This policy discusses Adelphi University-owned, privately-owned and rental vehicles. Adelphi University (AU) vehicles may only be used for official AU business, with exceptions. The use of university vehicles for personal or other non-official business is strictly prohibited.

Reason for Policy

The University maintains a fleet of vehicles to support departmental missions and travel needs. This policy addresses the use of vehicles for institutional purposes.

Who Is Governed by this Policy

Students, Staff, Administration, Faculty, Contract Guards, Vendors, and Volunteers


While this policy provides the procedures to be followed by those governed in this policy, no matter what their capacity, personnel must further be sensitive to their responsibility to avoid even the slightest appearance of misuse of any University property, including vehicles. This policy is applicable regarding the use of University owned, privately-owned or leased vehicles and clarifies that vehicles be used for official AU business, with exceptions, and never the personal interests of the individual. Those governed by this policy are expected to ensure that they act responsibly and are held accountable for any violation of this policy. All departments are charged with addressing any violations promptly and effectively.


  • University-Owned Vehicles – A “university-owned vehicle” is any licensed vehicle owned, rented or leased for official university business or officially sanctioned student activity. The following exceptions apply:
    • The president and certain other AU employees are authorized to drive AU vehicles between campus and their homes and to keep the vehicle at their homes.
    • An AU vehicle may be taken to an employee’s home when it is to be used for official travel that begins or ends outside regular working hours and under other circumstances when the president or the president’s designee judges it to be in AU’s interest.
  • University Privately-Owned Vehicles – Any privately owned vehicle used for official university business.
  • Vehicles Not in Use – When not in use, AU vehicles are to be kept in assigned parking areas.
  • Multiple Usage – All vehicles are designated for use primarily by the owning department. If a department wants to use a vehicle assigned to another department, permission must be given by the owning department.
  • Driver Responsibilities – Drivers are responsible for making sure that a valid NYS insurance card and vehicle registration are in the vehicle prior to driving it.
  • Authorized Drivers – AU vehicles may be driven only by AU employees who have a valid driver’s license and who meet the AU driver qualifications.
    • Students, employed by AU, and other than AU employees, may be authorized to drive university vehicles, on-campus only, and only when authorized by the departments that employ them. The students must have a valid driver’s license, meet age requirements and meet the same AU driver qualifications listed below.
  • Passenger Restrictions – Only the following persons may ride in AU vehicles: AU employees, persons cooperating in AU projects or programs, and students participating in authorized travel.
    • In the event persons other than AU employees, persons cooperating in AU projects or programs and AU students participating in authorized trips are to be carried in a vehicle rented or leased for official business, approval, in writing, by the driver’s supervisor is required before the trip.


RCM’s Responsibility

The Responsible Center Manager (RCM) of the driver’s department is responsible for making sure that the policies and procedures governing vehicle use (including privately-owned vehicles for official business use) and driver qualifications and training are observed. The unit RCM must ensure that the driver is qualified under AU policy and the following criteria has been met:

  • A Driver’s Record Check (Abstract of Driving Record) is completed when the employee is first hired or before the employee’s initial use of a university vehicle.
  • The individual’s Abstract of Driving Record is kept in the Department of Public Safety and Transportation and is CONFIDENTIAL information. It is not to be disclosed to any other person or source, and is only used to determine that an individual meets the qualifications for driving university vehicles as described in this policy. Out-of-State license holders are responsible for providing a current copy of their driving record.
  • Based on the Driver’s License Record (Abstract) this policy may disqualify any designated driver who may have:
    • Accumulated on their New York State driver’s license, six (6) or more points within the past 18 months; or
    • Accumulated on their out-of-state driver’s license record, one-half the point total that would trigger suspension or revocation of their out-of-state driver’s license; or
    • A conviction for an alcohol or drug-related offense while driving; (First offense, no driving university vehicles for three (3) years from the date of conviction; second offense/conviction, driving university vehicles is prohibited).
  • Ensure each driver follows all Safety Requirements, see below.
  • A Vehicle Usage Policy Form is signed and submitted to the Department of Public Safety and Transportation along with a copy of the current driver’s license prior to usage of any vehicle used for university business.
  • In case of an accident involving an AU vehicle, ensure that reports are filed as required by law and described under Driver’s Responsibilities for Accidents Involving AU Vehicles.
  • A Vehicle Use Agreement has been signed and kept on file in the using department.

Driver’s Responsibilities for Accidents Involving AU Vehicles

The following actions are required in the event of an accident involving an AU vehicle and may be responsible for subsequent damages and/or disciplinary action.

Driver Responsibility for Reporting Accidents

The driver is responsible for reporting after an accident has occurred to his/her supervisor, public safety, obtaining a police report, as necessary, and filing an accident report to the Department of Public Safety & Transportation. It is also the driver’s responsibility to make reports to law enforcement agencies as required by law.

Driver Responsibility for Reporting Damage

The driver is responsible for reporting damage that occurs while a university-owned/leased vehicle is being used by the appropriate representative of the department to which the vehicle is permanently assigned.

