Stewardship Procedure and Process
The policies and procedures set forth in this document are intended to assist and guide the activities of University personnel who are involved in the planning, promotion, solicitation, application, receipt, acceptance, and disposition of gifts to Adelphi University.
Policy Statement
The policies and procedures set forth in this document are intended to assist and guide the activities of University personnel who are involved in the planning, promotion, solicitation, application, receipt, acceptance, and disposition of gifts to Adelphi University.
Reason for Policy
The Office of the Vice President of University Advancement ensures a comprehensive and quality stewardship program, which cultivates, engages and recognizes all donors and prospective donors on a university-wide basis to further the efforts of private financial support. The mission of the Office is to sustain and nurture the University’s lifelong relationship with its donors while providing accurate and timely information pertaining to the investment, use and impact of their gifts.
Who Is Governed by this Policy
Procedure on Receipts
The donors of all gifts to the University will receive a formal printed receipt for their contribution, even if the gift is less than the $250 minimum required by the Internal Revenue Service. The gift processor, in the process of recording pledges and payments, will automatically generate a printed receipt.
Receipts will normally reflect the dollar value of the gift. They will also indicate the name of the fund to which the gift was applied. With gifts of securities, the name of the company, number of shares, and valuation date will be added. Receipts will also be issued for in-kind gifts, but in accordance with IRS rules, it will not contain any valuation; a description of the item will be provided instead.
Receipts are to be generated the same day the gift transaction is recorded. The receipts will then be verified for accuracy and any special handling, with the final receipts sent by first class mail generally within the next two business days. These receipts are signed by the Vice President of University Advancement.
Other Acknowledgments
The Office of the Vice President of University Advancement shall develop a standard protocol for determining how Thank You letters shall be sent by (or on behalf of) individuals other than the Vice President of University Advancement, including the President.
Donor-focused stewardship is accomplished by developing ongoing relationships and partnerships with our donors through timely and appropriate gift acknowledgment, fund reporting, donor recognition, donor appreciation activities and events, and stewardship activities. Through meaningful and consistent contacts with donors and prospective constituencies, advancement efforts are enhanced in building lifelong relationships with donors and instills in them the trust that their gifts and investments are supporting the success of the University.
Gift Acknowledgement
All gifts received by the University are acknowledged with the University’s official gift receipt, designed and delivered by the Office of the Vice President of University Advancement. This standard response is supplemented in many instances by additional forms of acknowledgment, including letters generated from schools, colleges and units across campus.
Gift Societies
Adelphi University recognizes donors with the following gift societies:
Annual Giving Societies
Adelphi values the support from all its benefactors. The University has a variety of giving societies that recognize the contributions and loyalty of its donors. Giving programs are established to feature levels of support. The Office of the Vice President of University Advancement actively solicits gifts tiered for the giving societies and oversees the majority of the actual recognition and stewardship activities associated with these special gift opportunities as follows.
- Honor Roll Scholars
This entry-level society acknowledges donors supporting the University above the average annual giving amount each fiscal year showing they believe in the mission of the University of providing personalized, academic excellence to the very student. Donors join the following giving distinctions:
- Friend Scholar $100 to 249.99
- Supporter Scholar $250 to 499.99
- Partner Scholars $500 to 999.99Friend and Supporter Scholar Benefits:
- Welcome call from student and gift (branded pin, other)
- Recognition in the Honor Roll of Donors
- Partner Scholar Benefits:
- All Friend and Supporter Scholar benefits
- All event attendees will receive a personalized name tag including membership type
- Charles Levermore Society
Named to honor Adelphi’s Founding president, the Charles H. Levermore Society recognizes those donors from across the University give a total of $1,000 or more each fiscal year (September 1-August 31) and is annually renewable. These donors build resources that sustain innovative ideas and support new opportunities for faculty and/or student work. Giving levels are:
- Fellow $1000 to 2,499.99
- Constituent $2,500 to 4,999.99
- Patron $5,000 to 9,999.99
- Philanthropist $10,000 to 49,999.99
- Steward $50,000 to 99,999.99
- Benefactor $100,000 or moreFellow, Constituent and Founders Benefits:
- Welcome call from the Executive Director of Advancement for Fellow and Constituent
- Welcome call from the Vice President of University Advancement for Founder
- Recognition in the Donor Honor Roll
