We alert the campus community about any safety threats.

Adelphi University utilizes two different methods of campus alerts — Timely Warning / Safety Alert and Emergency Notification — to help keep students, staff, and faculty informed about threats to their health and safety.

Emergency Notification Timely Warning
Scope Wide focus on any significant emergency or dangerous situation (may include Clery Act crimes). Narrow focus on only Clery Act Crimes; Adelphi reviews non-clery act crimes on a case-by-case basis.
Why Triggered by an event that is occurring or imminently threatening the campus. Initiate emergency notification procedures for any significant emergency or dangerous situation occurring on the campus involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees. Triggered by crimes that have already occurred but represent an ongoing threat. Issue a timely warning for any Clery Act crime committed on your Clery Act geography that is reported to your campus security or local law enforcement, and that is considered to represent a serious or continuing threat to students and employees.
Where Applies to situations that occur on Adelphi campus or centers. Applies to crimes that occur anywhere on Adelphi Clery Act Geography.
When Initiate procedures immediately upon confirmation that a dangerous situation or emergency exists or threatens. Issue a warning as soon as pertinent information is available.

Adelphi University will immediately notify the campus community, or segment(s) of the community when there is confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation that poses an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees and is currently occurring on the campus or immediately threatening the campus. The Department of Public Safety and Transportation will utilize all information resources at its disposal to confirm there is an emergency and to determine which segments of the campus community must be warned.

An emergency notification may apply to both criminal and non-criminal incidents and can include but is not limited to: weather or natural disaster events, public health emergencies, hazardous materials spills or gas leaks, riots or armed intruders.

The Chief of Campus Safety and Emergency Management of Public Safety and Transportation, or designee, Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management, Dean/Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs, Associate Vice President for Brand Strategy and University Communications or the Executive Vice President of Finance and Administration, will without delay, and taking into account the safety of the community, determine the content of the notification and initiate the emergency notification system, unless issuing a notification will, in the professional judgment of responsible authorities, compromise efforts to assist a victim or contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency.

In the event of a serious incident that poses an immediate threat to members of the Adelphi community, the Department of Public Safety and Transportation will activate various electronic, public address systems and text message notifications in place for communicating information quickly. Some or all of these methods of communication may be activated in the event of an immediate threat to the Adelphi community. As needed, follow-up information will be provided to the community as well as at the conclusion of the immediate threat/emergency utilizing the same systems as the initial emergency notification.

In the event that a Clery crime occurs on or near campus that, in the judgment of the Adelphi University Chief of Campus Safety and Emergency Management of Public Safety and Transportation or designee, constitutes an ongoing or continuing threat, a campus wide “timely warning” will be issued to the campus community.

As soon as pertinent information is available, the Department of Public Safety and Transportation will evaluate the need to issue a timely warning based upon the following conditions:

  • A Clery Act crime occurring within the University’s Clery geographical area or poses a risk to the campus community that has been reported to campus security authorities or the Department of Public Safety and Transportation; or
  • A Non-Clery Act crime occurring within or around the University or poses a risk to the campus community that has been reported the campus security authorities or the Department of Public Safety and Transportation; and
  • The crime is considered by the University to represent a serious or continuing threat to students and employees.

In determining whether to issue a timely warning, on a case-by-case basis, the University will consider all the facts surrounding the crime including factors such as: the nature of the crime, the continuing danger to the campus community, and the possible risk of compromising law enforcement efforts. In compliance with the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, the names of crime victims will not be published in timely warnings.

The intent in issuing a timely warning is to enable members of the campus community to protect themselves and to aid in the prevention of similar crimes. Timely warnings will be distributed via methods reasonably likely to reach the entire campus community. This is typically accomplished via the use of the Adelphi Public Safety website, and the University email system.

Once the decision has been made to issue a timely warning, the Department of Public Safety and Transportation is responsible for distributing the warning. Anyone with information they feel warrants a timely warning should immediately contact Public Safety or visit in person at the Public Safety Command Center located the west side of Levermore Hall.

Learn more about our Safety Alerts

University Mass Notification System

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You can change or update your registered devices through the Rave Manager Profile Dashboard accessible through eCampus.

The Department of Public Safety and Transportation tests the University Mass Notification System at least once every calendar year. Tests may be announced or unannounced. We also tests our emergency response and evacuation procedures on at least an annual basis. Furthermore, emergency tabletop exercises are conducted on an annual basis.

SMS notifications are in place for communicating information quickly. Some or all of these methods of communication may be activated in the event of an immediate threat to the Adelphi community.

Phone Number
Command Center
More Info
Levermore Hall, 113
Office Hours
Command Center
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