
As the semester comes to a close, we want to bring you a few important announcements and updates

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view technology services provided at Adelphi as ‘excellent’ or ‘good’

We wish you a happy holiday season and a safe, enjoyable vacation. As the semester comes to a close, we want to bring you a few important announcements and updates on some projects that are completed, in progress or coming soon.

Student Technology Survey Results
This fall, we asked students to participate in a survey on technology services and support at the University. We understand how important technology is to your academic success, and we’re always looking to improve our services wherever possible. We collected valuable information thanks to the over 1,000 students who participated in the survey, and we’re glad to report that the feedback was very positive.

Prepare for Your Time Away
If you will not be checking your University email account regularly, we encourage you to set up a vacation autoresponder message on your Adelphi Gmail. We also encourage faculty and staff to change your voicemail message or set up your voicemail box if you have not yet done so. We recommend that you back up files onto your Adelphi Google Drive, not just for the break, but as a regular best practice. Lastly, remember to power down your computer, printer, monitor, scanner and other electronic equipment.

Adelphi Moodle 3.3 displayed on LaptopMoodle Upgrade
Moodle—Adelphi’s learning management system—is scheduled to be upgraded from version 2.7 to 3.3  during campus Energy Days—December 26 and 27, and will be inaccessible during this time.

International Travel Cyber Safety Tips
If you plan on doing any travel over the break, make sure to take additional cybersecurity measures. Many of the infected devices the Help Desk see come from people who have been out of the country. Best practices for international travelers:

  • Install virus protection on your device
  • Download the latest patches and updates
  • Back up your data in multiple places: USB, external hard drive and/or cloud storage

Coming in Spring

eCampus Redesign
eCampus will be undergoing change in the next few months to improve navigation and make for a better overall user experience. Be on the lookout for the new interface during the upcoming Spring semester.

AU2Go Mobile App Update
Did you know that in a recent mobiel app update we added the ability to order your official transcript and to access Handshake to search for career and internship opportunities? Both of these features are located behind the eCampus tile. AU2GO 4.0 is coming soon and will include some additional great features that have been requested by many of our students.

Student Technology Certificate
In an effort to help all learn new and useful skills, we’ll soon be introducing a Technology Competency Program. Students will be able to take pre-determined courses that will allow you learn the basics of Microsoft Office, cybersecurity and more. Completion of these modules, which will be offered through, will grant you a Student Technology Certificate and knowledge that can be used both personally and professionally.

Digital Commons
The Library has been developing a new digital repository and publishing platform designed to showcase the breadth of scholarship produced at Adelphi, and give you access to all University research in one place.

Did You Know? Adelphi has a huge Technology Services Catalog! If you haven’t explored it yet, we invite you to check out our ever-growing list of the tech resources and services Adelphi has to offer.

Enjoy your break and look for more announcements at the beginning of the Spring 2018 semester.

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
e –

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