
Will speak at the inaugural TEDxAdelphiUniversity about how income inequality and racism affect the development of children, making success less likely.

Anthony Zenkus is a licensed Social Worker and is an adjunct faculty in the School of Social Work at Adelphi University, as well as serving as the Director of Education at The Safe Center, a non-profit that serves victims of family violence and sexual assault. Anthony has trained thousands of professionals on the issues of interpersonal violence, income inequality, and the effects of trauma and chronic stress on the brain, body and behavior. In addition, he has been trained by Vice President Gore as a presenter in his Climate Reality Project. Anthony is also an activist and has been an organizer with Occupy Wall Street as well as being involved with Black Lives Matter and environmental causes. He has appeared regularly in print, online, and television media as an expert on family violence, trauma and the effects of inequality.

Watch the Gap: How Capitalism Negatively Affects the Development of Children and How We Can Do Better

Anthony Zenkus will be discussing how income inequality and racism affect the development of children, making success less likely. He will be looking at how growing up in a hyper-competitive and individualistic environment negatively affects the development of kids’ brains, making it more difficult to succeed in school and making poor health and social outcomes more likely throughout the lifespan. A massive and transformational redistribution of wealth and power is necessary to give those who are economically and socially oppressed the opportunity to reach their full potentials, ushering in a new era of cooperation, interdependence and human achievement.


For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
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