The retiree medical benefits are available to employees age 55 or older who retire from the University and their eligible dependents.

Policy Statement

The retiree medical benefits are available to employees age 55 or older who retire from the University and their eligible dependents.

Reason for Policy

The University is committed to honoring and valuing the contributions of all faculty and staff during retirement and have created a policy to ensure that former employees can retain their health benefits.

Who Is Governed by this Policy

Faculty and Staff


Employees age fifty-five (55) or older with ten (10) years or more of continuous full-time service with Adelphi University immediately prior to their retirement from the University, may elect to continue their health insurance coverage in effect at the time of retirement, on a fully contributory basis (provided that they are not eligible for coverage or covered as an employee or dependent under another group insurance policy). Union represented employees should refer to the applicable provisions of their collective bargaining agreements.


This policy does not have definitions associated with it at this time. Upon periodic policy review this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.


  1. Eligible employees interested in retiring and continuing their group health insurance benefits must notify the Office of Human Resources not less than one month prior to their intended date of retirement of their intention to retire. An election form will be sent/given to the employee who must indicate acceptance or declination of benefits. The form must be returned to the Office of Human Resources.
  2. The retiree will only be eligible to continue group health coverage if he/she has had such coverage through the group health insurance plans provided by the University for at least one year prior to the date of retirement. Additionally, the retiree may only continue the level of coverage in effect at the time of retirement and only those eligible dependents covered prior to retirement may be covered after retirement.
  3. Eligible employees who elect retiree coverage must pay the total premium on a monthly basis at the group premium rates in force at the time that the premium is payable including any increases in premiums coincident with or subsequent to the employee’s retirement. Payments are to be made to Adelphi University by check or by ACH and wire transfers. The full amount is due, no later than the fifth day of the month for which the premium is due.
  4. Retirees who fail to make payment by the fifth day of the month (quarter) for which the premium is due may have their coverage canceled.
  5. Eligible dependents, as defined in the insurance plan documents, may only be covered if the retiree is also covered.
  6. In the event that a retiree dies while covered under an Adelphi University group health plan, in order to assist the survivor in the transition, the coverage may be continued under COBRA by the eligible survivor(s) for a three year period following the date of the death of the retiree provided that the premiums are paid in full by the fifth day of the month as is required and provided that the survivor is not covered or eligible to be covered under another group insurance plan and, in the case of a surviving spouse, the spouse has not remarried.
  7. Nothing in this policy requires the University to continue this coverage or to continue to offer this coverage to retirees. If the University elects to discontinue this coverage, those retirees who have elected this coverage will be notified at least six (6) months prior to the cancellation date in order to provide them with the opportunity to obtain other coverage.


Retiree Medical Election form – Received from the Office of Human Resources

Related Information

Eligible employees interested in retiring and continuing their group health insurance benefits must notify the Office of Human Resources not less than one month prior to their intended date of retirement.

Document History

  • Policy Origination Date: January 01, 1995
  • Last Reviewed Date: April 22, 2024
  • Policy Reviewed by: Policy Owner and Policy Experts
  • Last Approved Date: April 22, 2024

Who Approved This Policy

Executive Leadership

Policy Owner

Policy Expert

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