Support & Mental Health Resources for International Students
The Student Counseling Center provides a supportive and culturally sensitive environment for international students. In addition, we promote awareness for issues specifically experienced by our international student community.
Acclimating to a new country and culture may present unique challenges. Everyday issues related to negotiating academic and personal responsibilities can be compounded by cultural stressors encountered both on- and off-campus.
Acculturation stress is a real response experienced by some international students as they try to integrate into a new culture while maintaining their culture of origin. Cultural differences between the culture of origin and the new culture can compound this type of stress. Cultural differences can include language, food choices, religious beliefs and customs to name a few.
Specific Stressors
- Acclimating to a new culture while maintaining culture of origin
- Challenges learning a new language and attaining proficiency
- Missing home, family and friends: feeling homesick
- Worrying about disappointing family
- Fitting in: Isolation and Loneliness
- Learning the host culture’s practices
- Addressing Academic needs with faculty
- Discrimination and racism
- Financial stress, issues with self esteem, body image and eating
Protective Factors
- Similar culture, values, traditions and language
- Strong social support
- Physical health
- High self-esteem and confidence
- Problem-focused coping mechanisms
- Sense of coherence; belief one can positively influence life
- Campus involvement; sports, clubs and employment
How Can Counseling Help?
Counseling can help international students navigate feelings, thoughts and experiences as they pursue an education in a culture different than their culture of origin.
Some good Facebook groups:
- Queer South Asians
- Coming Out Muslim
- Empowering Queer & Trans Asian and Pacific Islanders
- Queer East Asian Studies (not a ‘meet up group’ but very cool academic postings about this topic)
View additional SCC resources for the LGBTQ+ community.