Annual Security and Fire Safety Report: Collecting, Classifying, and Publishing
The University is committed to ensuring, as far as is reasonable and practicable, the security and safety of all students, staff, visitors and contractors whilst using and accessing the University campus.
Policy Statement
The University is committed to ensuring, as far as is reasonable and practicable, the security and safety of all students, staff, visitors and contractors whilst using and accessing the University campus.
Reason for Policy
The University is required by federal law to publish an annual security report containing information with respect to campus security policies and statistics on the incidence of certain crimes on and around our campuses.
Who Is Governed by this Policy
Administration, Faculty, Staff, and Students
Adelphi has an open campus and welcomes many visitors to the campus daily. However, to ensure that Adelphi remains one of the safest campuses in the country, employees are asked to lock their desks when not in use, safeguard keys and valuables, and report lost keys to the Department of Public Safety and Transportation. All offices should be locked at the end of the work day. Any suspicious persons should be reported to the Department of Public Safety and Transportation, Levermore Hall, or dial extension 5 from any in-house telephone or dial extension 3511.
Annual Public Safety Report
Adelphi University’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report includes statistics for the previous three calendar years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by Adelphi University; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from campus.
The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, hate crimes, sexual assault including Title IX, Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA), domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, emergency operations plans including evacuation procedures, annual fire safety report and fire log, Amanda’s Law and the Kerry Rose Fire Sprinkler Notification Act, missing student notification, timely warnings and emergency notifications, and other matters.
This report can be viewed by visiting Public Safety or may be obtained upon request in the Department of Public Safety and Transportation in Levermore Hall.
Find more information on Clery Act and Definitions.
Adelphi University, Department of Public Safety and Transportation, is responsible for preparing and distributing the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. Through the collaboration of University professionals, the Campus Security Authorities, in addition to departments including but not limited to Student Affairs, Title IX, Health Services, and Residential Life, talks and meetings occur throughout the year to discuss security and safety issues and review existing policies. Public Safety also has a close relationship and meets regularly with the local police departments to discuss safety in the area and data that is included in this report. Adelphi Public Safety is able to analyze reports, compile crime statistics, and develop strategies to reduce criminal incidents and enhance preventive measures. Each member of the University community receives an email, which includes the PDF link of the report. In addition, this report can be viewed or printed by accessing the Public Safety website – ASFSR or may be obtained upon request in the Office of Public Safety and Campus Transportation in Levermore Hall.
Collecting and Classifying ASFSR Data from Public Safety
The Department of Public Safety and Transportation maintains a database of all incidents reported to Public Safety up to and including Clery Crimes. On at least an annual basis, the Projects Manager, or appropriate designee, will review reports fitting the definitions of Clery Crimes, disciplinary action related to Drug, Liquor and Weapons offenses, and Fire Statistics. The Projects Manager, or appropriate designee, is responsible for reviewing the report information to ensure that incidents are not double-counted.
All records relating to collecting and classifying ASFSR data from CSA’s will be maintained for no less than seven (7) years.
Collecting and Classifying ASFSR Data from CSA’s
Those who have been classified as a CSA under the Jeanne Clery Act are sent an email, which gives them access to the CSA Training course via Moodle. The short training educates them about their responsibilities as a CSA, including the legal requirement to report specific crimes. An employee, student, or volunteer identified as a CSA will come under the Departments of Educations’ mandate for the reporting of crimes that they became aware of that occurred on campus. Once they complete the training, they will receive a Certificate of completion and access to additional information regarding Clery, their CSA responsibilities, and contact information.
Subsequently, a letter is forwarded to all individuals in departments who fit the definition of a Campus Security Authority each semester. If those individuals are aware of any crimes that were reported to have occurred that were not reported to the Department of Public Safety, they are instructed to forward the information. They are also told that if they are unsure if they should report something, to make the report. There is a copy of the Campus Security Authority Report available on the Moodle Training Webpage. If it is available, they are to provide the date, location, and a brief description of the incident.
Nothing in this policy, or in the request for statistical data, shall require a CSA who qualifies as a pastoral counselor or professional counselor (as defined above) to disclose Clery Crime information of which he or she becomes aware in his or her capacity as a counselor.
The University has a responsibility to notify the campus community about any crimes that pose an ongoing threat to the community, and, as such, campus security authorities are obligated by law to report crimes to the University Department of Public Safety. They are instructed, even if they are not sure whether an ongoing threat exists, to immediately contact the Adelphi University Department of Public Safety.