- All event attendees will receive a personalized name tag including membership type
- Invitation to the annual President’s Gala
- Monthly VIP newsletter email from the President’s Office
- Patron and Philanthropist Benefits:
- All Fellow, Constituent and Founder Benefits
- Welcome call from the Vice President of University Advancement for Patron
- Welcome call from the President for Philanthropist
- Invitations to choice campus events
- Steward and Benefactor Benefits:
- All Fellow, Constituent, Founder, Patron and Philanthropist Benefits
- Welcome call from the President
- Personalized “Be a student for a day” experience
- Invitations to exclusive behind the scenes tours and select events that showcase the University including the opportunity to meet quest speakers or presenters
- Exclusive opportunities to spend time with University leadership
- Guest of the President at a Performing Arts Center performance
Recent Alumni League
Alumni who graduated within the last nine years can take advantage of special giving rates to join the League, gaining access to a powerful network of Adelphi supporters. Giving tiers are:
- Graduates from 0-1 year – $120/annually ($10/month)
- Graduates from 2-4 years – $240/annually ($20/month)
- Graduates from 5-7 years – $540/annually ($45/month)
- Graduate from 8-9 years – $780/annually ($65/month)
- All League members are entitled to Levermore Fellow member benefits, including:
- Welcome call from Executive Director of Advancement
- Recognition in the Donor Honor Roll
- All event attendees will receive a personalized name tag including membership type
- Invitation to the annual President’s Gala
- Monthly VIP newsletter email from the President’s Office
- Welcome gift
- VIP check-in and mini-reception with president’s appearance before key events such as Reunions
- League exclusive event(s) such as networking and Recent Alumni Reunions
- Monthly VIP newsletter email from the president’s office
- Personal access to Advancement staff/assigned solicitor
The Brown and Gold Society
The Brown and Gold Society acknowledges donors who consistently support the University with an annual gift for five or more consecutive years. Participation in this loyalty society signifies a special community of donors dedicated to making a difference at the University and celebrate giving regardless of the donation level. After donors are inducted into the society with their fifth sustained annual gift, they will need to make a gift every year, without interruption, to continue their membership.
- Welcome call from the Director of Participation
- Introductory gift that will mark first year of membership and allow for continued recognition upon annual renewal
- Recognition in the Honor Roll of Donors
- All event attendees will receive a personalized name tag including years of consecutive giving
The Women’s Giving Circle
The Adelphi University Women’s Giving Circle (“WGC”) recognizes an exclusive group of women who are shaping the present – and the future- of Adelphi University through their volunteer efforts and philanthropic support. Through its collective financial giving, the Circle is committed to impacting and enhancing the Adelphi community, forging new relationships, and uniting a diverse group of effective women philanthropists. There are tiered membership levels as follows:
- Friendship $100 to 249.99
- Supporter $250 to 499.99
- Partner $500 to 999.99
- Fellow $1,000+
- Last 10 year graduates = $65 X # of years since graduation
- Full voting member of the Women’s Giving Circle Council, if so desired
- Approximately 5 to 7 monthly meetings during the academic year with the WGC
- Invitation to an annual luncheon hosted by the WGC at which an Adelphi Administrator will report on the “State of the University” followed by an informal question and answer period
- Invitation to the Students’ Recognition Dinner sponsored by the WGC
- Listed on the WGC webpage and all advertisements where names are listed, if so desired
- Full participation in the WGC Annual Reception
- Opportunity to interact with students and parents on behalf of the WGC at Accepted Students Days and Matriculation
- All event attendees will receive a personalized name tag including membership type
The Parents and Family Council
The Parents and Family Giving Council recognizes family members of students currently attending the University. Annual membership is based on the University’s fiscal year (September 1- August 31) and is renewable annually. Council members provide critical support and are vital partners in sustaining and enriching the world-class educational opportunities that the University provides.
- Friend 25 to 249.99
- Supporter $250 to 499.99
- Partner $500 to 999.99
- Fellow $1,000+
Friend, Supporter, and Partner Benefits:
- Welcome call from the Director of Participation
- Introductory gift
- All event attendees will receive a personalized name tag including membership type
- Exclusive events for parent and family members
Fellow Benefits:
- All Friend, Supporter and Partner Benefits
- Invitation to annual President’s Gala
- Recognition in the Donor Honor Roll
The Panther Club
The Panther Club is the University’s organization for providing direct support to all men’s and women’s athletic programs. The Club recognizes leadership members who provide financial support of $100 or more annually that is needed by our teams to be regionally and nationally competitive while enhancing the image and spirit of the University’s athletic programs.
