Policy Statement

This document sets forth policies to govern domestic and international travel on authorized Adelphi University business. This document also includes policies governing the payment of or reimbursement for business-related travel expenses incurred by travelers. Academic or Administrative Units may impose further restrictions based on budgetary or operational needs. This policy does not cover relocation.

All travelers are governed by, and expected to comply with, the University Code of Conduct while traveling on university business.

Reason for Policy

This policy, along with the University guidelines and procedures, is intended to:

  1. Provide a clear and comprehensive description of the policies and procedures for travel and payment or reimbursement of travel expenses.
  2. Provide for safe travel for those traveling on University business.
  3. Reduce administrative burden.
  4. Ensure that the University and its travelers receive the best value for their travel dollars.

Who is Governed by This Policy

Anyone who travels on University business is governed by this policy.


General Guidelines

University funds shall not be used for personal travel or for travel by members of their party who are not traveling on University business. Further, travelers will not be compensated for personal travel costs incurred in conjunction with business travel.  This policy applies to all travel for University business, regardless of the funding source.  

All travel expenses must meet federal regulations, including IRS rules on “accountable plans.” Under these rules, travelers will be reimbursed tax-free for certain travel expenses provided the following three conditions are satisfied:

  • Payments or reimbursements must be legitimate expenses as defined by this policy and be paid or incurred by the traveler in connection with his or her services to the University;
  • Travelers must substantiate through documentation the date, place, amount, names of attendees (University and non-University individuals), and explicit business purpose of each expense within 30 days of the trip end date to avoid all or part of the reimbursement being treated as taxable wages; and
  • Advanced amounts (in rare instances) in excess of these expenses must be returned within 30 days after the trip end date.

Please note: IRS regulations allow 60 days to account for expenses before they become taxable; however University policy requires all expenses to be accounted for within 30 days of the conclusion of the trip.

Travelers are strongly encouraged to book travel at least 21 days in advance to yield the best overall value for the University.

In the event that travel must be changed or cancelled for business conflicts or illness, the University will pay all fees that can’t be refunded. In the event that there is a resulting credit, this credit must be applied to the current or subsequent business trip. Per IRS guidelines, under no circumstances can unused tickets be used for personal travel. Change fees and cancellation fees incurred other than those for a University related business conflict and/or illness will be at the expense of the traveler. If, for any reason, the employee cannot attend the conference, or fulfill the reservation for the hotel, the employee must cancel the reservation directly on the Portal and notify the Procurement Department immediately of this change.

Booking Domestic Travel

The University’s approved travel management partner is Corporate Travel Management (CTM).

It is preferred that the traveler purchase tickets through CTM.
Adelphi’s travel portal accessible through eCampus. If the traveller elects to purchase domestic tickets outside of the University’s Travel Agency, reimbursement will only be made by the Finance Office once the trip is completed.

When requesting reimbursement, the traveler must submit the following backup documentation:

  • A printout from the CTM Portal (accessible through
    eCampus) indicating the flight(s) that could have been taken using this service. This comparison cannot be obtained after the dates of travel as CTM does not retain historical pricing in its search tool. It can only be obtained at the time of booking.
  • A printout of his/her flight confirmation (booked outside of CTM portal.

Note: If the traveler elects to book a flight outside of CTM at a higher price, the traveler would only be reimbursed up to the amount of the lower, alternate CTM flight option.

No approval is required by the Purchasing Department.

Booking International Travel

All International business travel must be booked through the CTM Portal and will be billed directly to the University.  Separate reimbursement requests will not be considered. The CTM Portal is accessible through eCampus.

The Procurement Department maintains travel related discounts with preferred vendors within the CTM Portal. Use of the CTM Portal for booking travel will ensure you are receiving the best pricing. and fulfills the University’s Duty of Care requirement.


All travel must be approved by the appropriate Budget Approver for the fund being charged, before the trip will be confirmed. Travel requested without sufficient budget may be declined.

Travel reimbursements must be signed by the employee’s immediate supervisor prior to submission to Accounts Payable.

Travelers cannot approve their own travel and/or expenses.

All exceptions to this policy must be approved in writing by the appropriate EL member.

