Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner

Degree Granted
Degree Level
Garden City

Adelphi’s accredited hybrid (online and face-to-face) Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program prepares advanced practice nurses seeking a terminal degree in nursing practice and offers an alternative to research-focused doctoral programs.

Based on nationally recognized standards by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), the mission of Adelphi’s DNP program is to prepare healthcare professionals to be committed to excellence as leaders in their disciplines. Nurses who graduate from Adelphi’s DNP program are prepared with “big-picture” problem solving skills as well the ability to translate evidence based research into practice to improve patient care outcomes.

Upon Graduation, DNP Graduates are able to:

  1. Integrate nursing science with knowledge from ethics, the biophysical, psychosocial, analytical and organizational sciences.
  2. Demonstrate leadership in organizations and health care systems to promote safe, efficient care delivery to both individuals and populations.
  3. Assume a leadership role in the translation and application of research and clinical practice models to improve outcomes to meet healthcare needs of culturally diverse populations.
  4. Utilize technology and informatics to improve health care and to implement change in healthcare systems.
  5. Design, influence and implement health care policies that affect health care financing, practice regulation, access to care, safety, quality and efficacy of care.
  6. Collaborate with interdisciplinary professionals and teams to improve patient and population health outcomes.
  7. Use advanced nursing practice competencies to improve health outcomes for underserved populations.

Clinical and Residency Requirements

Advanced Practice DNP

Students who have a master’s in nursing and national board certification as an Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner.

Activity Clinical and Residency Hours
DNP Project I 100 hours
DNP Project II 200 hours
DNP Project III 200 hours
Total 500 hours

Post-Baccalaureate DNP

Activity Clinical and Residency Hours
NP direct patient care clinical 600 hours
DNP Project I, II, and III 500 hours
Total 1,100 hours


DNP-required orientation is offered one week prior to the beginning of the program. The orientation is an interactive half-day schedule designed to provide students with information about their DNP education journey. It is also an opportunity for students to engage with the faculty and DNP-student colleagues.

DNP Project

Adelphi University’s College of Nursing and Public Health hybrid Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program blends core doctoral courses with real-world residency practicum experiences where students develop and create an extensive DNP Project.

Adelphi University Doctor of Nursing Practice students disseminating their DNP project.

In the DNP Project courses students build on knowledge learned in core courses to create, implement, analyze and disseminate their scholarly work. The DNP Project Team consists of a doctorally prepared faculty member and a clinical mentor who may be from outside the university. Additional experts and partners can be formal or informal collaborators and may provide intermittent support throughout the project stages as needed.

Completion of the DNP Project provides an opportunity for the student to integrate their new skills into practice by utilizing evidence-based practice, quality improvement processes, and/or clinical program evaluation.

DNP Program Is Hybrid

The College of Nursing and Public Health’s Doctor of Nursing (DNP) program is hybrid. DNP courses are held on Thursday evenings—with some online and others on campus.

Program Info

Admission Requirements and Criteria

Please note, this program offers a spring semester start only.

  • Completed graduate application and $60 fee
  • Master’s degree
  • Focus as an Adult Gerontology Primary Care NP
  • National nurse practitioner board certification as an Adult-Gerontology Primary Care NP by either ANCC (AGPCNP-BC credential) or AANP (AGPCNP-C credential).
  • One year of clinical experience as a nurse practitioner (preferred)
  • GPA 3.0 and B grade or higher in all nursing and science courses
  • 3 letters of reference from doctorally prepared nursing faculty or colleague. At least two of these references should be from a supervisor or faculty member
  • Interview with faculty teaching in program
  • 500-word written essay addressing the applicant’s vision of his/her future role with a DNP degree
  • Completed graduate application and $60 fee
  • Baccalaureate degree in Nursing from an accredited program by either CCNE or CNEA
  • GPA 3.0 and B grade or higher in all nursing and science courses
  • 3 letters of reference from doctorally prepared nursing faculty or colleague. At least two of these references should be from a supervisor or faculty member
  • Interview with faculty teaching in program
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Minimum of 1-year working experience post-baccalaureate registered nurse
  • 500-word written essay addressing the applicant’s vision of his/her future role with a DNP degree

Awards & Recognition

Elizabeth Mcquaid
Admissions Coordinator Part-time
Phone Number
Nexus Building 338
Clinical Associate Professor
Phone Number
Nexus Building 354

Phone Number
More Info
Nexus Building First Floor
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