Students with documented/qualifying disabilities that preclude full-time attendance will be able to apply for institutional scholarships otherwise granted only to full-time students.

Policy Statement

Institutional scholarships are awarded for full-time enrollment with the exception of awards given by University Admissions for part-time status.  Exceptions to this policy will be made for students with documented/qualifying disabilities that preclude full-time attendance as determined by the Student Access Office.

Reason for Policy

Unlike part-time status, a reduced course load will allow a qualifying student to register for a course load that is less than full-time, and still receive a pro-rated Adelphi scholarship and/or grant.

Who Is Governed by this Policy



Exceptions to Full-Time Enrollment Requirement for Scholarship

Students who wish to request reduced course load based on a documented disability must contact the Student Access Office and file a Petition for Reasonable Accommodations form with documentation to support the request. This request must be made each semester for which the student requests the accommodation. The Petition form and Guidelines for Documentation can be obtained from the Student Access Office directly or through their department website. The Student Access Office will review accommodation requests on an individualized, case by case basis. Please be advised that all decisions regarding access and accommodations are made in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

Students who are approved for the accommodation of reduced course load will receive an institutional award that will be prorated for less than full-time enrollment consistent with existing scholarship proration procedures which are used during a student’s final semester of study. A percentage is calculated using enrolled credits between 6-11 credits and an assumption of 15 credits which is applied to the current award amount. Federal, State government and other assistance will be awarded under the regulations and guidelines governing the specific award type.

The Office of Student Access will notify a designated individual(s) in the Office of Student Financial Services of their determination, and if approved, the approval letter indicating the specific accommodation of reduced course load will be kept in the student’s file.


This policy does not have definitions associated with it at this time. Upon periodic policy review this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.


Petition for Accommodations Process:

  1. Students seeking the accommodation of a reduced course load must have complied with the accommodation review and approval procedure of the Student Access Office. Students must complete and file a Petition for Accommodations form with the Student Access Office and provide documentation from a licensed professional that supports the accommodation of a reduced course load based on a disability. Once all necessary paperwork is received, it will be reviewed by the Director of the Student Access Office. Should it be determined that the student qualifies for a reduced course load, the student would meet with The Office of Student Financial Services to review student account and appropriate institutional financial assistance.
  2. Students seeking the accommodation of a reduced course load must submit updated, supporting documentation to the Student Access Office on a semester-by-semester basis for an individualized review and determination. All requests and supporting documentation must be submitted in advance of each academic semester.
  3. Students seeking the accommodation of a reduced course load must meet with the academic advising staff in their School or College each semester to review academic progress. Compliance with School or College policies and procedures is mandatory.
  4. Most Schools or Colleges have maximum time limits to complete a degree program. Where a student is facing such a time limit due to utilizing their approved accommodation of reduced course load, the student is responsible for formally requesting an extension of that time limit from their School or College.
  5. Students that have been approved for the accommodation of a reduced course load need to understand that there are implications of that status for their student account and their financial assistance. Students are advised to discuss any questions or concerns with the Office of Student Financial Services.


Forms associated with this policy can be found in the Student Access Office.

Related Information

This policy relates to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Upon periodic policy review this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.

Other related information: Reduced Coarse Load Policy

Document History

  • Last Reviewed Date: January 19, 2023
  • Last Revised Date: January 19, 2023
  • Policy Origination Date: September 1, 2017

Who Approved This Policy

Executive Leadership

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