Benefit eligibility for:

Adelphi University considers requests for personal leaves of absence without pay in certain exceptional circumstances.

Approved personal leaves are without pay and can last up to four (4) weeks. Please note that this is for leave other than Family and Medical Leave (FMLA).


All full-time, non-union employees are eligible. Union employees should refer to their collective bargaining agreement for leave details.

How to Request for an Unpaid Leave of Absence

To request a personal leave of absence, submit an Unpaid Leave of Absence Request Form. This form must be approved by your immediate supervisor, dean or department manager, and the Office of Human Resources. The leave is not approved until you receive written confirmation from the Office of Human Resources.

If possible, provide a minimum of two (2) weeks’ notice before the leave begins.

Important Considerations

  • All vacation and personal time must be used before taking a leave of absence.
  • No vacation, sick, or personal time accrues during the leave. No holiday pay is earned during the leave.
  • Employees who do not return to work immediately after the leave may face termination.

Once Personal Leave is Approved

  • If the leave is approved, a copy of the form and a completed Payroll Transaction Form must be sent to the Office of Human Resources for processing.
  • Absences must be reported on the timesheet as “PL”.
  • Employees must pay 100% of their medical and/or dental insurance premiums by check while on leave. For contributory life insurance and/or long-term disability insurance, premiums must be paid by personal check. Participants in pre-tax health care, dependent care, or transportation accounts must reelect their contributions upon returning from leave.
  • Employees who do not return to work immediately after the leave may face termination.
  • While we strive to re-employ those returning from a leave, reemployment cannot be guaranteed.

Additional Resources

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Levermore Hall, 203
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