In any evacuation, the goal is for all within an affected building to evacuate quickly and safely to an area outside and away from the building, and not to re-enter until directed to by the Department of Public Safety, the police or fire departments.

On occasion, the University must evacuate a building or buildings. Although evacuations are usually fire related (fire alarms, fire drills) evacuations are not always fire related. A structural issue, threats both natural and man-made may also necessitate an evacuation. In order to provide the University community with a safe and orderly evacuation, everyone’s assistance is required.

How to evacuate Adelphi’s Campus during an emergency

  • Always know at least two (2) escape routes and emergency exits from your building.
  • Learn where the nearest fire alarm pull station is.
  • Know how many doors are between your room and the exit stairwells in the event that you might have to crawl to safety because of heavy smoke.
  • Take time to focus on a mental picture of the route you intend to use to exit your building.
  • Check your door before you open it. Feel with the back of your hand, and if it feels hot to the touch, do not attempt to leave. Without haste, contact the Department of Public Safety and Transportation or 911. Remain calm and inform the answering officer of your name, location, and nature of the emergency. Next, go to the window and wait there to attract arriving Fire Fighters.
  • In the event that you are able to exit your room do the following:
    • Take an outer garment with you
    • Close the door behind you.
    • Calmly proceed to the nearest safe stairwell while knocking on all other resident doors alerting them of the emergency condition.
    • Assist anyone with special needs.
    • Use the stairs only. Never take the elevator. Smoke rises into elevator shafts.
    • Stay on right side of the stairwell as you descend in order to allow fire fighters enough room to quickly move to the emergency floor.
    • Exit building and move 150 feet from the entrance in order to allow others to safely exit and Fire Fighters to move freely to the emergency.
    • Re-enter the building only upon the orders of the Fire Department.
    • Finally, never think that it’s probably just another fire drill, or it’s not really a fire.

Please report all hazards to the Department of Public Safety and Transportation immediately.

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Command Center
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Levermore Hall, 113
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