Adelphi University recognizes that an extension of assignment deadline may be a reasonable accommodation in certain situations because one’s disability may present challenges with meeting assignment deadlines.

Policy Statement

Students are expected and encouraged to meet deadlines for assignments and tests. However, some students may have a disability that may impact meeting assignment deadlines, including but not limited to, conditions that are episodic in nature, change and result in problematic symptoms, and require treatment (in some cases hospitalization). For this reason, Adelphi University recognizes that an extension of assignment deadline may be a reasonable accommodation in certain situations because one’s disability may present challenges with meeting assignment deadlines.

Reason for Policy

The purpose of this policy is to specify the guiding principles and specific procedures associated with students who qualify for an accommodation of reasonable extension of assignment deadlines based on a diagnosed disability.

Who Is Governed by this Policy

Students registered with the Student Access Office (“SAO”) who have been approved for an accommodation of reasonable extension of assignment deadline based on a diagnosed disability.


Students who seek accommodations must register with the SAO. The SAO will consider all requests for reasonable accommodations, including an accommodation of reasonable extension of assignment deadline on an individualized, case by case basis, and upon notification from the student; SAO will collaborate with the student, faculty and staff as needed.

Academic accommodations are designed to provide equal access to courses and programs, but they do not guarantee a specific outcome or level of achievement. Accommodations are not student preferences; they are determined through an established SAO review process based on documentation concerning the student’s disability. This accommodation does not correct poor time management skills or decision-making unrelated to a student’s disability. Please note that students must factor in the reality of their own personal situations and use time effectively to complete assignments. Students are expected and encouraged to meet deadlines for assignments and tests.

However, if a student has a disability that is preventing him or her from completing assignments by required dates, the accommodation of reasonable extension of assignment deadline allows for flexibility in assignment deadlines. The number of days given for each assignment extension depends upon a number of factors which include, but are not limited to, the severity and type of disability affecting the student and the amount of time the student was unable to work on the assignment due to such disability. Please note that documentation of impairment and limited functionality from a treating licensed professional must be provided and the length of time cannot be in excess of what would be considered as compromising the integrity of the course/program.

Please note that depending on the circumstances, unexpected illness or injury, a recent diagnosis, onset, or change in condition may warrant a medical withdrawal instead of accommodations in assignment deadlines. See Adelphi University Medical Leave of Absence (Medical Withdrawal).


Student with a Disability (SWD): is an otherwise qualified individual who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits or restricts a person from performing one or more major life activities.


Student Responsibilities

  • Submit a Petition for Reasonable Accommodations form to the SAO requesting extended time on assignments.
  • Provide documentation to support the disability-related need for extended time on assignments.
    • Students must provide documentation that includes but is not limited to documentation from a licensed treating professional indicating the specific number of hours/days the student experienced limited functioning due to exacerbating symptoms as a result of the diagnosed disability.
  • Engage in an interactive process with the SAO. As a part of that process, it may be necessary to discuss different types of assignments individually as reasonable extensions may differ by assignment.
  • SAO requires students to present the Letter of Accommodation (LOA) to the instructor and initiate a conversation upon receiving approval for an accommodation of reasonable assignment extensions.
  • Assignment deadline adjustments must be arranged with the instructor and the SAO consistent with the approved accommodation. Assignments cannot be submitted whenever desired.
  • Under normal circumstances, assignments cannot be turned in after the semester concludes and grades are posted (whichever comes first).
  • Students may request the accommodation at any point in the semester, however, accommodations are not meant to be retroactive. Missed assignments that occur prior to the instructor receiving the LOA are not covered under the accommodation process. Those missed assignments may be handled in accordance with the course assignment policy. Any such consideration or provision would be at the discretion of the instructor.

Student Access Office Responsibilities

Upon request by the student through the Petition for Reasonable Accommodations and interactive process with the student, SAO will determine if the accommodation of extended time on assignments is an approved academic adjustment and will consider the following factors on a case by case basis when making the determination:

  • The nature and extent of the student’s disability.
  • How the student’s performance is impacted by the disability in the academic context.
  • The individual needs of the student, educational functional limitations and circumstances surrounding the request.
  • Any information provided by the student recommending that he or she receive extended time on assignments.
  • Additional documentation that the student provides.
  • The average time all students are expected to spend on assignments relative to the
    applicable deadlines and if the requesting student’s disability necessitates an extension beyond these deadlines.
  • If this accommodation would be a fundamental alteration of the course.

Faculty Responsibilities

When listed on the LOA, course instructors are asked to consider a number of factors which include:

  • Whether the assignment was listed on the syllabus;
  • The amount of time given to complete the assignment;
  • When were students given the necessary information from the instructor to complete the assignment.

Other considerations when determining reasonable extension of assignment deadline as an appropriate accommodation; to be determined on a case by case basis (faculty will be responsible for participating in this interactive process with SAO):

  • What is the purpose of the assignment? Is it necessary to have it completed before an exam? Before a class discussion?
  • What does the course syllabus say about deadlines?
  • Are students required to actively participate in class discussions/activities?
  • How is participation figured into the final grade?
  • How are students expected to interact with each other (in-class, group work outside of class, Moodle, email)?
  • Is the material being learned in the class sequential? Does each week’s material build on the material learned in the previous week(s)?
  • Are there other lab or class sections the student could attend to catch up on missed material?
  • What policies exist for making up missed exams, pop quizzes? Turning in late work?
  • Does the class use Moodle?
  • Could missed assignments be turned in through a discussion board or email?
  • Are tests to be taken at a specific time and place, or is there a window when the test can be taken?
  • Is it possible for students to “work ahead” in the class?


Reasonable Assignment Extension Request Form

Related Information

Medical Leave of Absence (Medical Withdrawal)

Document History

  • Last Reviewed Date: March 17, 2025
  • Last Revised Date: April 10, 2020
  • Policy Origination Date: January 15, 2019

Who Approved This Policy

Hayley B. Dryer
Partner, Cullen and Dykman LLP

Ellen Caravella
Risk Management Ethics and Compliance Officer, Ethics and Compliance at Adelphi University

Policy Owner

Policy Expert

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