Leading in Community

Leading in Community (LIC) is a leadership development program with a goal to broaden and strengthen leadership pathways for people of color and prepare them for nonprofit and community leadership in the Long Island, New York City, and Hudson Valley regions.

Excellence in Nonprofit Management Certificate Program

This certificate program prepares practitioners, supervisors and mid-level managers for excellence in nonprofit management and for leadership opportunities.

Grant Funding Master Class

Responding to the need for increased capacity among nonprofit organizations to apply for and win grant awards, the Adelphi Center for Nonprofit Leadership offers this comprehensive workshop series for anyone interested in gaining advanced skills in grantsmanship.

Social Work Practice Fellows

This post-graduate certificate program provides continuing education through intensive training on social work supervision of direct practice across the life course.

Executive Roundtable Series

The Executive Roundtable series enables professional development, explores organizational challenges, discusses relevant topics, as well as offers peer support and resources to help you succeed in your role.

Board of Directors’ Roundtable Series

Join us for a series of virtual facilitated discussions with a specific topic for each session.

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