The degree map is a term-by-term sample course schedule to make it easier for you to understand how to graduate in three years with a degree in Computer Science. The actual sequence of courses may differ for each student. Please consult with your advisor about the best path for you.

Credits to Graduate with a BS in Computer Science, Applied Sciences 3+2 Track

A Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science with a track in Applied Sciences, 3+2 requires 120 credits to complete in 3 years, with a continuation to Columbia University for a master’s degree. A minimum gpa of 2.0 is required.

Credits for Major in Computer Science, Applied Sciences 3+2 Track

To qualify as a major, 65 credits are required. 33 credits are required in computer science and 8 credits in mathematics. 24 credits are needed to complete the specialization in the track.

General Education Credits Required for a BS in Computer Science, Applied Sciences 3+2 Track

To satisfy the general education requirements, 30 credits are required. However, some courses may fulfill both major and general education requirements. Be sure to discuss your courses with your advisor.

First Year



Course Credits
CSC 0145-171¹
Introduction to Computer Programming
BS Computer Science/General Education Requirement
4 credits
MTH 0144-141²
Calculus I
BS Computer Science Requirement
4 credits
FYS 0952-110
First Year Seminar
General Education Requirement
4 credits
CHE 0106-111
General Chemistry
Track Requirement
4 credits
CSC 0145-190
Computer Science Orientation SeminarBS Computer Science Requirement
1 credits
17 credits

¹Must Register for matching lecture and lab section.

²To register for this course, student must have earned a grade of C or higher in MTH 140 Precalculus, passed departmental exam or department approval.

Course Credits
CSC 0145-156
Discrete Structures
BS Computer Science/General Education Requirement
3 credits
MTH 0144-142
Calculus II
BS Computer Science/General Education Requirement
4 credits
CSC 0145-175¹
Intermediate Computer Programming
BS Computer Science Requirement
4 credits
ENG 0122-107
Art & Craft of Writing
General Education Requirement
3 credits
MTH 0144-225
Statistics & Data Analysis
BS Computer Science Requirement
3 credits
17 credits

¹Must Register for matching lecture and lab section.

Second Year



Course Credits
CSC 0145-270
Survey of Programminag Languages
BS Computer Science Requirement
3 credits
CSC 0145-263
Database Mangement System
BS Computer Science Requirement
3 credits
CSC 0145-273
Data Structures
BS Computer Science Requirement
3 credits
PHY 0156-113
Physics Science Majors I
Track/General Education Requirement
4 credits
CSC 0145-275
Operating System Practicum
Track Requirement
1 credits
CSC 0145-440
Software Engineering
BS Computer Science Requirement
3 credits
17 credits
Course Credits
PHY 0156-114
Physics Science Majors II
Track Requirement
4 credits
Information Literacy Elective
Select 1 course
General Education Requirement
4 credits
Humanities/Global Elective
Select 1 course: meets both requirements
General Education Requirements
3 credits
Arts Elective
2 of 2 courses
General Education Requirement
3 credits
Social Science/Comm Elective
Select 1 course: meets both requirements
General Education Requirements
3 credits
17 credirs
  • If you live on campus, run for the Executive Board of the Residential Student Association
  • Attend and Explore New York event! Check out MyAULife for events from the SCE, SAB, and more trips into the city
  • Participate in a CORE and Safe Zone Training.
  • Become involved with the student chapter of ACM, and run for a leadership position once you feel acclimated to the group.

Third Year



Course Credits
MTH 0144-243
Calculus III
Track Requirement
4 credits
PHY 0156-211
Math Methods in Physics I
Track Requirement
4 credits
CSC 0145-481
Computer Science Seminar I
BS Computer Science Requirement
1 credits
CSC 0145-370
Computer Architecture & Organization
Track Requirement
3 credits
Communication Elective
Select 1 course: Oral
General Education Requirement
3 credits
15 credits
Course Credits
MTH 0144-244
Introduction to Differential Equations
Track Requirement
3 credits
CSC 0145-482
Comp Sci Seminar II
BS Computer Science Requirement
3 credits
Humanities/Global Elective
Select 1 course: meets both req.
General Education Requirements
3 credits
Social Science Elective
Select 1 course
General Education Requirement
3 credits
Arts Elective
2 of 2 courses
General Education Requirement
3 credits
15 credits
  • If you have lived on campus, apply for the National Residence Hall Honorary
  • Join an honorary society in an area of interest. From transfer societies, service societies, and more, there is a place to recognize your great achievements!
  • You made it! Time to celebrate by attending Senior Week Events.
  • Sign up for the Leadership Certificate Program. Build your Linkedin profile and meet with the Center for Career and Professional Development to get ideas on conducting a job search.

Top Job Titles

  • Computer and Information Systems Manager
  • Computer Hardware Engineer, Computer Network Architects
  • Computer Programmers
  • Computer Systems Analyst
  • Database Administrators and Architects
  • Network and Computer Systems Administrators
  • Web Developers
  • Software Developers
  • Quality Assurance Analyst

Phone Number
More Info
Nexus Building First Floor
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