The editor in chief of The Delphian gives insight on her experience representing Adelphi's student newspaper at this annual event.
Every year, the editor in chief of The Delphian, Adelphi’s student newspaper, the faculty adviser Liza N. Burby and staff writers whose work has been nominated attend the Press Club of Long Island’s annual awards ceremony. This year, the event was held on June 15 at a dinner at The Fox Hollow in Woodbury. The Delphian had been nominated in several categories and went on to win multiple awards.
Being that it was my first time attending this ceremony, I was not anticipating how it would feel to stand up and represent my staff as editor in chief. It reminded me why I love what I do and how much appreciation I have for everyone I work with throughout the school year.
I am proud to announce that we have won third place for Best College Newspaper. According to Burby, who is also an adjunct professor and professional journalist, this marks the 11th consecutive year we have placed in this category.
The Delphian swept the category of Best College Newspaper Reporter:
- First place: Joanna Reid, junior, news editor
- Second place: Joseph D’Andrea, sophomore, opinions editor
- Third place: Lilyen McCarthy, junior, reporter
In addition, two staff members won awards for their work in these categories:
- Investigative Journalism: second place, Lilyen McCarthy, reporter for “Adelphi Administration Works to Balance Uneven Major Enrollment”
- Race and Diversity: second place, Joseph D’Andrea, sophomore, opinions editor, for “University’s Bias Response Team Works to Give Students a Voice”
Burby also won two awards for her Newsday articles:
- Environment Narrative: third place, “Going green: How to make a home more energy efficient and save money”
- Lifestyle Feature Narrative: second place, “How LI home designers, builders find new uses for old architectural pieces”
The awards ceremony was a huge success for The Delphian, especially considering that we won an entire category. “The Delphian so wonderfully represents the best of student journalism,” said Paul Thaler, PhD, professor and chair of communications.
I am so proud of the team that I am a part of, and I am beyond happy about the awards presented to my incredible staff. Being that these were awards based on the 2022 calendar year, I can’t wait to see how well we do this year just based on this experience.
On behalf of The Delphian, I’d like to congratulate D’Andrea, McCarthy, Reid and Burby on their awards, along with the entire staff of our newspaper for bringing us to third place, an immense success for us all.
“I am always proud of the staff and writers who win awards, because it means that they have really given a lot of their time and devotion to making sure the newspaper is the best it can be for everyone on campus,” Burby commented.