Auxiliary & Event Services manages room reservations for the University Center, Campbell Lounge, Alumni House, and select Nexus Building rooms.

Policy Statement

Auxiliary & Event Services manages room reservations for the University Center, Campbell Lounge, Angello House, and select Nexus Building rooms, herein referred to Facilities for the purpose of this policy.

Reason for Policy

The goal of this policy is to convey the requirements and restrictions of the room reservation process for students, faculty and staff.

Who Is Governed by this Policy

Faculty, Staff and Students


General Facility Use

It is expected that proper care will be taken of the University Center, Campbell Lounge, Nexus and Angello House Facilities. All individuals using the Facilities are expected to take reasonable steps to ensure proper care of the building and equipment. Any individual causing damage to the Facilities shall be held financially responsible for the extent of the damage. In group sponsored events, the sponsoring organization will be held accountable for damages. Intentional misuse, vandalism, defacing and/or destruction in any manner is strictly prohibited and will result in disciplinary action. The following policies and procedures apply to all individuals and group sponsored events held in the Facilities:

  • Illegal use of alcohol, drugs, firearms and gambling devices are not permitted at any time.
  • The use of all tobacco products is prohibited in all spaces. This includes offices, doorways, meeting rooms, restrooms, dining areas, and patios. (Please refer to the University’s Designated smoking areas)
  • Candles, excluding votive candles for banquets and/or receptions, are not permitted in the facility. Candles for ceremonial purposes must be approved by Auxiliary & Event Services and staff must have access to the room. The room will be assessed for damages at the conclusion of the event. Any damages caused by candles may result in additional charges.
  • Wine and beer are the only forms of alcohol permitted and served at events on campus. Wine & beer service must be requested through the office of Auxiliary & Event Services by emailing Four weeks’ notice is required for Bar Service. No outside alcoholic beverages are permitted on campus.
  • Balloons. In events where Balloons are used, it is the sole responsibility of the event contact person to make arrangements to ensure that the balloons are properly disposed of immediately at the end of the event. This is not a responsibility of housekeeping. (We suggest popping said balloons placing them in a garbage bag and place in the dumpster on the loading dock.)
  • Windows on meeting room doors may not be covered at any time. If there is a need for privacy due to ceremonial practices, the department of Auxiliary & Event Services will review each request on a case-by-case basis. If the request to cover windows is granted, an advisor must be present for the duration of the event. If Auxiliary and Event Services staff require access to the rooms, they will be allowed to enter.
  • The use of roller skates/blades, skateboards, scooters and bicycles is prohibited in the Facilities.
  • Any events using Paint must be communicated before the event and all tables and floors must be properly covered. Your event coordinator will discuss proper covering material.
  • Bicycles must be stored in the racks outside any of the Facilities included in this policy where racks are provided, not blocking walkways or entrances.
  • Tacking and or taping items to the walls is not permitted. If there is a need to hang or display items on a wall, painter’s tape will be supplied.
  • Solicitation, commercial activity, and/or requests for donations are allowed only in the University Center Lobby and Nexus Lobby. We offer vendor tables for outside vendors. A $150 fee and a Certificate of Insurance is required to secure a table
  • It is the responsibility of the group using space inside the facility to place all trash in the conveniently located receptacles and leave the room in good condition.
  • We assume no responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged articles. Articles that are discovered should be turned into Lost and Found in the Office of Auxiliary Services, Room 106 in the University Center.


Labor charges will be assessed when an excessive amount of cleaning is required to return the Facilities to a condition adequate for continued usage. Damage done to the Facilities and its equipment will result in fees that must be paid before a client’s next event. Fees will be submitted in writing to the offending client. Failure to pay the fee or continued misuse of the Facilities and its equipment will result in potential forfeit of its use for the client/organization in question.



Event Booking

To secure a reservation in the Facilities managed by Auxiliary Services, all requests made by the Adelphi Campus Community must go through the Reservations Coordinator via usage of the online room reservation form found here: Event Request Form | Auxiliary Services | Adelphi University.


All events must be approved, and a confirmation email receipt must be received by requesting department/group.



