Communications BA, Media Studies Concentration Degree Map
The degree map is a term-by-term sample course schedule to make it easier for you to understand how to graduate in four years with a degree in Communications. The actual sequence of courses may differ for each student. Please consult with your advisor about the best path for you.
Credits to Graduate with a BA in Communications, Media Studies Concentration
A Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications with a concentration in Media Studies requires 120 credits. With 5 classes a semester, this puts you on track to graduate in 4 years. A minimum gpa of 2.0 is required.
Credits for Major in Communications, Media Studies Concentration
To qualify as a major, 42 credits are required. 12 credits are core requirements in communications and 9 credits are taken as electives. 21 credits are required in the concentration. Additionally, up to 12 credits may be taken in a foreign language.
PATH General Education Credits Required for a BA in Communications, Media Studies Concentration
To satisfy the PATH general education requirements, 30 credits are required. However, some courses may fulfill both major and PATH general education requirements. Be sure to discuss your courses with your advisor
First Year
Course | Credits |
COM 0108-102 Communication Theory BA Communications Requirement |
3 credits |
COM 0108-225 Basic Media Production BA Communications Requirement |
3 credits |
FYS 0952-110 First Year Seminar PATH General Education Requirement |
3 credits |
PATH Elective PATH Course Requirements and Learning Goals |
3 credits |
ENG 0122-107 Art & Craft of Writing PATH General Education Requirement |
3 credits |
Total for Semester | 15 credits |
Course | Credits |
COM 0108-103 History of Media and Communication BA Communications Requirement |
3 credits |
PATH Elective PATH Course Requirements and Learning Goals |
3 credits |
PATH Elective PATH Course Requirements and Learning Goals |
3 credits |
PATH Elective PATH Course Requirements and Learning Goals |
3-4 credits |
COM 0108-301 New Media Concentration Requirement |
3 credits |
Total for Semester | 15-16 credits |
- If you live on campus, join your Residential Hall Council
- Join PAWS Radio.
- Explore MyAULife! Discover all the student organizations that Adelphi has and find one you want to attend an event, or meeting for to meet their members.
- Welcome to Adelphi! Attend Welcome Weekend events to learn more about your new home and the vast opportunties available to you.
- Engage in campus events and programs. Log on to Handshake and start developing your profile.
Second Year
Course | Credits |
Foreign Language Course¹ Level I BA Communications/PATH General Education Requirement |
3 credits |
COM 0108 Elective Select 1 course Concentration Requirement |
3 credits |
COM 0108 Elective Select 1 course Concentration Requirement |
3 credits |
PATH Elective PATH Course Requirements and Learning Goals |
3 credits |
PATH Elective PATH Course Requirements and Learning Goals |
3-4 credits |
Total for Semester | 15-16 credits |
¹Students may elect to sit for department exam.
Course | Credits |
Foreign Language Course Level II BA Communications/PATH General Education Requirement |
3 credits |
COM 0108 Elective Select 1 course BA Communications Requirement |
3 credits |
COM 0108 Elective Select 1 course Concentrations Requirement |
3 credits |
PATH Elective PATH Course Requirements and Learning Goals |
3 credits |
PATH Elective PATH Course Requirements and Learning Goals |
3-4 credits |
Total for Semester | 15-16 credirs |
- If you live on campus, run for the Executive Board of the Residential Student Association.
- Attend the Communications Department Career Expo to hear from recent department alumni.
Start learning about study abroad opportunities - Join a Greek Life or Social Fellowship organization! Learn how you can find your home here.
- Apply to be an Resident Assistant!
- Discover Paws Radio and learn what it takes to run a radio station!
Third Year
Course | Credits |
Foreign Language Course Level III BA Communications/PATH General Education Requirement |
3 credits |
COM 0108 Elective Select 1 course Concentrations Requirement |
3 credits |
COM 0108 Elective Select 1 course BA Communications Requirement |
3 credits |
General Elective | 3 credits |
General Elective | 3 credits |
Total for Semester | 15 credits |
Course | Credits |
Language Course Level IV BA Communications Requirement |
3 credits |
COM 0108-493 Professional Internship BA Communications Requirement |
3 credits |
COM 0108 Elective Select 1 course Concentration Requirementt |
3 credits |
General Elective | 3 credits |
General Elective | 3 credits |
Total for Semester | 15 credits |
- If you live on campus, apply to be a Resident Assistant.
- Submit a project to the Adelphi Research and Creative Works Conference.
- Apply to Lambda Pi Eta (national communications honor society).
- Engage in study abroad or alternative spring break. Set up your LinkedIn profile. Apply for a summer internship with the Jaggar Community Fellows Program. Discover Alumnifire to connect with alumni.
- Volunteer in the Panther Pantry! Give back to the Adelphi community and address food insecurity needs, learn more here!
- Time to take a bigger role! Run for an executive board position in an organization you are apart of.
- Prepare your resume and have it reviewed by a counselor at the Center for Career and Professional Development. Discover Alumnifire to connect with alumni.
Fourth Year
Course | Credits |
COM 0108-303 Preproduction Worshop Concentration requirement |
1-6 credits |
COM 0108 Elective Select 1 course BA Communications Requirement |
3 credits |
General Elective | 3 credits |
General Elective | 3 credits |
General Elective | 3 credits |
Total for Semester | 15 credits |
Course | Credits |
COM 0108-470 Advanced Production Workshop Concentration Requirement |
3 credits |
COM 0108 Elective Select 1 course BA Communications Requirement |
3 credits |
General Elective | 3 credits |
General Elective | 3 credits |
General Elective | 3 credits |
Total for Semester | 15 credits |
- If you have lived on campus, apply for the National Residence Hall Honorary.
- Apply to be a Commuter Assistant! Be a mentor to the commuter population at Adelphi and mentor fellow commuters as they explore Adelphi.
- You made it! Time to celebrate by attending Senior Week Events.
- Sign up for the Leadership Certificate Program. Build your Linkedin profile and meet with the Center for Career and Professional Development to get ideas on conducting a job search.
Top Job Titles
- Communications Specialist
- Journalist
- Social Media Specialist
- Social Media Manager
- Communications Specialist
- Public Relations Specialist
- Community Relations Coordinator
- Editorial Assistant
- Technical Writer
- Editor
Nexus Building First Floor
Services are virtual during Spring Break (March 17-21).
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