Traveler Responsibilities

For University-funded travel, travelers are required to seek pre-approval from the appropriate department head/Chair/Dean as applicable. This allows the traveler and approver to agree on expected costs before travel is booked and facilitates approval and repayment of expense reimbursement post-travel.

Employees must provide their supervisor with emergency contact information to be used in case of emergencies while the employee is traveling on University business.

Individual travelers are responsible for submitting completed, accurate reimbursement forms within 30 days of trip completion. Failure to do so may prevent travelers from being reimbursed. Travel expense reports submitted more than 60 days after trip completion will result in all or part of the reimbursement being treated as taxable wages and reported as additional wages on the traveler’s W2 form. 

Before traveling internationally, travelers with U.S. Citizenship are strongly encouraged to register with STEP (Smart Traveler Enrollment Program) so that the local U.S. Embassy can contact the traveler in an emergency.

Expense Approver Responsibilities

Expense approvers should confirm that expense reimbursement requests are accompanied by required receipts, that receipt totals match requested amounts, that all amounts are listed with the proper general ledger (GL) chart string, adequate budget balance in the listed chart string, and that dates, locations, traveler signatures, and required approvals and documentation are provided.

For SPONSORED travel, travelers must follow the requirements from the sponsoring agency for the appropriate approvals, which typically require approval of the project director / principal investigator. The Finance Office is responsible for ensuring the expenses for reimbursement meet SPONSORED project requirements

Finance Office Reimbursement Responsibilities

The Finance Office will perform an independent review of expense reimbursement requests and University Credit Card reconciliations to ensure that receipt totals match requested amounts, that all amounts are listed with a general ledger (GL) chart string matched to the appropriate unit, that approvals are present in the form of signatures from the appropriate authorities, that the business purpose is clearly stated, that dates and locations are provided, and that the documentation provided is compliant with relevant University policies.

Reimbursement requests that are not sufficiently documented, or that include inappropriate/unallowable expenses as defined by this policy will be returned to the individual requesting reimbursement and will not be reimbursed until satisfactory documentation is provided.

Actual Expense Reimbursement and Supporting Documentation

Detailed receipts are required for all transactions, except for tips and other incidentals that are typically not receipted. This includes lodging, transportation expenses, and non personal meal charges, in accordance with Internal Revenue Service guidelines. Meal charges for persons other than travelers on University business are reimbursable only when names, positions, University affiliation, and business purpose are indicated and a detailed receipt must be provided. Requests without this information will not be reimbursed.

Where University travel relates to attendance at a conference, a copy of the conference brochure must be attached to the expense report, indicating the dates of the conference, conference agenda and the cost of attendance. Similarly, when the University sponsors an open house, a recruiting session or similar event, entertainment expenditures must be supported by an adequate business purpose including a copy of invitations, if any, and a list of attendees.

Detailed receipts, including itemized charges, are to be submitted in addition to the summary charge which typically appears on a credit card receipt.

In the event the traveler cannot obtain a receipt, a detailed explanation of why a receipt is not available must be provided, including the date, place, amount, and explicit business purpose of each expense. This explanation must be signed and
approved by the traveler’s expense approver before charges will be reimbursed. Lost receipts may be reimbursed up to $75. Final discretion in reimbursing such expenditures lies with the Finance Office. Any travelers expecting to travel to areas where receipts may be difficult to obtain are encouraged to discuss the matter with their expense approver prior to booking travel.

Travel Advances

In extreme circumstances,  travelers who cannot use their own personal credit card may request a travel advance for estimated out-of-pocket expenses. However, a travel advance will not be issued to travelers who have an overdue or delinquent advance or a University Credit Card violation.

The individual requesting the advance must complete a Check Advance Requisition stating the amount, the purpose of the advance, and the dates needed for which the advance is being requested.

The requisition must be signed by both the individual who will use the advance and the employee’s immediate supervisor. Additionally, requests for athletic travel advances must be accompanied by an Athletic Travel Advance Request form.

Employees who receive an advance will be required to sign a Travel/Cash Advance Release form; the signature of an Administrative Assistant or other “authorized representative” will not be accepted.