Room Setup Requests

Clients hosting events in Auxiliary & Event Services’ Facilities must respond to room setup requests from the assigned Events Manager by 2 weeks prior to the event. These requests must include specific details on the placement of tables, chairs and other furniture in the reserved spaces.


Setup requests submitted after the outlined deadlines may not be honored. Auxiliary & Event Services staff will make every effort to fulfill the request but cannot guarantee the requested setup. Any changes in room set up the day of the event will result in a labor fee of $150.00.


Auxiliary & Event Services will make every effort to approve requested setups, even if they are submitted after the deadline.

Audio/Visual Equipment Requests

Clients hosting events in Auxiliary & Event Services’ Facilities must submit audio/visual equipment requests 2 weeks prior to the event. These requests must include specific details on the required technology, including, laptops, projectors, speakers, clickers, etc. Detailed requests (those including zoom video and/or audio recording, rented equipment, etc.) require 4 weeks’ notice made to the Event Manager. Depending on the request, there may be an additional fee to fulfill any audio/visual request. Live streaming requests may require the hiring of an outside vendor. All requests for Live Streaming will require a request no later than 4 weeks out of event.


Audio/visual requests submitted after the outlined deadlines may not be honored. Auxiliary Services staff will make every effort to fulfill the request but cannot guarantee the requested equipment and or the special recording/broadcasting need.


Auxiliary & Event Services will make every effort to approve audio/visual requests, even if they are submitted after the deadline.

Event Costs

Clients are responsible for any and all direct expenses associated with events, including but not limited to, catering, equipment rentals, audio/ visual and additional labor.


The budget office will be contacted directly to have the fees paid if not done in a timely manner.



Location Changes

The Office of Auxiliary 7 Event Services reserves the right to change any requested or confirmed event space to an alternate location. If an event location needs to be changed, the primary contact for the event will be notified via email.






Cancellation requests must be made to Auxiliary Services 48-hours prior to the event.


Failure to cancel before the deadline will result in fees. Repeated failure to cancel may result in loss of privilege of Facilities usage by the client.
First Offense: Written warning
Second Offense: $50.00 fee
Third Offense: $75.00 fee and loss of booking privilege for thirty days


Events cancelled due to weather or other extenuating circumstances will be excluded from the listed sanctions.

Extended Hours

Events approved to run outside of normal operating hours for the Office of Auxiliary Services may incur a charge. The University Center can be opened up to one hour early for events with a $150 fee, (7:00 a.m.). Student organizations may utilize the UC Ballroom until 12:00 a.m. on Friday and Saturday nights without a fee.





Food & Beverage Service

All food and beverage for events must be provided by Adelphi Dining Services. Orders may be placed on the catering website: Food orders must be placed 15 days prior to the event. Beer and wine services are available through Auxiliary & Event Services. Orders must be placed via email 4 weeks prior to the event. If an event requiring bar service is taking place in a location other than the University Center, Campbell Lounge, or Angello House, 4 weeks’ notice must be given to the Bar Manager to secure a temporary alcohol permit. Any event with a Bar Service is required to place an order for food as well. (Food must be available during the entire time that Alcohol is being provided)


Failure to place orders before the deadline can result in unfulfilled orders. If unauthorized food is provided, the event will be flagged and the appropriate Executive Leadership manager will be notified by email report. Also, late or forgotten food orders that Dining cannot satisfy does not permit clients to bring in outside food.


Exceptions can be made by the Office of Auxiliary Services if Dining Services is unable to provide the requested item. Clients can submit an outside food approval form and speak with the Executive Director or Associate Director of Auxiliary Services to receive approval for outside food. Requests will be managed on a case-by-case basis. Pricing of food or Cultural Authentic Flavor are not valid reasons to request a catering waiver.


This policy does not have definitions associated with it at this time. Upon periodic policy review, this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.


Additional procedures can be found here.


Additional forms can be found on the Reservations Procedures page.

Related Information

Outside Food Policy

Document History

  • Policy Origination Date: September 29, 2017
  • Last Reviewed Date: February 9, 2024
  • Policy Reviewed by: Policy Owner and Policy Expert
  • Last Approval Date: May 14, 2024

Who Approved This Policy

Executive Leadership

Policy Owner

Policy Experts