Evaluation. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 84(3), 38-42.
Mercier, K. (2010), Implementing Sport Education at a secondary level: A sample basketball season. Strategies, 23(3), 12-16.
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Simonton, K., Garn, A., & Mercier, K. (2024, March). Development and validation of the Teacher Motivation in Physical Education Questionnaire (TMPEQ). Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America, Cleveland, OH.
Schulz, D., Gaudreault, K., Simonton, K., Richards, K.A., & Mercier, K. (2023, April). Exploring teacher career stages and emotions of physical educators. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America, Seattle, WA.
Kim, Y., Richards, K.A., Mercier, K., Simonton, K., & Gaudreault, K. (2023, April). Examining PETE students’ beliefs, emotions, and identities during student teaching. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America, Seattle, WA.
Marttinen, R., Mercier, K., Park, J.Y., Simonton, K., Centeio, E., Richards, K.A., & Wilson, K.S., (2023, March). Changes and relations of student attitude and perceived competence over a school year. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, IL.
Simonton, K., Mercier, K., Richards, K.A., & Gaudreault, K. (2023, March). Physical Education teacher resilience: The influence of perceived mattering and teacher emotions. Presented the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, IL
Centeio, E., Barcelona, J., Mercier, K., Hart, A., & Foley, J. (2022, April). Believe In You Social Emotional Learning Journals: A Pilot Study. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America, New Orleans, LA.
Centeio, E., Mercier, K., Marttinen, R., Barcelona, J., Erwin, H., Garn, A., Rodrigues, A., Hennebach, K. R., Arvidson, P., Pedder, C., & Foley, J. (2022, April). Teachers' effectiveness with remote PE instruction 2020-2021. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America, New Orleans, LA.
Simonton, K. Garn. A., & Mercier, K. (2022, April). Expanding the Discrete Emotions in Physical Education Scale: Testing outcome related emotions and moderation. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America, New Orleans, LA.
Simonton, K., Mercier, K., Garn, A., Centeio, E., & Barcelona, J. (2022, April). Attitudes in physical activity and physical education: Moderated mediation analysis. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America, New Orleans, LA.
Centeio, E., Mercier, K., Garn, A., Erwin, H., Barcelona, J., Marttinen, R., & Foley, J. (2021, June) Physical education during the COVID-19 pandemic: A glimpse of physical education teachers’ experiences. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association Internationale des Écoles Supérieures d’Éducation Physique (AIESEP), Online Conference.
Simonton, K., Mercier, K., Centeio, E., Barcelona, J., Phillips, S., Garn, A. (2021, April). Development and validation of the Youth Physical Activity Attitude Scale (YPAAS). Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America, Online Conference.
Marttinen, R., Mercier, K., & Silverman, S. (2021, April). Students’ attitudes in PE during COVID-19. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America, Online Conference.
Centeio, E. Foley, J., Mercier, K., Erwin, H., Marttinen, R., Garn, A. (2021, April). Physical education teachers successes, barriers, and wishes for teaching physical education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America, Online Conference.
Mercier, K. Foley, J., Centeio, E., Garn, A., Marttinen, R., & Erwin, H. (2021, April). Understanding physical education in schools across the US during the COVID-19 pandemic. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America, Online Conference.
Barcelona, J., Centeio, E., Phillips, S., Gleeson, D., Mercier, K., Foley, J., Simonton, K, & Garn, A. (2021, March). Teacher’s Perceptions and Implementation of Classroom PA. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Online Conference.
Simonton, K., Mercier, K., & Garn, A. (2019, June). Associations between fitness test performance and attitudes and emotions towards physical education. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association Internationale des Écoles Supérieures d’Éducation Physique (AIESEP), Garden City, NY.
Simonton, K., Mercier, K., & Garn, A. (2019, April). Relationship between attitude and discrete emotions in physical education. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America, Tampa, FL.
Mercier, K., Donovan, C., & Gibbone, A. (2018, April). Investigating the impact of federal funding on students’ attitudes toward physical education programs. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, NY.
Mercier, K. Gibbone, & Donovan, C. (2018, March). Relationships between fitness test scores and students’ attitudes. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America, Nashville, TN.
Simonton, K., Mercier, K., & Garn, A. (2018, March). Development of the Discrete Emotions in Physical Education Scale. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America, Nashville, TN.
Siskin, W., & Mercier, K. (2017, March). A successful CSPAP in NYC Schools; WITS. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America, Boston, MA.
Mercier, K. & Howard, T. (2017, March). Most physically educated contest. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America, Boston,
Phillips, S., Mercier, K., & Marttinen, R. (2017, March). Decreasing attitudes toward physical education, but why? A qualitative inquiry. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America, Boston, MA.
Mercier, K. & Siskin, W. (November, 2016). A comprehensive school physical activity program (CSPAP) in NYC Schools. Presented at annual meeting of the New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Verona, NY.
Mercier, K. Gibbone, A., & Donavan, C. (2016, May). Students’ attitudes, fitness levels, andphysical activity over three years. Presented at the annual meeting of the SHAPE America Eastern District Association, Atlantic City, NJ.
Mercier, K., Gibbone, A., Donovan, C., & Rozga, K. (2016). Longitudinal Study of Student Attitudes Toward Physical Education Grades 4-8. In American Educational Research Association. Washington,, DC.
Mercier, K., Bernstein, E., & Phillips. S. (2015). Gender differences and skill level among students in physical education: Recent findings and strategies for preparing teacher candidates. In SHAPE America Physical Education Teacher Education Conference. Atlanta, GA.
Phillips, S., Mercier, K., & Doolittle, S. (2015). The effects of teacher evaluation on high school physical education. In Society for Health and Physical Education of America. Seattle, WA.
Mercier, K., Phillips, S. & Silverman, S. (2014). High school teachers’ use of and attitudes toward fitness tests. In American Educational Research Association. Philadelphia, PA.
Donovan, C., Mercier, K., & Phillips, S. (2014). Cross-validation of instruments to measure student attitudes toward physical education. In American Educational Research Association. Philadelphia, PA.
Mercier, K., Doolittle, S., & Manson, M. (2012). Measuring student achievement as part of teacher appraisal. In NASPE Physical Education Teacher Education Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
Mercier, K. & Silverman, S. (2012). High school students’ attitudes toward fitness testing. In Amercian Educational Research Association. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Mercier, K. & Silverman, S. (2012). Measuring secondary school students' attitudes toward fitness testing. In American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Boston, MA.
Mercier, K. (2012). Using Sport Education at the secondary level to show teacher effectiveness. In New York City Zone of the New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance,. Bronx, NY.
Mercier, K. (2010). Success with Sport Education at the secondary level. In New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Verona, NY.
Mercier, K. & Iacovelli, T. (2009). Practical strategies for implementing the NYS PE Profile. In New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Verona, NY.