The Executive Director of Public Safety and Security, or appropriate designee, reviews each report received and classifies the reported incident in accordance with the Clery Act. The Executive Director of Public Safety and Security, or appropriate designee, will determine whether the incident occurred within Clery Geography and if so where (On Campus, Residence Hall, Public Property, or Non-Campus Location) as defined by the Clery Act. The Projects Manager, or appropriate designee, is also responsible for ensuring that these incidents are not double-counted.
All records relating to collecting and classifying ASFSR data from CSA’s will be maintained for no less than seven (7) years.
Collecting and Classifying ASFSR Data from the Office of Student Conduct
The Office of Student Conduct maintains a database of student referrals for Clery Crimes. On at least an annual basis, the Projects Manager and the Office of Student Conduct will review reports of referral for Clery Crimes and disciplinary action related to Drug, Liquor and Weapons offenses. The Projects Manager, or appropriate designee, is responsible for reviewing the report information provided by Student Conduct, and works cooperatively with the Office of Student Conduct to ensure that incidents are not double-counted.
All records relating to collecting and classifying ASFSR data from CSA’s will be maintained for no less than seven (7) years.
Collecting and Classifying ASFSR Data from the Title IX Office
The Title IX Office maintains records of reports related to VAWA Offenses, defined above, for Clery Crimes. On at least an annual basis, the Projects Manager and the Title IX Coordinator will review reports of VAWA Offenses for Clery Crimes. The Projects Manager, or appropriate designee, is responsible for reviewing the report information provided by the Title IX Coordinator, and works cooperatively with the Title IX Office to ensure that incidents are not double-counted.
All records relating to collecting and classifying ASFSR data from CSA’s will be maintained for no less than seven (7) years.
Collecting and Classifying ASFSR Data from Outside Police Agencies (List of Agencies)
On at least an annual basis, the Executive Director, or designee, will contact Local Outside Police Agencies (Local Agencies listed below) via a letter requesting reports of Clery Crimes that were documented by the agency and which occurred on Clery Geography relevant to the University’s campuses. The request specifically identifies the Clery Crimes that must be reported, the crimes that must be reported as bias-related hate crimes, and identifies the geographic areas for which the University seeks crime and arrests statistics. The Projects Manager, or appropriate designee, is responsible for reviewing the report information provided by the local police agencies.
All records relating to collecting and classifying ASFSR data from CSA’s will be maintained for no less than seven (7) years.
Outside Police Agencies
Garden City Police Department; New York City Police Department; Hudson Valley Police Department; Nassau County Police Department; and Suffolk County Police Department.
Preparation of the ASFSR Data for Inclusion in the ASFSR
The Projects Manager, or appropriate designee, will review and quality check the Clery Crime data provided by CSA’s, Office of Student Conduct, Title IX Coordinator, and Outside Local Agencies; and prepare tables to summarize the statistics in a form to be included the in ASFSR for the main campus and centers.
The Projects Manager, or appropriate designee, shall comply with the Clery Act on the timely distribution of the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report in preparing the Clery Crime data for inclusion in the ASFSR.
Publication of the ASFSR Data in the ASFSR
The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report Statistics are inputted into the ASFSR. It is also formatted and reviewed by the Department of Public Safety for Publication by October 1st annually.
In the event that the Projects Manager, or appropriate designee, determines that a crime statistic for a prior year needs to be corrected in a later-issues ASFSR, they will prepare an explanation for the change, which will be included as a caveat in the alter-issued ASFSR.
Reporting ASFSR Statistics to the Department of Education (E.D.)
By the deadline and in a form specified by the Department of Education, the Executive Director of Public Safety and Security and Projects Manager will submit all required data to the Department’s Campus Crime Statistics Database. Prior to the submission of the data to the E.D. website, the Projects Manager and delegate of their choice, will perform one or more quality reviews to ensure that the data submitted to the Database is consistent with the data reported in the ASFSR, and print a screenshot of the data as entered.
All documents relating to the reporting of the ASFSR statistics to the Department of Education shall be maintained for no less than seven (7) years.
This policy does not have forms associated with it at this time. Upon periodic policy review this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.
Related Information
Document History
- Policy Origination Date: Not known
- Last Reviewed Date: July 23, 2024
- Policy Reviewed by: Policy Owner and Policy Experts
- Last Approved Date: July 23, 2024
Who Approved This Policy
Policy Owner and Executive Leadership
Policy Owner
Levermore Hall 310
Policy Experts
Levermore Hall 111
Levermore Hall 111 B