These are general guidelines that will help you to remember what to do in the event of a lockdown or shelter-in-place event on campus, but each situation may present unique challenges.

During some campus emergencies, you may be notified through the RAVE Alert mass notification system and/or emergency public address system to either lockdown or shelter-in-place.

The key thing to remember is that both options involve taking refuge in a pre-designated room until the emergency situation is resolved. The difference is in the types of emergency situations, and what kind of barrier is called for. If you prefer, you can also download this information as an infographic.

The “5 Ws” in an Emergency

Plan ahead and know your options. The actions taken in the initial minutes of an emergency are critical. If you become aware of an emergency before receiving an official alert, make sure you are safe, and contact Public Safety by dialing 5 from any campus phone, or directly at 516.877.3511.

Lockdown or Shelter-in-Place Communication

A lockdown or shelter-in-place notification will come from the Department of Public Safety via the RAVE Alert University mass notification system and/or Emergency Public Address System announcement.

How to Lock Doors at Adelphi

Hostile Intruder

When a hostile person(s) is actively causing death or physical injury or the imminent threat of death or physical injury, the following recommended actions should be implemented:

Once the police arrive, obey all commands. This may involve you being handcuffed or made to put your hands in the air. This is done for safety reasons and once circumstances are evaluated by the police, they will give you further directions to follow. The police may not know who the shooter is or if there are multiple shooters.

Phone Number
More Info
Levermore Hall, 113
Office Hours
Command Center