Policy Library
- Public Safety and Transportation
Access to Campus
University faculty, staff, students and employees have the right to access and use campus facilities during specified times.
Annual Security and Fire Safety Report: Collecting, Classifying, and Publishing
The University is committed to ensuring, as far as is reasonable and practicable, the security and safety of all students, staff, visitors and contractors whilst using and accessing the University campus.
Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)
To facilitate collaboration among the many individuals whose work affects our collective security, Adelphi established the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT), previously known as the University and Community Threat Assessment Team [UCTAT].
Campus Security Authority (Clery Act): Identifying and Training CSAs
According to a federal law known as the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, Adelphi University is required to disclose “statistics concerning the occurrence of certain criminal offenses reported to local law enforcement agencies or any official of the institution who is defined as a “Campus Security Authority.”
Commercial Driver License
Most University bus drivers are required to have a Commercial Driver License.
Compliance with the Clery Act
The goal of the Clery Act is to ensure students, prospective students, parents, employees, and prospective employees have access to accurate information about crimes committed on campus and campus security procedures that will assist them in making decisions that affect their personal safety.
Defensive Driving Course
All University personnel that are permitted to operate a University owned, non-owned or rented vehicle must take a NYS sanctioned Defensive Driving Course.
This policy is intended to offer guidance in the event of an emergency condition or possible emergency condition.
Emergency Closure, Delays, and Early Dismissal Policy
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and procedures for the closure of the University due to inclement weather and emergencies.
Emergency Condition
This policy sets forth procedures for the closure of the University due to inclement weather and guiding protocols for emergencies.
Emergency Evacuation Procedures
Adelphi University has implemented evacuation procedures to ensure safety for all faculty, staff, students and visitors on campus.
Emergency Notification Policy
The University Mass Notification System enables the University to instantly broadcast urgent messages and delivery instructions to the campus community when necessary.
Fire Safety
Adelphi University has long been committed to maintaining a comprehensive fire safety program for all members of the Adelphi community with the assistance of our students, faculty and staff, and through the cooperative efforts of the Garden City Fire Department, Nassau County Fire Marshal’s Office, and the New York State Office of Fire Prevention. Our fire safety program has contributed to what we believe is an excellent record of safety.
Fleet Management
The Department of Public Safety and Transportation utilize a third-party vendor to monitor the maintenance on University vehicles.
Hate Crimes
Investigation of hate-motivated crimes and incidents are a priority at Adelphi University. The Department of Public Safety and Transportation’s response is necessary to assure the community that hate-motivated crimes and violence will not be tolerated, and that perpetrators of such crimes will be brought to justice.
Health and Safety Policy
It is University policy to comply with all applicable health, safety and environmental protection laws, regulations and requirements.
Identification Cards
This policy sets the policy regarding University ID Cards at Adelphi University.
Illicit Drugs and Alcohol
Adelphi University realizes the importance of a drug-free campus and is therefore strongly committed to the prevention of substance abuse.
This policy is intended to provide general operating guidelines needed to protect personnel and facilities while also ensuring authorized access to those areas and facilities necessary for the efficient performance of normal/routine duties and responsibilities.
License Event Notification System (LENS)
All university personnel that operate a motor vehicle as part of their employment are required to undergo a Motor Vehicle Department background check. Their credentials are submitted to NYSDMV to obtain a driving abstract through LENS.
Lockdown vs. Shelter-in-Place Plan
Adelphi wants all faculty, staff, and students to know how to respond in the event of a lockdown or shelter in place order. The Lockdown or Shelter-In-Place plan protects students, faculty, and staff in the event of imminent or immediate exposure to a dangerous situation.
Locksmith Services
The locksmith maintains the efficient and effective operation of all door-locking hardware across the Adelphi campuses to provide a safe and secure environment for students, University personnel and visitors.
Mail and Personal Safety
Adelphi University is committed to ensuring the safety of all members of the University community and maintaining the safety and security of our mail services.
Missing Students
It is the policy of Adelphi University, through the collaboration with the Assistant Vice President and Dean of Student Affairs and the Department of Public Safety and Transportation, to investigate any report of a missing student who is enrolled and attending classes at any Adelphi campus or global academic center.
Parking and Traffic
Parking regulations apply to all students, faculty, staff, visitors and vendors and their vehicles using campus-parking facilities, including parking field #9 (Garden City Pool).
Possession of Dangerous Articles
Adelphi University is committed to providing a safe and secure environment in which to study, research, live, work and visit.
Prevention and Security
Representatives of the University join together at first year, transfer and employee orientations to provide information on services offered by the University. Presentations include a Campus Safety 101 video, information relative to personal safety on and off campus, the most common crimes that do occur on and around the campus such as thefts, and information on the numerous pamphlets, and security alerts available to the community.
Privacy and Confidentiality of Incident Information
Adelphi University recognizes that students, employees, and others who have experienced crime, especially acts of sexual violence, are concerned about the confidentiality and privacy of information relating to an incident.
Public Safety Policies
Adelphi University has developed and implemented policies and emergency plans to keep the campus community safe and secure.
Public Safety Safeguards for Personal Information
The Department of Public Safety and Transportation has in place safeguards to assure that all personal information that we have access to is adequately secured and not provided to any individual without authorization from the Executive Director of Public Safety and Security or designee.
Registered Sexual Offenders
The “Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act” (Section 106 of Public law 106-38) is a federal law that provides for the tracking of convicted sex offenders enrolled at or employed by institutions of higher education.
Reporting a Crime
If you are the victim of a crime, including sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking, you are encouraged to report the crime to public safety or the police. If you do not want to pursue action within the University system or the criminal justice system you may still want, and are encouraged, to consider making a private/confidential report.
Responding to Federal Immigration Enforcement Actions or Inquiries
This policy establishes a common set of protocols for responding to all inquiries related to federal immigration enforcement matters.
For the convenience of its community, Adelphi University allows limited sales to be conducted on its campus in ways that are consistent with the University’s mission, take account of off-campus businesses, and comply with applicable laws and regulations.
Swirbul Library Classroom Use Policy
Swirbul Library classrooms 100 and 101 are designated as after-hours study rooms for current Adelphi Students with a valid Adelphi University student ID.
Timely Warning Notice [TWN] / Safety Alert
Ensure compliance with the Timely Warning requirements of the Jeanne Clery Act and to provide Adelphi University, including faculty, staff, and students with timely information about crimes.
The University aims to provide safe and reliable methods of transportation to all faculty, staff, and students.
University Vehicles
Adelphi University vehicles are available under certain circumstances for use in support of the university’s mission of education, research, and community service.
Vehicle Usage Policy
This policy discusses Adelphi University-owned, privately-owned and rental vehicles. Adelphi University (AU) vehicles may only be used for official AU business, with exceptions. The use of university vehicles for personal or other non-official business is strictly prohibited.
Violent Offenses
This policy furthers the University’s commitment to creating a learning, living, and working environment free of bias, discrimination, harassment, and sexual and related misconduct, and to meeting applicable legal requirements.