
School of Social Work faculty members are dedicated scholars who remain at the forefront of their profession with innovative and comprehensive research. Here are some examples of recent scholarship.


Badahdah, A., Shahin, M. M., & Abu-Ras, W. (2022). The invisible frontiers: Mental health and turnover intention among Egyptian social workers. International Social Work, 0(0).

Abu-Ras, W., Elzamzamy, K., Burghul, M. M., Al-Merri, N. H., Alajrad, M., & Kharbanda, V. A. (2022). Gendered Citizenship, Inequality, and Well-Being: The Experience of Cross-National Families in Qatar during the Gulf Cooperation Council Crisis (2017–2021). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(11), 6638.

Abu-Ras, W., Senzai, F., Laird, L., & Decker, E. (2022). The Influence of Religious Identity, Culture, and Values on the Practice of American Muslim Physicians. Social Sciences, 11(11), 499.

Abu-Ras, W., Suarez, Z., & Breiwish, R. (2021). Beyond the Axes of Inequality: Religion, Race, and Everything in Between. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 91(2):217-235. DOI:10.1037/ort0000478. PMID: 33983771

Savaya, R., Berger, R., Ronen, T., & Roziner, I. (2021). Social alienation and psychological distress in Israeli adolescents. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal

Ronen, T., Berger, R., Rahav, R., Agbaria, Q., Tsur, N., & Savaya, R. (2021). Flourishing in Palestinian Israeli and Jewish Israeli adolescents: The role of positive/negative affect and family/peer support or undermining. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 1-15.

Berger, R., Mallow, A., Tabag, K., White Toree, C., Fiore, C., Schachar, A., & Hirsch, E. (2022). Teaching and learning in a time of Corona: A social work experience. Clinical Social Work Journal, 50(1). DOI 10.1007/s10615-021-00804-0

Berger, R., & Paul, M. S. (2021). Pedagogy vs. technology: Challenges in developing online courses in social work education. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 41(3), 275-289, DOI: 10.1080/08841233.2021.1919280

Berger, R. (2021). Studying trauma: Indirect effects on researchers and self and strategies for addressing them. European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 5(1), article 100149.

Berger, R. (2020). Using technology for studying populations off the mainstream. Social Work and Social Science Review, 21(1), 52-72.

Redcay, A., Counselman-Carpenter, E., & Lally, K. (2022, accepted). The impact of age, gender identity, medical transition, and other substance use on marijuana use for transgender adults. Journal of Social, Behavioral and Health Science.

Counselman-Carpenter, E. (2022). Using PhotoVoice as a teaching tool in the Adobe Connect classroom. In Marquart, M., Marshall, L., Chung, R., & Garay, K. (Eds). Designing Engaging and Interactive Synchronous Online Class Sessions: Using Adobe Connect to Maximize its Pedagogical Value. EdTech Books.

Daniel, C. (November 11, 2022). Wrestling with racism and anti-Blackness: Confronting legacies of coloniality in teacher education. Journal for Multicultural Education.

Kim, T. K. (2022). U.S. Covid-19 Pandemic Relief Policy for Small Business Sector. Global Social Security Review, 20, 96-108.

Goddard-Durant, S., & Kyriakakis, S. (2022). Beyond Individual Coping: Daily Living Conditions Which Negatively Shape the Well-Being of Female Sex Workers in Barbados. International Journal of Sociology.

Kyriakakis, S., & Goddard-Durant, S. (2022). Surviving while female in Barbados: an examination of entry factors into sex work. Sexuality & Culture.

Osakwe, Z. T., Oni-Eseleh, O., Bianco, G., & Fleur-Calixte, R.S. (2022). Symptom Burden and Activity of Daily Living (ADL) Dependency Among Home Health Care Patients Discharged to Home Hospice. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, (39)8, 966-976. DOI: 10.1177/10499091211063808

Osakwe, Z. T., & Oni-Eseleh, O. (2022). Nurse–Social Worker Teams. Home Healthcare Now, 40(4), 230.

Osakwe, Z. T., Oni-Eseleh, O., Rosati, R. J., & Sefancic, A. (2022). The crossover to hospice: Perspectives of home healthcare nurses and social workers. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. DOI: 10.1177/10499091221123271

Manasi, A., Panchandeswaran, S., Sours, E., & Lee, S. (2022). Mirroring the bias: Gender and Artificial intelligence. Special Issue of the Journal of Gender, Technology, and Development. (Invited manuscript. In press).

Panchanadeswaran, S., Rahill, G., Joshi, M., Lee, S.J., Chacko, S., Hwahng, S., & Greenfield, A. (2022). Female sex workers’ experiences of violence and aggression from sexual partners. In Martin, C., Victor, R., & Patel, V.B. (Eds). The Handbook of Anger, Aggression and Violence. London, UK: Springer Nature.

