This policy sets the policy regarding University ID Cards at Adelphi University.

Policy Statement

Adelphi University will issue Photo Identification Cards to employees, students, and others associated with the University to verify their identity and manage their access to University services and facilities.

Reason for Policy

To affirm the Official University Identification Card as the official identification for employees, students, and others associated with Adelphi University, as well as to provide clarity on how the Official University Identification Card is issued, replaced, used, and managed.

Who Is Governed by this Policy

Faculty, Staff, Alumni and Students


How to Obtain a Physical ID Card

You can go to the Office of Public Safety and Transportation or call us to receive your Physical ID Card. All individuals MUST bring a form of Identification (i.e. License, Passport, etc.) as proof of who they are.

Current students should bring a form of identification (i.e. License, Passport), in addition to, proof of payment, confirmation of classes, and/or other evidence that you are currently registered at the University. Alumni should provide a photo I.D. and student number (if known) for status confirmation.

A new employee must go to the Department of Public Safety and Transportation within one week of the date of hire and apply for an identification card after filling out the appropriate paperwork in the Office of Human Resources. The Adelphi University identification card is used for security and safety matters, admission to various University facilities and events, access to residence halls, access to certain buildings and rooms, receiving a discount on purchases in the bookstore, and to utilize library services and public computers.

Identification cards expire upon leaving the university or upon a student’s graduation.

For your convenience, employees and students are able to obtain an electronic version of the Adelphi identification card on one’s smartphone using the Adelphi University mobile app. However, the physical I.D. card distributed by Public Safety remains the only official identification for access control to buildings, parking facilities, venues and when requested by a University official.

The identification card must be shown to any University official upon request.


This policy does not have definitions associated with it at this time. Upon periodic policy review this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.


Online Photo ID Card Request

Email the below information to along with:

  • Adelphi ID Number
  • Last Name, First Name, Gender
  • Date of Birth
  • Commuter or Resident
  • Mobile Phone Number
  • Emergency Contact; Name, Relationship, Mobile Phone Number
  • Attach a form of identification such as a driver’s license, passport or school ID
  • Attach your photo. The image must be in JPEG file format as follows: Digital Image/Passport Photo
  • Diagram of 600px-by-600px photo ID

Your photo or digital image (which will be used on your ID card) must be:

  • In color
  • Sized such that the head is between 1 inch and 1 3/8 inches (22 mm and 35 mm) or 50% and 69% of the image’s total height from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head.
  • Taken within the last 6 months to reflect your current appearance
  • Taken in front of a plain white or off-white background
  • Taken in full-face view directly facing the camera
  • With a neutral facial expression and both eyes open
  • Taken in clothing that you normally wear on a daily basis
  • Do not wear a hat or head covering that obscures the hair or hairline, unless worn daily for a religious purpose. Your full face must be visible, and the head covering must not cast any shadows on your face.
  • Headphones, wireless hands-free devices, or similar items are not acceptable in your photo

Garden City Students
Commuters: Your ID card will be available for pick up from the Public Safety Office located in Levermore Hall Suite 113. Until then you can utilize your digital ID on the mobile app.

Residents: Your ID card will be available for pick up at your residence hall upon your scheduled move-in. You will need a physical ID card to access your Residence Hall.

Center Location Students
Your ID card will be mailed to the home address on file with the university. Until you receive it, you can utilize your digital ID on the mobile app.

Lost Stolen or Destroyed ID Card

If an identification card is lost, stolen, or destroyed, students and employees may obtain a replacement card by going to the Department of Public Safety and Transportation. There is a $15.00 replacement fee. The fee is waived when damaged identification cards are intact and not working or if all pieces of the broken card are in possession of the card holder.

ID Card upon Termination

Upon termination of employment, employees must hand in their identification card to the Office of Human Resources, where it will be forwarded to the Department of Public Safety and Transportation. If the employee is continuing as a student, the individual may obtain a student Identification card at the Department of Public Safety and Transportation.


Adelphi University Photo I.D. Card Form (completed in Public Safety Office)

Related Information

ID Cards Public Safety Information

Document History

  • Policy Origination Date: Not known
  • Last Reviewed Date: July 30, 2024
  • Policy reviewed By: Policy Owner and Policy Experts
  • Last Approval Date: July 30, 2024

Who Approved This Policy

John Siderakis, Vice President of Administration and Executive Leadership

Policy Owner

Policy Experts