Reports and Articles
We review current publications and post the most relevant resources.
- Employer’s Guide to Handling Immigration Enforcement in the Workplace (PDF)
- 2024 Leadership Impact Study (PDF)
- Evaluating the U.S. Department of Labor’s Overtime Final Rule – National Council of Nonprofits
- How to Plan and Execute an Emergency Succession (PDF) (Blue Avocado)
- World-Changing Work: The Modern Nonprofit Professional’s Experience (PDF) (Classy)
- Social Media for Your Nonprofit: Take Charge! (Ventureneer)
- The New Lifecycle of Work (PDF) (Building Movement Project)
- Nonprofits, Voting & Elections (PDF) (Nonprofit Voter Engagement Network)
- Measurement as Learning: What Nonprofit CEOs, Board Members, and Philanthropists Need to Know to Keep Improving (Bridgespan Group)
- Building Arts Organizations That Build Audiences (PDF) (Wallace Foundation)
- How Much to Pay the Executive Director? (Blue Avocado)
Executive compensation is a hot topic in the nonprofit sector lately. The discussion has centered around excessive compensation, a result of several local scandals, when in reality is many nonprofit executives are undercompensated.
- Delayed State Contracts and Late Payments Hurt Service Providers (Office of the New York State Comptroller) (PDF)
- Storytelling Best Practices: Websites (Goodman Center) (PDF)
How online storytelling can help you improve your website. - A Guide to Creating Employment Agreements that Protect Both Leaders and Their Charities (Chronicle of Philanthropy)
Having an employment contract can benefit both your organization and your staff. - Gift Acceptance and Administration Policy (PDF)
- Gift Acceptance Policy (National Council of Nonprofits)
- Nonprofit Finance Fund State of the Sector Survey (Nonprofit Finance Fund)
- mGive Text Donation Study (The mGive Foundation)
Valuable information about the demographics, preferences and habits of text givers. - 2010 Fenton Forecast: A Survey of Leadership and Effectiveness among Nonprofits
- An Overview of the Nonprofit and Charitable Sector (Congressional Research Service) (PDF)
Comprehensive look at the types, demographics and funding composition of the sector and how these factors influence policy decisions. - The Principles for Good Governance and Ethical Practice: A Guide for Charities and Foundations (PDF) (The Panel on the Nonprofit Sector)
Designed to help organizations evaluate and improve their operations, improve governance within each organization and strengthen accountability across the nonprofit community.- Download the Principles Workbook: Steering Your Board Toward Good Governance and Ethical Practice (PDF)
- Hunger on Long Island: What is Being Done About It?—Dr. Pearl M. Kamer, LIA Chief Economist
The faltering economy has led to decreased funding for Long Island’s nonprofits at a time when the demand for their services is escalating rapidly. - Impact of the 2007–2009 Economic Recession on Nonprofit Organizations (PDF) (Johns Hopkins University)
How has the current economy impacted the country’s nonprofit sector? Are nonprofits facing a decline in revenues? Have they been forced to reduce programs and services? How are nonprofits responding to the current financial situation? - “Next Shift: Beyond the Nonprofit Leadership Crisis”—The Annie E. Casey Foundation and Building Movement Project (PDF)
This report provides an examination of the issues related to generational leadership changes in the nonprofit sector and potential solutions. - Daring to Lead (CompassPoint Nonprofit Services and The Meyer Foundation)
Daring to Lead is an exploration of the changing landscape of nonprofit executive leadership, including the escalation of executive turnover and factors that contribute to the success, failure and burnout of executive leaders in the nonprofit sector. - Ready to Lead 2 (PDF) (CompassPoint Nonprofit Services, The Annie E. Casey Foundation, The Meyer Foundation and
A reporting of the nearly 6,000 surveyed emerging nonprofit leaders in regard to significant trends in the future of leadership in the nonprofit sector. - The Not-for-Profit Sector: A Vital and Growing Part of the Long Island Economy (PDF) (The Long Island Association)
A study of the significant economic impact that the Long Island nonprofit community makes on the economy of our region. - Boards of Midsize Nonprofits: Their Needs and Challenges (The Urban Institute)
An examination of governance issues among midsize nonprofits (budgets between $500,000 and $5 million), including identification of problem areas and suggested strategies for strengthening boards. - Supporting Next Generation Leadership (PDF) (Grantmakers for Effective Organizations)
Explores the role grantmakers can take in attracting, developing and retaining the next generation of nonprofit leadership. - The Departing: Exiting Nonprofit Leaders as a Resource for Social Change (PDF) (Grantmakers for Effective Organizations)
Approaches to leveraging departing executive directors to benefit the broader community in which they have worked. - “Now What? A Nonprofit Community Dialogue in Response to the Economic Crisis” – Executive Summary Report (PDF)
The Center for Nonprofit Leadership welcomes your comments, suggestions and questions regarding this report. We hope to establish a Listserv to continue the dialogue around the issues related to the economy and its impact on the nonprofit sector. If you have comments or questions regarding the report and/or are interested in joining the Listserv, please email us at - 4 Planned Giving Myths (PDF) (The Fundraising Authority)
- Four Pillars of Growth for Youth-Serving Nonprofits Report (Bridgespan Group)
- Let’s Do a Fundraising Event! (Or Not): Crafting Fundraising Event Criteria for Your Organization (Grassroots Fundraising Journal)
- 4 Questions to Develop Your Storytelling Strategy (Chronicle of Philanthropy)
- Before Joining a Board, Size Up the Job and the Mission (New York Times)
- The Basics of Grant and Prospect Research (Nonprofit Quarterly)
- The M Word: A Board Member’s Guide to Mergers (PDF) (CompassPoint)
- Nonprofit Website Assessment Guide (PDF) (Bureau for Good)
- Fundraising Compliance Guide (Harbor Compliance)
- Right From The Start: Responsibilities of Directors of Not-for-Profit Corporations (PDF) (NY State Office of the Attorney General)
- 2022 State of the Nonprofit Sector (Nonprofit Finance Fund)
- Internal Controls and Financial Accountability for Not-for-Profit Boards (PDF) (NY State Office of the Attorney General)
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