
The Department of Public Safety and the Garden City Police Department are currently investigating two separate grand larcenies of credit and debit cards that occurred in the Nexus Building and Levermore Hall on February 28, 2019 at approximately 12:00 pm.

The Garden City Police department has made an arrest on March 15, 2019.

The Department of Public Safety and the Garden City Police Department are currently investigating two separate grand larcenies of credit and debit cards that occurred in the Nexus Building and Levermore Hall on February 28, 2019 at approximately 12:00 pm. The thefts occurred from open offices and the items were removed from purses.

The alleged perpetrator is a male, African American, wearing round eyeglasses, a Yankee baseball hat, and a light colored jacket carrying a backpack and may be carrying loose papers in his hand.

Alleged perpetrator of the grand larceny: male, African American, wearing round eyeglasses, a Yankee baseball hat, and a light colored jacket carrying a backpack and may be carrying loose papers in his hand.

Anyone who has information on these crimes please contact the Adelphi University Department of Public Safety at 516.877.3511 or contact the Garden City Police Department detectives at 516.465.4109. Report #2926-19. All calls will remain confidential.

Take preventative steps to protect your personal property

Never leave personal belongings unattended, whether you are in a lab, office, the library, etc. Unwatched articles invite thieves, regardless of how long you will be gone (even a couple of minutes).

Lock your door each time you leave your room, office, or lab. Most thefts in the university environment occur in unlocked areas. Do not prop self-locking doors and do report defective locks to the locksmith immediately though the Footprints Work Order System or by contacting the locksmith at ext. 3512 or public safety at 3500. Do not leave notes on your desk or door advertising your absence or when you will return.

Most crimes can be prevented. While Public Safety tries to prevent crimes on campus, it is your responsibility to protect yourself. Help prevent crimes by locking your personal properties (laptops, wallets, handbags etc.) and valuables behind locked doors and in lockable desks, file cabinets, etc.

To Report a Crime or Suspicious Activity on Campus. 
Dial 5 from any campus phone 24 hours a day to reach the Adelphi Public Safety Department

For further information, please contact:

Public Safety and Transportation
Levermore Hall, Suite 113
p – 516.877.3500 or dial “5” from any on-campus phone

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