Maintenance and Repair Services
Maintenance and Repair Policy
Facilities Management is responsible for the maintenance and operation of all campus buildings and grounds to include:
- Heating, ventilating and cooling distribution systems
- Plumbing systems
- Electrical systems
- Maintenance of campus buildings including carpentry and painting
- Upkeep of University grounds and roadways
- Moving services
- Shop services to meet campus maintenance needs; departmental fabrication and other special or technical requirements; and provisions for departmentally-funded requirements accessed through the work order system.
- Custodial services
For Routine Services:
Make an Online Work Order Request (Log in required)
- You will be prompted for your Adelphi username and your universal password.
- Once you are logged in, click on the Facilities Management icon
- Select “New Request”
- Fill out the form in its entirety and click “Save”.
Please note: moves require two days notice and housekeeping (other than normal maintenance) requires a three-day notice.
Repair requests may also be submitted via AU2GO through the eCampus tile under “Maintenance Repair.”
For Urgent Needs:
During Business Hours:
Call Facilities Management main office at 516.877.3970 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Call the Office of Public Safety and Transportation at ext. 3511.
In case of an emergency at any time dial 5 or ext. 3507 on any campus phone for immediate help.
Facilities Management does NOT provide service for the following areas:
Computers, Phones, Network Connectivity.
- Please contact the Office of Information Technology.
Access to buildings, keys and locks, parking permits.
- Please contact Public Safety and Transportation.
Room reservations and Catering Services.
- Please contact Auxiliary and Event Services.