Tuition credit vouchers are issued to cooperating partners in appreciation for their personnel supervising students in a clinical experience through the Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences.

Reason for Policy

This policy outlines the guidelines relating to tuition credit vouchers issued to cooperating partners, as defined specifically in the relevant agreement(s).

Who is Governed by This Policy

Students, Faculty, Staff, Cooperating Partners


Adelphi University offers tuition credit vouchers to cooperating partners that provide student teaching and field experience placements to Adelphi students. Vouchers serve as a means for the employees of cooperating partners to utilize tuition credit vouchers to enroll in credit-bearing course(s) for the purpose of professional development. Cooperating partnerships are governed by specific Memoranda of Understanding that govern district-specific terms concerning vouchers. Credit vouchers cannot be applied to course fees and/or laboratory fees, which will still be assessed. There are no exceptions.

Credit vouchers expire two years from the date of issuance and are limited to no more than six (6) credits per semester and twelve (12) credits per academic year. Credits can be applied toward graduate, undergraduate and continuing professional development courses  within any of the  Schools/Colleges at Adelphi University. Credit vouchers are for use only for per-credit tuition. Additional fees may apply.

Tuition vouchers may be excluded from use for specific courses, at the University’s sole discretion. For more information, please contact the College of Education & Health Sciences Office of Student Success at

This policy is included in the Field Experiences’ Handbook issued by the Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences to each cooperating partner.

Vouchers are not permitted to be bought or sold, and may be used only by the cooperating partners and/or their employees to whom they are issued, their spouses, their dependents, or colleagues within the cooperating partner district, with appropriate documentation. There are no exceptions (e.g., vouchers cannot be used for colleagues’ dependents). Additional specific terms as outlined in the agreement with the cooperating partner may apply.

The value of a Voucher is equal to the per credit charge pursuant to the University’s fee structure at the time the voucher is submitted for use as well as the program or course for which the voucher is being used.   Please consult the University’s website for current tuition rates or contact the One-Stop Student Services Center.


Cooperating Partners: A cooperating partner is any constituent (school district, school, agency, health care facility, etc.) involved in an official partnership with Adelphi University which supports students’ field experiences placements.

Cooperating Districts: A cooperating district is any partnering school/school district which hosts student teachers or fieldwork observers to meet the clinical experience requirement in a teacher education program.

Cooperating Teacher: A cooperating teacher, also known as a mentor teacher, hosts student teachers and/or fieldwork observers within their own classroom.

Facility: Any facility (including but not limited to a hospital, child care center, Literacy center, Speech and Hearing center, etc.) which welcomes and hosts student teachers/fieldwork observers in order to fulfill clinical hours.

Student teacher/fieldwork observer: An Adelphi University student enrolled in a student teaching experience, practicum, and/or course requiring fieldwork hours towards New York State teacher certification.

Voucher(s): A voucher is a waiver of tuition costs provided by the University. Restrictions apply.


  1. The Ruth S. Ammon School of Education & Health Sciences Office of Student Success (the “Office of Student Success”) will email all cooperating teachers a “Voucher Request Form” via Google Form to request a voucher at the completion of the semester. Upon receipt of the request, the Office of Student Success will electronically generate the vouchers for distribution within 3 weeks after the end of each semester.
  2. Voucher recipients will receive an email with an individualized voucher number via the email.
  3. Voucher recipients should submit vouchers to the Office of Student Success along with district proof of employment (i.e., ID card) within the school district/agency that it was issued to by emailing If you are gifting this voucher to a dependent, spouse, or colleague within your district, please include this in your correspondence. A holder presenting a gifted voucher must provide valid proof of employment and/or a valid ID or pay stub. Vouchers gifted to a dependent or spouse must provide proof of dependency/relationship (i.e. a birth certificate, marriage certificate).
  4. Once processed, One-Stop will coordinate the voucher award into any relevant financial aid package and send a revised award letter to the students who have filed a FAFSA.  All students will be able to view the updates on CLASS under MYBILLING. A spreadsheet with the voucher # information, cooperating teachers name, student teacher name, # of credits, and school district. This is manually sent to One-Stop.


A Google Request Form will be sent to all cooperating teachers via email. All authorized vouchers are pre-numbered and are computer generated by the issuing Academic Unit.

Related Information

This policy does not have related information at this time. Upon periodic policy review this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.

Document History

  • Policy Origination Date: Unknown
  • Last Reviewed: February 5, 2025
  • Last Revised date: February 5, 2025
  • Policy Reviewed by: Policy Owner and Policy Expert – Substantive Changes

Who Approved This Policy

Executive Leadership

Policy Expert