
On Monday October 1, 2018, a student reported to the University that they were the victim of a sexual assault that occurred on a previous date at an off campus location.

On Monday October 1, 2018, a student reported to the University that they were the victim of a sexual assault that occurred on a previous date at an off campus location. The persons involved are known to one another and it was reported that the encounter began on campus and the assault occurred off campus. The incident was reported to the proper authorities.

If you become alarmed or suspicious by any unusual activity call the Department of Public Safety for assistance at 516.877.3511 (off campus) or dial “5” from any campus phone.

Community Support Services:

In addition to the Adelphi Student Counseling Center 516.877.3646, Adelphi partners with experts who will provide support services to victims of sexual assault. Community support services near Adelphi locations include: Nassau County Coalition Against Domestic Violence Rape Hotline: 516.222.2293 New York State Domestic and Sexual Assault Hotline: 845.452.7272

For more tips and information, review our Sexual Assault Safety Brochure.

For further information, please contact:

Public Safety and Transportation
Levermore Hall, Suite 113
p – 516.877.3500 or dial “5” from any on-campus phone

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