This policy is intended to offer guidance in the event of an emergency condition or possible emergency condition.

Policy Statement

It is the policy of Adelphi University to protect its human and physical assets and ensure continued operations during and after all manner of emergencies, whether natural or manmade, by implementing appropriate emergency management policies, plans, and procedures designed to ensure the University’s ability to effectively respond to and recover from emergencies.

Reason for Policy

This policy is intended to offer guidance in the event of an emergency condition or possible emergency condition.

Who Is Governed by this Policy

Faculty, Staff, and Students


Emergencies should be reported to the Department of Public Safety and Transportation 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Public Safety can be reached by dialing extension 3511 (516 877-3511), or, in the event of emergency, dial 5 or 3507 from any campus phone or, use any blue light call box for immediate help.

Emergency Notifications

In order to broaden our emergency notification and crisis communication channels, Adelphi’s University Mass Notification System enables the University to quickly broadcast urgent messages and deliver instructions to the campus community when necessary.

With the University Mass Notification System, Adelphi can send notifications to students, faculty, and staff using their preferred communications channels, including text or voice messages to a cell phone or home phone. Users can also revise their emergency contact information when needed via Adelphi’s eCampus Web portal.

To sign up or edit your profile in the Mass Notification System:

Please follow the instructions below to get to your RAVE Profile Dashboard, where you can input, update, change and/or test your information

  • Go to the Rave Alert icon accessible with your eCampus login.
  • The first time you access the Rave Alert service you must accept the service provider’s terms and conditions.
  • Your mobile device and email can also be tested by hitting the yellow “Test” button at any time.
  • Rave-screenshot
  • Each primary mobile device must also be confirmed. You can do this by selecting the “Edit Phone” button to the right of the device.

You then must confirm your mobile carrier and hit continue. The system will then send a four digit confirmation code to your device that must be entered on the next screen. Then hit continue and your  device is confirmed.

Please note that although the system settings may include your email address, at this time the University is using text and voice message to broadcast urgent messages.

Alert Beacons

The Department of Public Safety and Transportation along with our partners in Information Technology have incorporated a new feature to the existing “Adelphi Alert” platform. The integration of “Alert beacons” to the existing Adelphi Alert (RAVE) platform has increased the University’s capability to reach a wider audience while simultaneously reducing the time it takes to send timely and actionable information in the event of an incident affecting the campus community.

The alert beacons are strategically located in the common areas of public use spaces throughout campus and are easily identifiable in that when activated by Public Safety Officers staffing the Public Safety Command Center, the beacons emit an alert tone and signal through the use of a strobe light, red flashers, and an alert siren. A predetermined message is simultaneously displayed on the screen which provides information as to the nature of the emergency and what actions to take.

In addition to the alert beacon activation, an SMS message will be immediately and concurrently sent to your wireless devices (if registered with the University’s Mass Notification System) further increasing the University’s reach when it comes to emergency notification. Follow-up information and incident updates will be disseminated through the use of the “Adelphi Alert” (RAVE) system as necessary.

Beacons are currently located in the following spaces:

  • Alice Brown Early Learning Center
  • Alumni House
  • Center for Recreation and Sports
  • Hy Weinberg Center
  • Nexus Building
  • Performing Arts Center
  • Swirbul Library

For more information on Emergency Notifications, please see the Emergency Operations Plan or the Public Safety Website.


This policy does not have definitions associated with it at this time. Upon periodic policy review this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.


The initial sign up for the Emergency Notification System, Rave Alert, is done when a student, staff, employee, or alumni applies for an Adelphi University ID card. The Department of Public Safety will use the information on the ID Card Form to sign the student, staff, employee, or alumni up for the Rave Alert System.

If a student, staff, employee, or alumni is not registered after receiving their identification card, they can register for the Emergency Notification System, by logging on to e-Campus and clicking on the Rave Alert icon. They can also go to this icon to update their Rave Alert contact information. Adelphi will use the University Mass Notification system to immediately broadcast urgent messages and deliver instructions to the campus community.

The Department of Public Safety and Transportation tests the University Mass Notification System at least once every calendar year, and such tests may be announced or unannounced.


This policy does not have forms associated with it at this time. Upon periodic policy review this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.

Related Information

Document History

  • Policy Origination Date: January 01, 2002
  • Last Reviewed Date: July 23, 2024
  • Policy Reviewed by: Policy Owner and Policy Experts
  • Last Approval Date: July 23, 2024

Who Approved This Policy

John Siderakis, Vice President of Administration, and Executive Leadership

Policy Owner

Policy Experts