It is imperative that faculty and employees seeking to enter into a contract with outside parties on behalf of the University adhere to established University procedures to ensure that the University’s and their individual interests are protected. This applies to all contractual arrangements for goods and services, including consulting arrangements.

Policy Statement

The President has final approval on all contracts, including offers of employment, entered into on behalf of the University. In no instance are employees or faculty of the University authorized to enter into any contractual agreement committing the University to the purchase of goods or services without securing the necessary approvals and submitting the contract terms for review by the Contract Management team. Only individuals specifically authorized to sign contracts for the University may do so. Unauthorized contracts can expose the University to potential liability risks and can expose the individual employee or faculty member to potential personal liability. Unauthorized contracts will not be honored by the University. will not be honored by the University.

Reason for Policy

Entering into a contract for goods or services for the University creates financial and other legally binding obligations for the University. In addition, depending on the terms, a contract may expose Adelphi University resources and individual University employees and faculty members to certain statutory and legal risks because all contracts create legally binding obligations. It is imperative that all employees and faculty members intending to enter into a contract with outside parties on behalf of the University adhere to the University’s established procedures in order to protect Adelphi University and themselves, individually, against this risk exposure.

Who Is Governed by this Policy

Faculty and Staff


Refer to the “Contract or Agreement Approval and Insurance” of the Financial and Administrative Reference Guide (FARG).


This policy does not have definitions associated with it at this time. Upon periodic policy review this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.


The University has Standard Agreement forms for Guest Speakers, Multimedia Services, Performance, Professional Services, Speaking Engagements and Vendor Services as referenced in the Contract or Agreement Approval section of the FARG. There is a Contract Drafting Tool which can be used to create the above Agreements to meet your needs.

Related Information

The Contract Management Webpage provides further information about the contract process.

Document History

  • Last Reviewed Date: August 7, 2024
  • Last Revised Date: August 7, 2024
  • Policy Origination Date: Not known

Who Approved This Policy

  • Michael Rhattigan, Vice President of Finance
  • Executive Leadership

Policy Owner

Policy Expert

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