The University will provide unpaid leave time to employees who are called to active or training service in the Uniformed Services of the United States.

At Adelphi University, we honor and support our employees who serve in the Uniformed Services of the United States. Our Military Leave policy ensures that employees called to active or training service receive the necessary support and protections.

Here are the key points regarding our Military Leave Policy:

  • Policy Coverage: Our Military Leave policy applies to all administrators, staff, and faculty members as provided by federal law.
  • Entitlement to Leave: Employees who are called to active or training service in the Uniformed Services are entitled to unpaid leave time. This includes service in the regular armed forces, Reserves, National Guard, Public Health Service, and Coast Guard.
  • Re-Employment Rights: Upon completion of service, employees are entitled to re-employment in accordance with federal and state law. The Uniformed Services Employment and Re-Employment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) protects employees’ rights to re-employment after military service.
  • Notification and Benefits Continuation: Employees going on Military Leave must provide advance notice to their supervisor and present service orders. They should contact the Office of Human Resources for information on benefit continuation during their leave.
  • Service Credit: Employees continue to receive continuous service credit at the University during any period of Military Leave.

If you have any questions or need assistance regarding Military Leave, please contact our Office of Human Resources. We are here to support you throughout the leave process and ensure your smooth transition back to work upon completion of your service.

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