Drug and Alcohol Policy
Adelphi University is committed to providing a safe, healthy learning community for all its members. The University recognizes that the improper and excessive use of alcohol and other drugs may interfere with the University's mission by negatively affecting the health and safety of students, faculty and staff.
Policy Statement
Adelphi University is committed to providing a safe, healthy learning community for all its members. The University recognizes that the improper and excessive use of alcohol and other drugs may interfere with the University’s mission by negatively affecting the health and safety of students, faculty and staff.
Reason for Policy
Under the Drug-Free Workplace Act and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, the University is required to have an alcohol and other drug policy and distribute this policy annually to all employees and students. This Policy must outline the University’s prevention, education and intervention efforts, and consequences that may be applied by both the University and external authorities for policy violations.
Who Is Governed by this Policy
All Employees
Adelphi University’s mission, in compliance with Title V of the Drug-Free WorkPlace Act (1988) and the Drug-Free Schools and Community Act (1989), is to provide quality education for students and to prepare them for a productive and civilized life. Adelphi realizes the importance of a drug-free campus to the success of this mission and is strongly committed to the prevention of substance abuse.
To maintain an atmosphere conducive to this mission, the following policies, rules, and standards have been implemented. They apply to all employees, students employees and their organizations, and are in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local laws.
General Policies
- The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of illicit drugs and alcohol anywhere on Adelphi’s campuses or as part of any Adelphi University activity is prohibited.
- Students and others who have demonstrated a repeated abuse of alcohol will be referred to appropriate counseling services and may be subject to Adelphi’s Code of Conduct for adjudication..
- Disruptive or inappropriate behavior caused by drugs or alcohol use will not be tolerated. Violators are subject to removal from campus and disciplinary action.
- All members of the Adelphi community must abide by the terms of this policy.
- Violations of the policies, rules, and standards adopted by the University concerning substance abuse should be reported to the Office of Human Resources when the violation involves an employee. The Associate Vice President for Human Resources and Labor Relations or a designated representative will be assigned to process reports (as defined in the Drug Free Workplace Act) regarding convictions of employees. Student-related reports should be made to the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs. Convictions of anyone employed on a federal grant program must be reported to the Provost’s Office so that a report can be made to the federal government within ten days after conviction.
- Any member of the Adelphi community found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, which may range from referral for counseling, disciplinary probation, loss of University housing, suspension, or dismissal from the University or employment, based on the merits of the case.
- Any student or employee convicted under federal, state or local law applicable to the policy stated above (#1) must report said conviction within five days. Students report to the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs; employees report to the Office of Human Resources.
Rules Governing the Use of Alcohol
- Alcoholic beverages will not be permitted under any circumstances anywhere in the residence halls, including student rooms. Anyone who brings alcoholic beverages into the residence halls or rooms will be subject to strict disciplinary action.
- Alcoholic beverages may be provided only through the University in licensed premises. No other alcoholic beverages may be brought on to campus or served.
- The possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages outdoors is restricted by Village of Garden City law.
- Solicitation and publication of alcohol-related advertisements in University publications and media is prohibited.
The manufacture, possession, distribution, sale or use of illegal drugs, and/or the consumption of alcohol, is not consistent with a safe and efficient working and learning environment. Therefore, no employee shall use, possess, sell, distribute, or be under the influence of illegal drugs on or near the University premises whether working or not or at any time while employed by Adelphi University.
This policy does not have definitions associated with it at this time. Upon periodic policy review this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.
All newly hired employees are required to sign the Drug and Alcohol Policy form acknowledging that they have read and understand the Drug and Alcohol Policy.
Employees who find that they or any other Adelphi University employee have drug or alcohol abuse problems are encouraged to contact their medical carrier or the Office of Human Resources in confidence to obtain information regarding treatment sources.
Related Information
This policy does not have related information at this time. Upon periodic policy review this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.
Document History
- Last Reviewed Date: March 20, 2023
- Last Revised Date: September 17, 2018
- Policy Origination Date: Unknown
Who Approved This Policy
Policy Owner and Executive Leadership
Policy Owner
Levermore Hall 201
Policy Expert
Levermore Hall 203