Once received, the individual assumes total responsibility for the security and subsequent accounting of the advance.  The individual who receives the advance bears the responsibility of reimbursing the University for an advance which is lost or stolen, even if the theft occurs on University property

A final accounting for the advance must be submitted on a Travel Expense Report to the Finance Office within 30 days upon completion of University business. If an employee fails to properly account for an advance within the 30-day requirement, the full amount of the advance will be deducted from the employee’s paycheck.

All expenditures must be supported by receipts. Only original receipts will be accepted. Therefore, expenditures denied for lack of documentation or considered to be improper as to purpose must be repaid to the University in cash.

Any unused portion of the advance must be returned to the University by depositing the unused funds at the Cashier’s office and attaching the payment receipt to the accounting for the advance.

Please consult with the Finance Office if you have any questions regarding proper accountability.

Personal cash advances, loans to employees, and pay advances are not available.

Transportation and Lodging

The Procurement Department has identified preferred vendors and negotiated rates.  Travelers are encouraged to use these vendors through the CTM Portal, accessible through eCampus

When booking airfare, hotel, rental cars, bus, or rail travel, the traveler must provide the Procurement Department with the Travel Approval form and Purchase Order Requisition form. By using the CTM Portal, these expenses will be charged directly to the University credit card.  Employees will not be required to pay out-of-pocket for these expenses and seek reimbursement upon the completion of business travel.

Air Travel

Air travel should be booked using the CTM online booking tool. Only coach airline travel is permitted. Detailed booking procedures can be found in the Purchasing section of the FARG. If the traveler elects to purchase tickets outside of CTM, they must secure, print and save a quote for the comparable flights through CTM on the day of booking. This printout must accompany their claim for reimbursement after the trip is completed. If the traveler elects to book a flight outside CTM Solutions at a higher price, the traveler would only be reimbursed up to the amount of the lower, alternate CTM flight option.

It is strongly encouraged that tickets be purchased at least 21 days in advance to reduce costs.

Only economy airline travel is permitted. Any upgrades will not be reimbursed.

Employees will not be reimbursed for airline tickets submitted to the iBuy Expenses System. For specific information on procedures to follow, see the Purchasing section of the FARG. 

When booking travel on the CTM Portal travelers may utilize frequent traveler programs to earn points on their purchases. However, employees are still expected to purchase the lowest fare ticket available that meets their travel needs, regardless of reward program usage.  Flight charges will not be reimbursed if booked using travel reward points (meaning there was no out of pocket cost to the employee). Membership fees for frequent traveler programs are also not reimbursable.

Ground transportation to and from the airport is reimbursable. This includes mileage for personal vehicles, public transportation, taxi transportation, and standard car services (Uber/Lyft). Limousines and luxury car services will not be reimbursed. Travelers are expected to use the lowest cost option.

The first piece of checked baggage will be reimbursable. However, additional bags or special baggage fees will not be reimbursed unless these bags only contain items required for University business (e.g., field equipment, athletics equipment, conference equipment or documents, or personal effects for extended field travel).

Personal Vehicle Use

Personal vehicles may be used when traveling for University business, and their use is encouraged to save time or reduce costs when there are multiple travelers to the same destination. Normal commuting costs of traveling to and from work will not be reimbursed.

Trips in personal vehicles of over 300 miles one way must be approved by the Finance Office in advance of travel. Travelers are encouraged to consider air, rail, or car rental alternatives if they are less expensive options before using their personal vehicles for long distance travel.

The University does not cover any automobile insurance for a traveler who drives his/her personal vehicle on University business. The traveler is responsible for his/her own automobile insurance.

Business trips will be reimbursed up to the current IRS authorized mileage rate (irs.gov) for miles incurred rounded down to the nearest penny; travelers must take a direct route to their final destination.  Mileage-based reimbursement covers all costs related to the operation of the vehicle, including service, maintenance, insurance, depreciation, and fuel. These expenses will not be reimbursed separately. Mileage reimbursement may only be submitted by the vehicle owner or driver.

Parking fees and highway tolls will be reimbursed. Proof of tolls (ie. eZPass statement) are required to support reimbursement requests. Tickets, fines, and/or lock-out fees will not be reimbursed.

