Physics Newsletter

Physics Newsletter

This fall was a difficult time for the Department of Physics at Adelphi University.

We lost Professor Martin Garrell, PhD, due to illness. “Marty” Garrell was an important member of the Adelphi community for over 50 years. He was an active member of both the physics department and the environmental studies and sciences department. He was a co-founder and officer of Citizens Advisory Committee of the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Long Island Sound Study, National Estuary Program. As an active member of the campus, Dr. Garrell was always on the move; you could catch him running to astronomy class with his binoculars, on the shuttle bus to talk about last night’s baseball game, or on the way to the University senate meeting.

The Office of the Provost and the Physics Department will be holding a day of remembrance for Dr. Marty Garrell on Wednesday, April 9, 2025 at 6:00pm.

In other news, I am pleased to welcome Professor Neda Naseri, PhD, to campus. Dr. Naseri is a theoretical plasma physicist and has already made a big impact on campus despite only being here for a couple of months. We are also happy to welcome Professor Abdorreza (“Dr. Abdi”) Samarbakhsh, PhD, as an adjunct faculty member in the physics department. Mariane Diby wrote a newsletter article introducing Dr. Naseri to all of you.

Assistant Professor Kevin Liang, PhD, has been busy too! He has taken another team to Houston to compete in NASA’s Minority University Research and Education Project Innovation and Tech Transfer Idea Competition. Read Michael Ishal’s article here to learn more about it.

Calendar of Events

Date Event
January 23 Spring Semester Begins
February 11 Adelphi Physics Industrial Board Meeting
February 19 Adelphi Physics Accepted Student Open House
March 1 Cosmic Pathways – A new type of conference for physics students in NYC
April 9 Remembrance for Dr. Martin Garrell
April 28 Sigma Pi Sigma Induction Ceremony


  • Kevin Liang, “Improving resolution in passive direct imaging with off-axis aberrations,” Opt. Express 32, 34551-34563 (2024)
  • S. A. Wadood, K. R. Sethuraj, Kevin Liang, Michael R. Grace, Gavin La Rue, Saikat Guha, and A. N. Vamivakas, “Experimental demonstration of quantum-inspired optical symmetric hypothesis testing,” Opt. Lett. 49, 750-753 (2024)
  • M. Wright.  Sustaining Colleges and Universities through Community.  (2024).  ISBN: 1-0364-0706-3.
  • M. J. Wright, R. Beban, O. Chierchio, L. McCluney, T. Pena, and J. P. St John. Advanced Undergraduate Lab on Quantum Beats. Am. J. Phys. 93, 187–192 (2025).

You can keep track of many of the day-to-day departmental happenings by checking out Matthew Wright’s blog. Please reach out to us at The faculty in the department love chatting with you all!

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Blodgett Hall 002A
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