
Will speak at the inaugural TEDxAdelphiUniversity about his experience of suffering a series of strokes and how to do the hard work needed to maximize recovery.

Robert Goldfarb, Ph.D., Fellow, ASHA, is Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders (with the Professor Recognition Award) at Adelphi University and Emeritus Professor of Speech and Hearing Sciences at Lehman College and The Graduate Center, CUNY, where he was also Executive Officer. He has published extensively in the areas of adult aphasia, the language of dementia, and the language of schizophrenia, and is also co-author of two tests:  The Stocker Probe for Fluency and Language(1995) and Time-Altered Word Association Tests (TAWAT, 2013). He edited and contributed chapters to Ethics: A Case Study From Fluency (2006) and Translational Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (2012), and is co-author of Techniques for Aphasia Rehabilitation Generating Effective Treatment (TARGET, 1995), Professional Writing in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (2009), Professional Writing in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Workbook (2011), Language and Motor Speech Disorders in Adults, 3rd ed. (2013), and Professional Writing in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, 2nd ed. (2014).  He was a Fulbright specialist in applied linguistics in Bogota, Colombia (2013), and has received the Professional Achievement Award (highest award) from NYCSLHA, and the Distinguished Achievement award and Honors of the Association (highest award) from NYSSLHA. 

“An Aphasiologist Has a Stroke.” The following was added to the Aphasiology article by the editor of the journal:  “In June of 2013, the aphasiologist Robert Goldfarb, Ph.D., ASHA Fellow, had a left pontine CVA. He kept a journal of his reactions and rehabilitation and this article recounts the hills and valleys of his journey. It presents an exceptional insider perspective from a renowned professional, providing a unique window into his experiences. Chris Code: Editor.”

An Aphasiologist Has a Stroke

Dr. Goldfarb will talk about his experience of suffering a series of strokes and how to do the hard work needed to maximize recovery. 


For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
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