Rahill, G., Joshi, M., Carrington, C., & Panchanadeswaran, S. (2022). Non-partner sexual violence in Haiti. In Martin, C., Victor, R., & Patel, V.B. (Eds). The Handbook of Anger, Aggression and Violence. London, UK: Springer Nature.

Vijayakumar, G., Panchanadeswaran, S., Chacko, S., Halford, S., & Subramaniam, S. Between Pandemics: Sex Workers, Sexual Minority, and Transgender Activism from HIV to COVID-19. Global Public Health (Accepted).

Terrana, S. (2022). Concept mapping: Bringing universal design for learning to the Adobe Connect classroom. In M. Marquart, L.W. Marshall, R. Chung, & K. Garay (Eds), Designing Engaging and Interactive Synchronous Online Class Sessions: Using Adobe Connect to Maximize its Pedagogical Value. EdTechBooks.

Terrana, S. (2022). KWL charts: How to implement this teaching technique in the Adobe Connect online classroom. In M. Marquart, L.W. Marshall, R. Chung, & K. Garay (Eds), Designing Engaging and Interactive Synchronous Online Class Sessions: Using Adobe Connect to Maximize Its Pedagogical Value. EdTech books.

Presentations and Conferences

Belson, R. (October 2022). Strategic Therapy Invented by Jay DeHaley—How to Use it with Individuals and Couples. Derner Institute, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY.

Berger, R. (November 2021). Keynote: Paths to recovery and growth following the struggle with the 2020-21 pileup of collective stressors in the context of a shared reality. NYSSWEA 54th Annual Conference, Saratoga NY.

Berger, R. (November 2021). Tabag, K.*, Mallow, A., White, C.,* & Berger, R. Teaching and learning in a time of Corona: A social work experience—A panel. NYSSWEA 54th Annual Conference, Saratoga NY.

Cohen, C.S., Szto, P., Jayasundara, D.S., Villarreal Sosa, L., & Ramanathan, C. (November 2022). Social Work Engagement in Fulbright Programs: Discussion with Fulbright Alumni, Representatives and Prospective Awardees. Presentation at Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Anaheim, California.

Barsky, A., Howard, A., and Cohen, C.S. (October 2022). Living Ethics in Social Work Supervision. Workshop sponsored by the Social Work Practice Fellows, Adelphi University.

Ducca, L., Cohen, C.S., Pillay, R., & Howard, A. (June 2022). It Is Time for Groupwork! Education, Practice and Research: Being and Joining Together. Presentation at Co-Building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind. The People’s Global Summit (virtual).

Szto, P., Cohen, C.S., Snell, C. L., & Bragin, M. (June 2022). Contributions of the Katherine A. Kendall Institute for International Social Work Education. Presentation at Co-building a New Eco-social World: Leaving No One Behind, The People’s Global Summit (virtual).

Doel, M., Cohen, C.S., Allen, G., Clawson, S., Emuchay, S., Heckler, S., Johnwon, J., Mancini, A., Mockuviene, J., Verhagen, H., & Martinez, S. (June 2022). On-line Groups to Explore the Use of Object in Social Work. Presentation at International Association for Social Work with Groups’ Virtual International Symposium, From Social Separation to Social Solidarity: It’s Time for Group Work.

Pittman, J., Macgowan, M., Currin-McCulloch, J., Cohen, C.S., Wong, P.Y.J., Lim, W.Y., & Spaumer, A. (June 2022). Using Group Work Standards and an Inventory of Group Work Competencies to Engage Students and Guide Learning. Presentation at International Association for Social Work with Groups’ Virtual International Symposium, From Social Separation to Social Solidarity: It’s Time for Group Work.

Counselman-Carpenter, B., & Aguilar, J., from Fordham University (November 10, 2022), have been featured as co-presenters for the CSWE APM Teaching Institute. The topic of this presentation will be Anti-Racist Teaching Pedagogy.

Counselman-Carpenter, B. (November 2022). Council on Social Work Education, APM, Anaheim CA, November 2022, Pre-Conference Teaching Institute, Decolonizing the classroom and anti-racist teaching pedagogy in social work. Co-presenter.

Counselman-Carpenter, B. (November 2022)Council on Social Work Education, APM, Anaheim, CA. Perspectives of breast cancer patients related to implementation of online support during treatment.

Daniel, C. (2022). Carl A. Scott Memorial Lecturer. CSWE Annual Program Meeting, Anaheim, CA.

Lee, E. K., & Kim, T.K. (2022). How Have Social Expenditures Affected Public Attitudes Toward Immigration? CSWE 64th Annual Program Meeting. Anaheim, CA.