- Panther $100 to 249.99
- Captain $250 to 499.99
- Coach $500 to 999.99
- Director $1,000 to 2,499.99
- Constituent 2,500 to 4,999.99
- Founder $5,000 to 9,999.99
- Patron $10,000 to 24,999.99
- Philanthropist $25,000 to 49,999.99
- Steward $50,000 to 99,999.99
- Champion $100,000 or more
Panther Benefits:
- A logoed magnet
- Athletic gear
- Receive updates and communication from Athletics including the Annual Report
Captain and Coach Benefits:
- All Panther benefits
- Welcome call from a student-athlete
- Discounted rate to use the facilities in the Center for Sport and
Director, Constituent, and Founder Benefits:
- All above benefits
- Welcome call from the Director of Athletics
- Complimentary invitations to exclusive athletic events
- Opportunity to meet and interact with coaches and team members
Patron and Philanthropist Benefits:
- All above benefits
- Welcome call from the Vice President of University Advancement in addition to a welcome call from the Director of Athletics
Steward and Champion Benefits:
- All above benefits
- Welcome call from the President in addition to a welcome call from the Director of Athletics
- Invitations to exclusive athletic events throughout the year, including the Panther Club Annual Reception, Homecoming, the Hall of Fame Dinner and the Janet L. Ficke Gold Classic
- A discounted rate to utilize the facilities in the Center of Sports and Recreation
- Receive updates and communication from the Adelphi Athletic Department
- Opportunity to meet and interact with coaches and team members
Senior Legacy
Introduces graduating students to follow the tradition of past alumni to support their alma mater with a gift of any amount and add philanthropy to their Adelphi connection. It is ta year-long campaign via events, direct mail, email, and phone solicitations. The office of the Vice President of University Advancement will continue to cultivate these seniors as they become recent graduates so they graduate to elevated societies throughout their lives.
- Invitation to campaign launch Fall event including refreshments
- Invitation to Spring congratulatory event also including refreshments
- Graduation gift and refreshments
- Recognition in Donor Honor Roll for Class
- Inclusion in the framed Senior Class Donors Recognition Certificate that is presented to the President at Commencement
Forever Gold Society
The Forever Gold Society recognizes and honors alumni and friends who have arranged for a bequest or planned gift(s) to benefit the University. anyone who informs the University that the University is named as the beneficiary of a gift through his or her estate, or through a planned gift during his or her lifetime is automatically enrolled as a member of the Forever Gold Society.
- Recognition on the Forever Gold member recognition wall in the University Center
- Welcome gift of the Adelphi University History Book
- Acknowledged in society newsletter mailed to all members
- Invitations to choice University events, including the President’s Gala
- All event attendees will receive a personalized name tag with membership type
Lifetime Giving Societies
Celebrating donors giving a total of $100,000 or more in their lifetime to the University helping the University transforms lives now and well into the future. Lifetime giving levels are:
Leadership Round Table
- Cornerstone Benefactor $100,000 to 249,999.99
- Gold Benefactor $250,000 to 499,999.99
- Presidential Benefactor $500,000 to 999,999.99
Million Dollar Round Table
- Cornerstone Laureate $1,000,000 to 4,999,999.99
- Gold Laureate $5,000,000 to 9,999,999.99
- Presidential Laureate $10,000,000+
Benefits for Leadership and Million Dollar Round Tables:
Welcome call from the Vice President of University Advancement for Benefactors
- Welcome call from the President for Laureates
- Recognition in the Lifetime Giving Societies area of the Adelphi Performing Arts Center
- Annual society reception that honors all levels according to lifetime giving, annual donors of $500+ will be invited to attend so as to plate the seed of their potential to join
- Complimentary guest of the President at the Performing Arts Center performance of their choice
- Recognition in the Donor Honor Roll
- All event attendees will receive a personalized name tag including membership type
Report to Donors
Scholarship Stewardship
Stewarding gifts made to scholarship funds reinforces Adelphi’s efforts to assure a donor that his or her investment is meaningful, appreciated, and being used as promised. The Office of the Vice President of University Advancement fulfills this important stewardship obligation by providing scholarship donors with recipient information and financial updates. One manner in which scholarship stewardship is accomplished is:
Annual Endowment Report
The Office of the Vice President of University Advancement sends endowment reports that include the names of scholarship recipients. This is done for all endowed scholarships (for which there are living donor representatives). The recipient names reflect the past year, and complement the financial information contained on the corresponding endowment reports. These are individual reports going to individual donors about each scholarship that includes thank you notes from the recipient as well as full impact reports.
