
To help ease the burden of those in our area, Adelphi hosted an emergency blood drive with Long Island Blood Services and a goods and supplies donation drive on Saturday, November 3.

Emergency Blood Donations DriveDue to the scope and magnitude of Hurricane Sandy, our region has sustained a terrible blow.  While Adelphi University will reopen on Monday November 5, the impact of the storm continues to take its toll as families are returning to their homes to survey the damage and begin the very difficult process of rebuilding their lives. 

To help ease the burden of those in our area, Adelphi hosted an emergency blood drive with Long Island Blood Services and a goods and supplies donation drive on Saturday, November 3 . Over 100 students and staff volunteered, over 700 people donated blood and/or goods and supplies, with over 150 pints of blood and 13,500 items collected and sorted.

We made our first delivery to Freeport, a staging area for relief to Long Beach, and tomorrow the truck will head to the Office of Emergency Management for regional distribution. Special thanks to event coordinators Mike Berthel, Gareth Shumack, Wendy Eklund, Tiffany French, Meghan Hudson, Camille Pajor, and Teresa Pisano.

We also know that our students, faculty and staff have given hundreds of hours of service at emergency shelters and through regional, grassroots efforts in their communities.  Adelphi describes itself as the engaged university—a message brought to life by the actions of selfless kindness and compassion demonstrated in response to this disaster. 

Our Center for Student Involvement will be announcing additional efforts in the coming days.  Please monitor for details.

[ImageGallery name=”Emergency Blood Drive/Goods and Supplies Donation Drive – November 3, 2012″ domain=”events” id=”60912″ blog=”14″]

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
e –

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