
Dr. Gray, author of “Labor and the Locavore,” was featured on WNYC’s popular morning talk show, “The Leonard Lopate Show.”

Labor and the Locavore Book Cover by Margaret Gray

Margaret Gray, Ph.D., exposes the realities of farmworker labor conditions in the Hudson Valley in her book, published in 2013.

New York’s public radio station, WNYC, reaches more than one million listeners a week. On Friday, January 22, 2016, WNYC’s popular morning talk show, The Leonard Lopate Show featured an interview with Margaret Gray, Ph.D., associate professor of political science, on the topic of “Who is harvesting your farm-to-table produce?”

Dr. Gray, the author of Labor and the Locavore (University of California Press, 2013), studies low-wage, non-citizen workers in the agricultural industry and the political, social and economic impacts of their working conditions. Dr. Gray also teaches related courses in the areas of food politics, race and ethnicity, and human trafficking.

On WNYC, Dr. Gray noted that the farmworkers she has studied, who provide the labor supporting the farm-to-table trends, are “afraid to ask for change,” despite oppressive working conditions, including long hours without overtime pay or, in some cases, even a day off. She also described their dangerously overcrowded and rundown housing conditions.

Listen to Dr. Gray’s full interview on WNYC’s The Leonard Lopate Show.

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