Car Rentals

The Procurement Department has negotiated car rental discounts with preferred vendors within the CTM Portal, accessible through eCampus. Rental of any vehicle requires advance approval from the University travel manager. Only employees are eligible for vehicle rentals. Non-employees will not be considered. 

Rental vehicles may only be used when the overall cost of the rental is less than the cost of other reasonably convenient means of transportation, such as taxi, hotel or airport shuttle, or car service (Uber/Lyft), or when there is no other means of transportation.

Individual travelers may rent economy/compact vehicles or smaller if traveling individually or full-sized vehicles if there are at least three travelers traveling together. Travelers are encouraged to share cars when traveling in groups. 

Only authorized drivers are permitted to rent a car. To become an authorized driver, you must take a driver safety class and submit your information to the Transportation Manager in Public Safety.  

Vehicle rental agencies may have minimum age requirements. 

“Collision damage waivers,” also referred to as “loss damage waivers,” are included in our negotiated rates with Enterprise only. Do not pay for these additional services when renting through Enterprise. 

Global Positioning System (GPS) and Satellite radio upgrades are not approved expenses.

Travelers are encouraged to decline pre-fill options and to instead refuel at a gas station prior to returning the vehicle at the end of the rental period. Fuel charges will be reimbursed with appropriate receipts.

International car rentals are strongly discouraged.  If pre-approval is granted, the employee is responsible to book and pay out-of-pocket for these rentals, and seek reimbursement upon return from travel.  Appropriate receipts will be required for reimbursement.

Parking fees and highway tolls are reimbursable expenses. 

Tickets, fines and/or lock-out fees are not reimbursable, and any costs charged directly to the University will be passed on to the employee.

Bus and Rail Travel

The use of bus or rail is encouraged when it provides a cost-effective and safe travel alternative. For Amtrak book through the CTM Portal, accessible through eCampus.

Tickets that meet the traveler’s needs should be purchased in advance to limit costs. Tickets should be booked at the lowest available fare. Please note Acela is not an approved expense.  Any upgrades will not be reimbursed.

For Group Bus or Long Island Railroad Transportation (LIRR) please contact the University Travel Manager at 516-877-3243 or travel@adelphi.edu.

Ground transportation to and from the bus or rail station is reimbursable. This includes mileage for personal vehicles, public transportation, taxi transportation, and standard car services (Uber/Lyft). Limousines and luxury car services will not be reimbursed. Travelers are expected to use the lowest cost option.

In the event that travel plans must be changed or cancelled for business conflicts or illness, the University will pay related fees for bus and rail travel. In the event that there is a resulting credit, this credit must be applied to the current or next business trip. Per IRS guidelines, under no circumstances can unused tickets be used for personal travel. Change fees and cancellation fees incurred other than those for a University-related business conflict and/or illness will be at the expense of the traveler.

Other Ground Transportation

All transportation reimbursements are limited to mileage for personal vehicles, public transportation, taxi transportation, and standard car services (Uber/Lyft). Limousines and luxury car services will not be reimbursed. Travelers are expected to use the lowest cost option.

Generally, employees will not be reimbursed for car rentals while attending a conference. 


Lodging may only be reimbursed at the single-occupancy rate for current employees or current students approved for travel/conference travel. Reservations are for standard rooms at mid-priced hotels, for overnight travel only. If traveler elects to book and pay for the hotel on their own, a final hotel folio/bill must accompany the claim for reimbursement after travel has taken place. No taxes will be reimbursed for hotels in New York and Florida.

Hotel arrangements should be made by the traveler. Travelers should choose convenient, safe, and reasonably priced accommodations. All students traveling on behalf of the University are required to have their own bed. The Procurement Department has preferred vendors with negotiated rates, and travelers are encouraged to use these vendors through the CTM Portal, accessible through eCampus.

The University is exempt from paying sales tax in New York State and Florida. Consequently, no reimbursements will be made for sales tax incurred on hotel bills in these states if the traveler elects to pay for their stay without providing the Travel Approval form and Purchase Order Requisition form to the Procurement Department. 

