Adelphi University is committed to providing each employee a safe place of employment. AU will take actions to keep the workplace free of recognized hazards that cause, or are likely to cause, death or serious physical harm and, when available, will employ feasible means that will eliminate or materially reduce the recognized workplace hazard.

Policy Statement

Adelphi University is committed to providing each employee a safe place of employment. AU will take actions to keep the workplace free of recognized hazards that cause, or are likely to cause, death or serious physical harm and, when available, will employ feasible means that will eliminate or materially reduce the recognized workplace hazard.

Reason for Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide the Adelphi University buildings with the optimum level of indoor air quality.

Who Is Governed by this Policy

Faculty and Staff


If an employee wants to request an air quality or mold test, the employee must put in writing the reason for the request via a Facilities work order. Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator will receive a copy of the request; consult with Facilities staff about request.

Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator will visually inspect area in question for physical evidence of health-related concerns.  If no physical evidence of a health-related concern is present, Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator will perform an air temperature and humidity test to assist in determining whether the office environment would allow certain elements to occur and to recommend possible actions such as cleaning and/or mechanical solutions.

Further air quality testing will only be done if there is physical evidence of health-related concerns, or unusual or unacceptable odor or temperature/humidity conditions.

A letter from a doctor will be required with specific allergens or medical concerns specified in order for air quality testing to be considered.

Appeals of this determination and/or process can be made in writing to the Director of Employment, Employee and Labor Relations.


This policy does not have definitions associated with it at this time. Upon periodic policy review this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.


The employee must put the complaint or concerns in writing to the Facilities Management and Human Resources departments prior to any investigation.

Employees can then contact the Environmental Health & Safety Coordinator to discuss their concerns.


This policy does not have forms associated with it at this time. Upon periodic policy review this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.

Related Information

This policy does not have related information at this time. Upon periodic policy review this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.

Document History

  • Last Reviewed Date: January 31, 2023
  • Last Revised Date: January 31, 2023
  • Policy Origination Date: Not known

Who Approved This Policy

Sentwali Bakari, Vice President for Student Affairs and Diversity Equity Inclusion and Belonging

Policy Owner

Policy Expert

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