
We’re limiting website changes to only the most critical, time-sensitive updates as we dedicate our focus on building out the new University website.

Beginning in January 2020, the Web Development and Digital Strategy team is going to be dedicating their focus on building out the new University website.

We’re limiting website changes to only the most critical, time-sensitive updates during this time. Events, eCampus banners and minor web updates such as small text changes or updating links will still be accommodated. No new webpages can be created until after the launch of the new

This user-first design will be dedicated to improving your experience. Directing our attention to the new website will allow us to create an accessible and responsive site that is clear, well-organized and easy to navigate for all audiences.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to work to create the best possible website for Adelphi. As always, please direct questions and comments to

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