No lodging expense is authorized for trips under 50 miles from a traveler’s residence unless a special exception due to compelling need or business reason is granted by the Finance Office prior to booking. See the section on “Conferences and Professional Events” for additional information about lodging connected to attendance at a conference.   

An itemized folio, reflecting a paid/zero balance, is required to substantiate all lodging expenses. Additionally, University policy precludes reimbursement for movie, laundry, room upgrades and suites, and any other personal expenses incurred during a hotel stay.

Lodging gratuities (i.e. tips for maids, porters, valets, and concierge) may not exceed an average of $10 per day over the duration of the trip.

Business Meals

Travelers will be reimbursed for reasonable meal expenses incurred while traveling away from home or entertaining on University business. 

Employees will be reimbursed a maximum of $75 per day for meals incurred while away overnight on University business. This includes meal/beverage cost, tax, tip and gratuity. For non-overnight travel, employees will be reimbursed up to a maximum of $25 per meal (lunch and dinner only) while on non-overnight travel for University business. Original receipts are required for all non meal reimbursements.

See the section on “Conferences and Professional Events” for additional information about meal reimbursement amounts connected to attendance at a conference.   

Tips should not exceed 20% of the pre-tax bill. 

Entertainment expense is reimbursable only when the expense was incurred to entertain an outside party for authorized University business. A list of attendees including their full name and affiliation should be included. A description of the business purpose must be included for each meeting.

Meals and Events for University employees

Employees will not be reimbursed for expenditures made for the purpose of entertaining other University employees.

Meals and events that are celebrations for University employees (i.e. departmental holiday parties, retirement celebrations, birthday celebrations, etc.) are not considered for reimbursement.


The purchase and use of alcohol places significant legal exposure on the University. Therefore, the use of alcohol for business meals and entertainment purposes should be kept to a minimum. 

The University will reimburse reasonable costs of alcoholic beverages consumed during a business dinner. Reasonable costs of alcohol are defined as two alcoholic beverages per person, and will be counted toward the daily meal reimbursement limit of $75. Dinner hours are between 4pm – 11pm. See the table below for information on how each type of drink counts towards a per person total.

Type Unit Number of Drinks
Beer Glass, bottle, can 1
Beer Pitcher 4
Wine Glass 1
Wine Bottle 5
Spirits/Mixed drinks Shot 1

Alcohol may never be charged to federally SPONSORED projects. Any meals being charged to a federal grant must have all alcohol clearly itemized on the expense report and must be charged to a non-federal funding source.

Miscellaneous and General Expenses

Telecommunications Expenses

Business-related long distance phone and fax expenses will be reimbursed according to IRS rules only if the business purpose is documented with the receipt.

Cell phone calls or data charges on personal cell phones, in excess of normal monthly plan costs, that are incurred for University business will be reimbursed according to IRS rules only if the business purpose is documented with the receipt. Travelers are discouraged from using cell phones internationally due to high costs.

Internet access charges while traveling on University business will be reimbursed, if required for University business.

Conferences and Professional Events

Conference registration or professional organization event fees, associated room rental fees, and conference related copy fees are covered expenses.

Any payment for attendance at seminars and conferences, including those required to be paid in advance by credit card, must be made directly by the University on a Purchase Order Requisition submitted to the Procurement Department. 

In rare instances where direct payment is made by employees, reimbursement requests can be made after the event and must be accompanied by a copy of the registration application identifying the nature and cost of the session, and the employee’s original canceled check or other supporting evidence of payment.  Reimbursement to the employee is made only after the seminar or conference has taken place, and the employee provides proof of attendance along with their request for reimbursement.

When attending a conference, travelers are permitted to stay in a hotel specifically designated for the conference by the conference sponsor.  However, it is recommended that you verify pricing through the CTM portal as our negotiated rates may be lower than the conference rates. The CTM Portal is accessible through eCampus. When lodging is for the purpose of attending a conference, the duration of the stay at a hotel may be for up to one day prior to and one day after the conference dates.

