
Imagine being a graphic designer for a company that's responsible for the success your favorite musicians. As an intern at MTV, Samantha Mendez discovered exactly how exciting that life can be.

Young Designing Woman

by Sandy Bhagwant

sam-mendesImagine working for a company that is responsible for the success of many entertainers heard on the radio and seen worldwide on television.

Samantha Mendez knows how exciting that life can be. She was an intern as a graphic designer in the art department at MTV.

Graphic design is a career path Ms. Mendez became interested in during her junior year at Adelphi, after being accepted into a very competitive graphic design program.

“I consider myself extremely lucky that I was chosen,” she said.

Working for MTV in Manhattan was truly a dream come true for Ms. Mendez who goes by Sammy Mendez professionally. She discovered her dream job while surfing the Internet for graphic design internships.

While she was offered other internships, she decided MTV would be the best choice since she grew up watching the channel and felt she could offer more to the company artistically. Working for MTV under the Viacom Media Networks’ creative unit, Ms. Mendez said her workday consisted of clerical work, assisting her director and occasionally creating designs for logos and advertisements.

Ms. Mendez viewed her 10-week internship as extremely beneficial for her career. It also helped her to decide that she would like to have her own graphic design company. “I’ve realized that one day I’d like to have people wearing and using my designs,” she said. Ms. Mendez, who graduated in May 2013 with a bachelor’s in graphic design, became the first in her family to earn a college degree. That distinction adds to her excitement in planning her career. What’s next? She plans to pursue a master’s degree in marketing at Adelphi. And she hopes one day a Sammy Mendez-designed billboard will be displayed in Times Square.

This piece appeared in the Spring 2013 Issue of the General Studies Learning Community newsletter.

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