Obtain verification of your enrollment or degree granted.

Adelphi University provides several ways to verify your enrollment or degree—find what works for you.

Online Access

Adelphi University has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide secure access to your enrollment history. Current students can view and print an enrollment certificate by following these quick and easy steps.

  1. Log in to eCampus with your username and password.
  2. Search National Student Clearinghouse and select that option.

In-Person Requests

Current and/or former students can also request a verification letter in person by stopping into the Office of the University Registrar and providing a valid photo ID.

Requests by Phone

Call the Registrar’s Office at 516.877.3300 to request the verification letter.  We can send a verification letter to the address we have on file for the student. If the address is not current, the student will have to change their address by coming into the office or mailing in a letter requesting the change.

Requests from Third Party Organizations

Third-party organizations who need to confirm enrollment or degree information must contact the National Student Clearinghouse at:


National Student Clearinghouse

13454 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 300
Herndon, VA 20171
f – 703.742.4239
w – enrollmentverify.com
e – enrollmentverify@studentclearinghouse.org


National Student Clearinghouse

13454 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 300
Herndon, VA 20171
f – 703.742.4239
w – degreeverify.com
e – degreeverify@studentclearinghouse.org

Phone Number
More Info
Levermore Hall, 008 LL
Spring Semester Hours
In-Person Payments
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