Meals included in conference fees will not be reimbursed beyond the conference registration fee. When meals are provided while attending a conference, the daily meal reimbursement limit of $75 will be reduced as follows:

  • Breakfast – $20
  • Lunch – $20
  • Dinner – $35

Fees Related to International Travel

When required for business travel, the following are considered reimbursable expenses:

  • Travel visa costs.
  • Required vaccinations/immunizations and cost of COVID testing required for return to the United States.
  • Currency exchange conversion fees, when traveling on international business. 
  • Guide, interpreter, or driver costs incurred outside the United States for the purpose of conducting field research. Travelers are strongly encouraged to agree on acceptable prices with their expense approvers in advance to facilitate rapid reimbursement. Every effort should be made to obtain receipts to support reimbursement of these expenses, especially as required for grant-funded travel.

When traveling on a grant, the above costs should be included in, and charged against, the grant budget.

Faculty Travel Guidelines

Faculty travel covered by these guidelines includes participation in professional meetings designed to enhance the professional expertise of the faculty. Faculty should consult the Collective Bargaining Agreement for more information about funding levels, timing of requesting support, and the types of conference activity.

Faculty members or staff, are not eligible for travel expense reimbursement while on unpaid leave of absence from the University, unless the faculty member or employee is requested to represent the University at a professional meeting, event, or other activity.

A sabbatical is considered a paid leave; therefore, faculty on sabbatical typically will be eligible to receive reimbursement for pre-approved, University-related travel expenses.

Additional Requirements for SPONSORED Travel

SPONSORED funding rules vary with the terms of the grant. Overall federal grant regulations are detailed in the Office of Management and Budget’s Uniform Grant Guidance (Omni Circular). This section provides guidance on key aspects of these requirements. Sponsoring agencies for a particular grant may have other requirements. If you are unsure of specific travel requirements, contact the Office of Sponsored Projects or the Finance Office before arranging travel. Here are some of the rules that are most frequently asked about:

  • Federal regulations prohibit using business or first-class fares on federally sponsored research projects unless it is specifically approved by the funding sponsor and is documented by the Office of Sponsored Projects or the Finance Office. Unapproved reimbursement requests will be denied.
  • Federal regulations typically require individuals traveling outside the United States on federal funds to use U.S. flagged carrier airlines as part of the “Fly America Act.” If you are booking international travel on federal funds, you must ensure that all flights, where possible, are scheduled on U.S. flagged carriers, a U.S. carrier code share flight, or an “Open Skies” partner. For a list of Open Skies carriers, please visit the State Department website, Open Skies.
  • Alcohol may never be charged to federally sponsored projects. Any meals being charged to a federal grant must have all alcohol clearly itemized on the expense report and must be charged to a non-federal funding source.

Student Travel

This policy is intended to cover students traveling on official University business, such as employment, research, or University sponsored sports events. Students traveling on University business are also expected to comply with the University Code of Conduct

  • Athletes Student athletes traveling to participate in official University events will be expected to abide by all University policy guidelines and NCAA regulations.
  • Student International Travel All enrolled student travel fully funded by the University will be expected to abide by the guidelines set forth in this policy.
  • Student Travel in Traveler Vehicles For safety reasons, student participants choosing to ride in a traveler’s personal vehicle do so voluntarily and at their own risk. 
  • Student Travel still requires the Travel Expense Report to be filled out.

Non-Employee Travel

  • Presenters/Performers/Artists/Consultants – Individuals contracted – paid or unpaid – to perform services for the University who have travel requirements that are to be paid or reimbursed by the University are governed by this policy unless superseded by the written contractual terms of their service.
  • Prospective Employees – Travel for prospective employees will be reimbursed if it conforms to this policy. This must be approved in advance by Human Resources and the budget/expense approver responsible for interviewing candidates.

Travel Emergency Guidelines

In the event of an international travel emergency, travelers are asked to contact Chubb Assistance Toll Free:

  • In the U.S. or Canada: 1.855.327.1414 (toll-free)
  • From other international locations, call collect: 1.630.694.9764 or email: MedAssist-USA@AXA-Assistance.us
  • Chubb Assistance is a vendor that provides emergency medical and travel services, as well as repatriation services, if necessary. Contact the University’s Travel Manager at 516-877-3243 or travel@adelphi.edu to request more information.

