
" We want everyone to remember him and what he stood for and stood up for in life"

The Eddie Fonseca Memorial Scholarship

“Here’s to our Fraternity”

ZBE started in the early 70’s and quickly became an important part of campus. Our hope is to promote this legacy …”may it live forever” and its values for all present and future students. And…”may we always faithful”…to our principles, keeping it all open and inclusive, instilling diversity and school spirit. Making everyone believe they are part of something special, be it through sports, academics, societies, etc. “And our bonds ne’er sever” It’s those friendships made and knowledge gained that will continue throughout your life.

Though our troubles may be nigh, boys.

Eddie a student, athlete and member of ZBE stood firmly by these principals. Unfortunately, Eddie’s life ended way too soon. We want everyone to remember him and what he stood for and stood up for in life. And for that we are all thankful and hopeful.

With these guiding principles to which the fraternity was founded that through to this day remains strong within each of us. Always remembering and constantly reminding and always keeping “with our standards raised on high boys”!

We’ll be loyal to our ZBE, ever faithful to our Zeta Beta Epsilonin keeping with these core principles. And from this foundation, we thereby establish with consideration the following essential elements for this scholarship. In an effort to preserve the ZBE legacy, and the memory of their brother Eddie, members of the fraternity decided to establish a scholarship at the University.

The recipient of The Eddie Fonseca Memorial Scholarship will be an all-around student who plays an active role in student life and whose involvement makes a difference in the campus community—the principles upheld by the brothers of Zeta Beta Epsilon. The Eddie Fonseca Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to an undergraduate student who has completed at least 30 credits (at least a sophomore), who demonstrates strong leadership qualities and community service and maintains a cumulative grade point average of 3.3. Faculty and Administration will nominate deserving undergraduate students who have demonstrated leadership skills and a proven track record of community service, with the final selection being made by the Center for Student Involvement.

The University will also support our fundraising efforts. For a limited time, the University will, from its own funds, match new outright gifts and new documented pledges to the Eddie Fonseca Memorial Scholarship.

Make a donation to the Eddie Fonseca Memorial Scholarship

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