Grading Policy
Adelphi utilizes a letter grading system for instructors to evaluate student competencies and course performance.
Reason for Policy
This policy defines the University’s official grading system, including the assignment of grades, changing of grades, grading options, grading for repeating courses, and grade point average.
Who Is Governed by this Policy
Students, faculty
Instructors inform students of applicable course grading standards at the beginning of the course. Within 48 hours of the completion of the scheduled final examination, each student is assigned a grade which represents the instructor’s evaluation of the student’s competencies and course performance.
The University has a letter grading system, with corresponding grade points used to calculate a student’s grade point average:
Grade Grade Points Quality Range
- A+ 4.0 Superior mastery of facts and principles; clear evidence that stated course objectives and requirements were met by the student.
- A 4.0
- A- 3.7
- B+ 3.3 Above average mastery of facts and principles; evidence that stated course objectives and requirements were met by the student.
- B 3.0
- B- 2.7
- C+ 2.3 Average mastery of facts and principles; some evidence that stated course objectives and requirements were met by the student.
- C 2.0
- C- 1.7
- D+ 1.3 Little mastery of facts and principles; acceptable evidence that stated course objectives and requirements were met by the student. (Not used for graduate students.)
- D 1.0
- D- 0.7
- F 0.0 No mastery of facts and principles; little evidence that stated course objectives and requirements were met by the student. The student may be eligible for dismissal following a departmental review.
Additional transcript designations, not computed in the grade point average, are:
- P Passing Indicates passing in courses where letter grades are not used.
- AU Audit Presence in the classroom without receiving credit or a grade.
- I Incomplete Student has been excused from the completion of course requirements by the end of the term because of exceptional circumstances and has obtained permission of the instructor to take additional time to complete the coursework.
- IP In Progress Assigned only to graduate-level research courses that are designed to take longer than one term. If not completed within two years the student will be withdrawn.
- MG Missing Grade Issued when an instructor does not assign an official grade.
- W Withdrawal Indicates the student has officially withdrawn from a course.
The University Registrar will compute for each student a grade point average (GPA) for each semester’s work, as well as a cumulative GPA for overall academic coursework.
To encourage students to explore disciplines outside their major without affecting their GPA, some courses may offer a Pass/Fail grading option. The student will earn credit for courses in which the grade of P is earned, but these credits will not be included in the computation of GPA; a grade of F earns no credit, but is included in the computation of the GPA. The P/F grading option is not available to students on probation or with a cumulative GPA is less than 2.0, for independent study, for General Education Courses, or for courses that do not allow the P/F option. Courses taken with P/F option cannot be applied toward major or minor requirements and only eight courses can be applied toward overall graduation requirements.
Students may choose to audit a course, which permits them to be present in the class, but they will not earn credit nor can the course be used to fulfill graduation requirements. Auditors will receive a grade of AU.
When a student repeats at Adelphi a course previously taken at Adelphi, only the higher grade is included in the calculation of the GPA, and only one successfully completed course shall count toward graduation requirements and total earned credits.
Once a grade has been recorded to a student’s record, it can only be changed if there is unequivocal evidence that it was the result of computational or mechanical error, and must be made within one year of the completion of the course. Grades cannot be changed by arranging to complete additional work. Any exceptions for changes of grades are at the discretion of the Office of Academic Services.
- Grade Points – The numeric value assigned to a letter grade for the purposes of calculating a student’s GPA.
- GPA – Grade Point Average. Calculated by dividing the number of quality hours by the number of quality points.
- Student – An individual who has applied to the University for acceptance to a particular program or school and has been granted admission, in writing, in accordance with the University policies that govern such decisions.
- Quality Hours – The number of credit hours for graded credits taken at the University.
- Quality Points – A course’s number of credit hours multiplied by the earned grade points.
Instructors assign grades online using CLASS.
The University Registrar monitors the progress of grade submission at the conclusion of each term.
Grade changes are initiated by instructors and the procedure is maintained by the University Registrar.
- Change of Grade Form (available only on Faculty Intranet)
- Incomplete Contract (completed online using CLASS when submitting grade roster)
Related Information
Document History
- Last Reviewed Date: February 6, 2024
- Last Revised Date: April 19, 2024
- Policy Origination Date: August 31, 2023
Who Approved This Policy
Executive Leadership
Policy Owner
Policy Expert