Other Stewardship Efforts
The Office of the Vice President of University Advancement continues to look for new and exciting ways to engage the University’s donors. A donor newsletter, Donor Spotlight, will be created in 2017 and will be sent out twice a year, following each donor event. Featured in each newsletter will be stories about our most recent donor event, Partners news, and a thank you message from a recent scholarship recipient.
In the summer of 2017, the Donor Stewardship website will be unveiled. The website includes information for donors regarding Giving Societies, Donor Events, Scholarship Recipient and Student Stories, in-depth information regarding the Adelphi Acknowledgement and Reporting process, Donor Honor Roll, Picture Galleries and other features that will help donors learn more about their investments and the impact they have on the University.
Scholarship Match Program Policy/Guidelines
In June 2016, the Adelphi University Board of Trustees approved a $5 million scholarship match program. The guidelines for this match program are listed below.
- Adelphi University would match; using the commensurate payout from its quasi-endowment funds, new outright gifts and pledges (to be paid within five years or less) of $25,000 or more for new or existing endowed scholarship funds.
- The matching program would have an initial upper limit of $5 million. Proposals to increase this amount would be brought to the Advancement Committee for consideration, and to the Finance & Investment Committee and full Board of Trustees for its consideration.
- The primary focus of this match would be to encourage gifts to endowed scholarship funds for undergraduate, need-based scholarships. However, the match would apply to all endowed scholarships for undergraduate, graduate, and transfer students.
- Matching gifts would be made upon receipt of cash (or cash equivalents such as stock) to the University. For example, if a donor made an outright gift of $50,000 to an endowed scholarship, the University would immediately provide a matching gift of $50,000.
- In the case of pledges, matching gifts would be made upon receipt of each pledge payment. For example, if a donor were to sign a pledge agreement for $100,000, payable in installments of $20,000 a year for each of five years, Adelphi would match each $20,000 pledge payment at the time it was received by the University.
- Corporate matching gifts (made possible by a donor’s original gift) would be matched at the time those gifts are received by the University.
- In order to maximize the impact of the program, planned/deferred gifts would not be eligible to be matched.
- The matching program would run until the upper limit of $5 million is reached.
- As it relates to Trustees, best practice for board giving suggests that an institution’s Trustees might be expected to give 25 – 33% of funds raised in an institution’s fiscal year, during a campaign, or during a special initiative. Therefore, and in an effort to encourage Advancement to seek new donors for the University, there is a cap of 29% (the midpoint of 25 – 33%) of $5 million ($1,450,000) for the percentage of funds to be matched for scholarship contributions made by members of the Adelphi University Board of Trustees.
- Pooled gifts/pledges are eligible for the match. For example, if five (5) donors each pledged $1,000 a year for each of five (5) years, resulting in $25,000 for an endowed scholarship, would the University provide a match of that $25,000? The University will match this type of contribution only after the entire pledge has been paid in full. In this way, the match would be open to leadership level ($1,000+) donors, and, should help to build a pipeline for future major ($25,000) donors.
Receipts vs. Acknowledgements
For the purposes of this policy, the term “receipt” will refer to the formal document issued by Adelphi University that (1) confirms the gift has been received by the University and (2) contains the necessary information to serve as documentation for the donor’s claim of a charitable deduction from their income tax.
The term “acknowledgment” has a broader connotation than “receipt,” for acknowledgments may include a wide variety of means for expressing gratitude and appreciation to a donor. A receipt is considered to be an acknowledgment, but all acknowledgments do not necessarily qualify as receipts.
This policy does not have forms associated with it at this time. Upon periodic policy review this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.
Related Information
This policy does not have related information at this time. Upon periodic policy review this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.
Document History
- Last Reviewed Date: December 31, 2017
- Last Revised Date: December 31, 2017
- Policy Origination Date: Unknown
Who Approved This Policy
Brady Crook, Vice President, University Advancement