In the event of a domestic travel emergency, such as a car accident or medical emergency, contact local authorities as necessary using 911. If you require immediate assistance from the University Travel Manager, call  516-877-3243. In all cases, report the incident to the University Travel Manager as soon as is practicable via phone or email (travel@adelphi.edu).

For medical referrals, evacuation, repatriation or other services please call:

Chubb Travel Assistance Program

1-855-327-1414 (Inside the USA)
1-630-694-9764 (Outside the USA Call Collect)

Travel Assistance Portal: TravelAssistance.Chubb.com for access to global threat assessments and location-based intelligence and other resources.

Register to access the site using the Policyholder and Policy Number below:

  • Policyholder: Adelphi University
  • Policy Number: 9906-65-06

Unallowable Expenses

The following list provides additional guidance on common expenses that are considered personal and will not be reimbursed.

If inappropriate or unallowable expenses as defined by this policy are charged to a University Credit Card, the traveler will be required to reimburse the University for these charges prior to the reconciliation being processed and may have his or her credit card privilege revoked.

  • Annual fees for personal credit card
  • Barbers/hairdressers
  • Car washes and detailing
  • Clothing, luggage, and toiletries
  • Delinquency and/or late fees for personal credit cards
  • Hotel or car “no-show” charges without a valid business purpose
  • In-room entertainment (e.g., movies, games, etc.)
  • Separate lodging for family and friends traveling with the traveler
  • Membership (including airport clubs) and reward fees
  • Meals for social occasions or local meals with University travelers that lack a valid business purpose
  • Meals covered by the conference fee
  • Meals for family and friends traveling with the traveler
  • Mini-bar refreshments
  • Non-business postage
  • Normal commuting expenses
  • Optional baggage insurance
  • Parking tickets, speeding tickets, traffic tickets, or court costs
  • Personal effects and/or personal accident coverage on rental vehicles
  • Personal entertainment (e.g., sporting events without a business purpose)
  • Personal mobile phones and data devices
  • Personal medical or medication expenses (prescription or over-the-counter)
  • Personal vehicle insurance
  • Personal vehicle repairs
  • Personal property insurance
  • Pet care or kennel costs
  • House-sitting fees
  • Reading materials for use during travel
  • Sauna/massages or other health club fees
  • Shoeshine
  • Souvenirs and personal gifts
  • Travel-sized toiletries for personal use
  • Trip insurance
  • Vacation and personal expenses when on business trips

Additional Questions

If travelers have questions about an expense not mentioned in this policy, they are advised to contact the Finance Office at 516-877-3017/ mpaladino@adelphi.edu or expensereimb@adelphi.edu.

If travelers have questions about booking travel, they are advised to contact the University Travel Manager at 516-877-3243 or travel@adelphi.edu.

“SPONSORED” travel is defined as travel where expenses are paid by University funds resulting from grants awarded to the University. Specific stipulations set forth by the sponsoring entity supersede this policy when the two conflict. Travelers should refer to the “Additional Requirements for Sponsored Travel” section, and consult with the Office of Sponsored Projects and the Finance Office for further guidance.


This policy does not have procedures associated with it at this time. Upon periodic policy review, this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.


Travel Approval Form: Travel-Approval-Form.pdf (adelphi.edu)

Purchase Order Requisition: Purchase-Order-Requisition.pdf (adelphi.edu)

Check ADVANCE Requisition: Check-Advance-Requisition.pdf (adelphi.edu)

Athletic Travel Advance Request Form: Athletic-Travel- Advance-Request.pdf (adelphi.edu)

Travel/Cash Advance Release Form: Travel-or-Cash-Advance-Release-Form.pdf (adelphi.edu)

Travel Expense Report: Travel-Expense-Report.pdf (adelphi.edu) (For Student travel only)

Related Information

This policy does not have related information at this time. Upon periodic policy review, this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.

Document History

  • Last Reviewed Date: February 27, 2024
  • Last Revised Date: February 27, 2024
  • Policy Origination Date: January 1, 2018

Who Approved This Policy

Executive Leadership

Policy Owner

Policy Experts

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