
Academic Calendar for Fall 2012

First and most importantly, my wish is that each of you, especially those whose homes were devastated or damaged by the storm, is safe and experiencing some measure of recovery.

» Click here to view a list of frequently asked questions regarding storm recovery and changes to academic schedules.

When will we re-open?

Due to difficulties with power outages, transportation, and communications throughout the region that continue to affect many students, staff, and faculty, Adelphi will remain closed through Sunday, November 4.

UPDATED 11/4/12: The Garden City campus and the Hauppauge, Hudson Valley and Manhattan Centers will fully reopen and the normal schedule of classes will resume on Monday, November 5. 

What about the classes we missed?

In order to make up the classes that were canceled during the week of October 29-November 4 and meet the NY State requirements for class time, the schedule for the remainder of the fall semester will be adjusted as follows:

  • Wednesday, Nov. 21 (just before Thanksgiving) will be used to make up classes missed on Monday, Oct. 29. Faculty using Moodle for instruction may elect to substitute Moodle instruction for this missed class.
  • Tuesday, Dec. 11 will be the required make-up day for Tuesday October 30.
  • Wednesday, Dec. 12 will be the required make-up day for Wednesday, Oct. 31.
  • Thursday, Dec. 13 will be the required make-up day for Thursday, Nov. 1.
  • Friday, Dec. 14 will be the required make-up day for Friday, Nov. 2.
  • To make up for Saturday, Nov. 3 and Sunday, Nov. 4, all Saturday and Sunday classes will be scheduled for extended class time during the remaining four meetings of the semester. This additional time will be approximately 40 minutes per class for full-semester classes. We will announce the exact clock times for those adjusted schedules and any necessary classroom changes by Friday, Nov. 9, or sooner if possible. Faculty using Moodle for instruction may elect to substitute Moodle instruction for this additional weekend time.
  • Faculty teaching classes that are completely online or blended will arrange to make-up any instructional time that was lost due to power outages or lack of wireless access.

What about the Final Exam Schedule?

Final exams will now begin on Saturday, Dec. 15 and run through Friday, Dec. 21.

All finals that were to take place on Thursday, Dec. 13 will now take place on Thursday, Dec. 20, and all finals that were to take place on Friday, Dec. 14 will now take place on Friday, Dec. 21.  These finals will use the originally scheduled hour grid on the new day.

Finals originally scheduled on Saturday, Dec. 15 through Wednesday, Dec. 19 will still take place on those days.

We recognize that these changes in our schedule may be difficult for some students, faculty, and staff. Unfortunately, the alternative would be to make up those missed classes or finals over a holiday or during January. We believe that the above schedule represents the best balance of instruction we owe to our students, and the break time we appreciate to connect with family and friends.

I very much appreciate your cooperation as we start to recover from the storm’s devastation, and am grateful each day for the wonderful community we are.

Thank you,

Gayle Insler

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
e –

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