Driver Qualifications

A driver must meet the following qualifications before he/she is permitted to drive a vehicle, owned, privately-owned or rented, on official university business or officially sanctioned student activity.

Requirements for Driving University-Owned Vehicles

  • Driver must have a driver’s license that is valid in the United States.
  • Driver must be at least 25 years old.
  • Driver of a 12-15 passenger van must be at least 25 years old and have read and signed the Safety Bulletin.
  • Driver must complete and sign and submit a Vehicle Usage Policy Form before operating any vehicle.
  • Driver must pass a Driver’s Record Check (Abstract) performed by the Department of Public Safety and Transportation.
  • Driver must report to the departmental supervisor any violations that disqualify him/her as a designated driver, see Passenger Restriction [under definitions].
  • Driver must successfully complete a Defensive Driving Course.

Requirements for Driving Rented/Loaned/Leased Vehicles

  • Driver must be at least 25 years old and meet all requirements for university-owned vehicles
  • Driver must meet any specific requirements of the rental agency or loaning organization.
    • Driver must purchase additional liability or collision insurance.

Requirements for Driving Privately Owned Vehicles

  • Drivers must meet all requirements under a University owned vehicle for the use of a privately-owned vehicle [under definitions].
  • Drivers looking for appropriate reimbursement from the University must complete a Travel Expense Report and obtain a signature from the department head/supervisor to operate privately-owned vehicles for university business.
  • Driver must maintain privately-owned vehicles in safe operating condition along with up-to-date registration and insurance.

University Employees Driving University-Owned, Privately-Owned and Rental Vehicles

University employees who drive a University-owned, Privately-Owned or Rental vehicle in the course of employment must meet the driver qualifications as defined under Passenger Restrictions [see definitions].

  • If an employee accumulates more driving points than allowed by this policy, such employee will receive a written warning from the Department of Public Safety and Transportation thru his/her supervisor and will be required to take another Defensive Driving Course before driving a university vehicle.
  • If an employee becomes disqualified due to a suspended or revoked license, or a conviction of an alcohol or drug-related offense while driving, such employee will be prohibited from driving any university vehicles. If this offense happens while driving a university vehicle, such employees will be subject to disciplinary action and will be subject to a review of whether they can perform the responsibilities of their job without such a license or vehicle access.

 Driver Training Requirements

Defensive Driving Course

  • All employees whose job description specifies that they drive university vehicles on a regular basis as part of their regularly assigned duties are required to take an approved Defensive Driving Course upon initial employment unless they already possess or obtain a valid Commercial Drivers License (CDL); courses are offered at National Safety Council sanctioned sites. Supervisors are responsible to ensure that affected employees attend an approved Defensive Driving Course as required.
  • Any university employee who drives a university-owned vehicle in the course of employment is required to complete a Defensive Driving Course following an accident in which it is determined that the employee was at fault.
  • Any university employee who drives a university-owned vehicle in the course of employment and who becomes disqualified to drive because of an accumulation of driver points that exceed the allowable amount under this policy will be required to complete a Defensive Driving Course before driving a university vehicle.
  • Other university employees who occasionally drive university vehicles are encouraged to take a Defensive Driving Course.

Van Driver Safety

  • A safety bulletin must be read and signed by any employee who plans to drive a 12 or 15 passenger van for official university business or officially sanctioned student activity.

Departmental Responsibility

Departments are responsible to ensure that their employees or approved AU drivers complete appropriate remedial training before driving a university-owned vehicle or vehicle rented, loaned or leased for official university business or officially sanctioned student activity. They are also responsible for all preventative maintenance for their vehicles to include annual state safety inspections.

Safety Requirements

Responsibilities and/or Driver Restrictions

  • Driving time per driver is limited to a maximum total of 8 hours per day. It is recommended that uninterrupted driving times do not exceed 2 hours, separated by a minimum 15-minute break.
  • Drivers will not use a cell phone while driving.
  • Smoking is not permitted in a university vehicle.
  • Open containers of alcohol are not permitted in a university vehicle nor will the driver drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol, except any prescription medications as long as they do not impair the driver’s ability or cause drowsiness.
  • Drivers and passengers must wear seat belts and/or shoulder belts at all times while driving or riding in all vehicles.
  • Drivers must adhere to all conditions listed in the Vehicle Use Agreement
  • State and local traffic laws and university regulations must be obeyed at all times. An AU employee or authorized operator who violates such laws or regulations may, under certain circumstances, be personally responsible for any consequent damages or fines and may be subject to disciplinary action.

Additional Information

Questions regarding this policy or the use of AU vehicles for university official business may be referred to the Department of Public Safety and Transportation.

Phone Number
Command Center
More Info
Levermore Hall, 113
Office Hours
Command Center


Related Information

Document History

  • Policy Origination Date: July 18, 2017 
  • Last Reviewed Date: July 23, 2024
  • Policy Approved by: Policy Owner and Policy Experts
  • Last Approval Date:  July 23, 2024

Who Approved This Policy

John Siderakis, Vice President of Administratio and Executive Leadership

Policy Owner

Policy Experts

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