All members of the University community, as well as visitors, are prohibited from possessing firearms, explosives or weapons (hereafter referred to as “weapons”) on the premises of the University without the explicit advance authorization of the University, regardless of whether a federal or state license to possess the same has been issued to the possessor.

Policy Statement

All members of the University community, as well as visitors, are prohibited from possessing firearms, explosives or weapons (hereafter referred to as “weapons”) on the premises of the University without the explicit advance authorization of the University, regardless of whether a federal or state license to possess the same has been issued to the possessor.

Reason for Policy

Adelphi University is committed to maintaining a safe and secure environment for the University Community and its guests. In support of this commitment this policy sets forth the rules and guidelines governing the possession and use of weapons.

Who Is Governed by this Policy

Faculty, Staff, and Students


Adelphi University strictly prohibits the use or possession of any Weapon or Simulated Weapon by any person (i) in and/or around any and all Adelphi University facilities (whether academic, residential, or other) that are owned, leased, or controlled by Adelphi University, regardless of whether the bearer or possessor is licensed to carry that weapon, and (ii) at any University-sponsored activity or event, whether in a University facility or a nonUniversity facility, including any participant or attendee to an University-sponsored events or programs, unless they have obtained written permission from the Associate Vice President of Public Safety and Campus Transportation to bear such weapons on University premises or at University-sponsored activities.

This prohibition does not apply to sworn federal, state or local law enforcement officers who are legally authorized to carry firearms in the jurisdiction and are the University facilities or events in the course of their official duties and/or at the request of the University. Law enforcement officers bringing weapons to University premises must carry valid identification that establishes their law enforcement status. Authorized possession of a firearm on University premises must at all times be discreet and out of view of any casual observer.


Weapons: Include instruments used to inflict physical harm, that are intended to inflict harm, or that could reasonably cause fear of infliction of harm, and any item that may be deemed weapons under applicable law, including but not limited to: a pistol, revolver, shotgun, rifle, firearm, stun gun, BB or pellet gun, Taser, electric dart gun, and other instrument that launches a projectile by pressure resulting from combustion of propellant material, including a weapon related to or using air, sound, flare, hunting, or springs; bombs, grenades, mines, explosives, or incendiary devices (which can include “ignition devices” and aerosols); and daggers, stilettos, swords, switchblade knives, gravity knives, and knives having a blade exceeding four inches in length; and including parts, components, spare parts, or ammunition relating to the above. A disarmed weapon is a Weapon unless it is a Simulated Weapon.

Simulated Weapon: Refers to facsimiles of any category of weapon described below that resemble the actual weapon but are not capable of use as a weapon.

University Community: Includes the following persons associated with Adelphi University: (a) the Board of Trustees; (b) faculty, including visiting faculty; (c) researchers, including persons conducting research at or under the auspices of the University; (d) employees; (e) volunteers; (f) fellows, trainees, and post-doctoral appointees; (g) students; and (h) others who are performing activities or providing services at or under the auspices of Adelphi University, including consultants, vendors and contractors.


This policy does not have forms associated with it at this time. Upon periodic policy review this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.

Related Information

Code of Conduct

Reporting Procedures

Document History

  • Last Reviewed Date: February 15, 2018
  • Last Revised Date: December 2017
  • Policy Origination Date: Unknown

Who Approved This Policy

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