Adames-Torres, J.,* Birchett Benash, S.,* Newransky, C., Rozario, P., Lloyd, S., Krakauer, R., & Silver, R. (2022). Cafe Photovoice: Using Digital Storytelling to Spotlight a Comprehensive Service Approach in Community Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Poster presentation at the Photovoice Conference. October 20-22, 2022.

Abram, M., Newransky, C., White, C.,* & Palley, E. (2022). Using Data and Simulation to Address Inter-Professional Learning Needs. Oral presentation at National League of Nursing Summit. September 28-30, 2022.

Steen, B., Shdaimah, C., & Palley, E. (April 2022). Voices of Home-Based Providers: Perspectives from the Early Childhood Field. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference. Virtual poster presentation.

Palley, E., Steen, B., & Shdaimah, C. (June 2, 2022). Voices of Child Care Providers.

Labor and Employment Relations Association Conference, Virtual Conference.

Shdaimah, C., & Palley, E. (July 2022). Resistance, Resignation, and Reconciliation: Child Care Providers Responses to a Maze of Regulation. Lisbon, Portugal: Law and Society Annual Conference.

Oni-Eseleh, O. (March 2022). From Research to Advocacy and Social Change: The Power of International Research. Colloquium on Global Social Work: International Action and Local Impact. Adelphi University, NY.

Oni-Eseleh, O. (September 2022). The Power in the Stories We Tell about Ourselves. Speaker, Dinner and Dialogue, Adelphi University, NY.

Oni-Eseleh, O., & Paul, M. S. (October 2022). University-Community Engagement: An Innovative Approach to Teaching and Learning. New York State Social Work Education Association 55th Annual Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY.

Oni-Eseleh, O., & McGuirk, S. (October 2022). Challenge and Survival: The Lived Experiences of Social Work Students through the Covid-19 Pandemic. New York State Social Work Education Association 55th Annual Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY.

Oni-Eseleh, O. (November 2022). Addressing Socioeconomic Gaps Through University-Community Engagement: One University’s Experience. Annual Program Meeting, Council on Social Work Education, Anaheim, CA.

Oni-Eseleh, O. (December 2022). Let’s Talk CBT: How to Treat Anxiety with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Adelphi University, Poughkeepsie, NY.

Polise, L. (2022), “We Have to Talk”: Facilitating Critical Conversations in Field Education. Field Education Institute for the Council on Social Work Education’s 2022 Annual Program Meeting.

Rich, T. (October 2022). Inspired by Our Roots: Black Males Use of Coping Strategies in Social Work. The 72nd North American Association of Christians in Social Work National Conference, Chicago, IL.

Terrana, S., & Kaplan, D. (November 2022). Teaching social work students about environmental justice through innovative social action initiatives. Accepted paper presentation at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting (APM), Anaheim, CA. Research contributors: Wahiba Abu-Ras, Kelly Smith, & Marcella Pizzo.*

Terrana, S., Pizzo, M.* (October 2022). Teaching social work students about social action: Evaluating impacts of Legislative Education Action Days in the online environment. Accepted paper presentation at the New York State Social Work Education Association (NYSSWEA), Saratoga Springs, NY. Research contributors: Daniel Kaplan, Wahiba Abu-Ras, Ashley Butler* & Darleen Brandow.*

Pizzo, M.,* & Terrana, S. (October 2022) Addressing the gap: Social work education and leadership skills training in the online environment. Accepted paper presentation at the New York State Social Work Education Association (NYSSWEA), Saratoga Springs, NY.

* Indicates graduate student involvement

Grant-Funded Research

Kim, T.K. (2022). The Study on Development of U.S. Federal Family and Medical

Leave Program: A Political-economic approach. $5,000 research grant sponsored by Korea Institute of Health and Social Affairs.

Shdaimah, C., Steen, B., & Palley, E. (2021) co-PIs. Voices of Home-Based Providers: Perspectives From the Early Childhood Field. $80,000 research grant funded by the Washington Center for Equitable Growth.

Awards and Honors

Carol S. Cohen (May 2022). Keynote Speaker, Adelphi University Doctoral Hooding Ceremony. The Groups That Got Me Here

Carol S. Cohen (June 2022). Recognized as the 2022 Honoree of the International Association for Social Work with Groups for substantial lifetime contributions to group work and the IASWG

Dr. Telvis Rich, associate professor and director of the BSW Program (needs to be interviewed)

Student Accomplishments

Joseph De Gearo, PhD, successfully completed his dissertation about the timely and sensitive topic of “Sexual misconduct: Perceptions of current and recent college students.” The work yielded conclusions and suggested strategies relevant to academic institutions.

Kari Tabag, a Ph.D. graduate of May 2022: “Micro-aggressions and psychological distress in Filipina women.” Kari has since presented her study in multiple professional forums.

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