
"It's another turn in a long road," said Grabowski, an expert in digital communications and privacy.

MarkGrabowski_adelphiJust days after the Brussels terrorist attacks, USA Today featured a front page story on how the bombings could affect the ongoing battle between Apple and the FBI over iPhone encryption. Mark Grabowski, J.D., an associate professor of communications who has written extensively about the Apple case, commented, “It’s another turn in a long road, maybe they find out how to unlock the iPhone, but there is a broader goal (accessing data) beyond this case.”

Grabowski, a lawyer and expert on issues surrounding digital communications and privacy, has previously published a number of op-eds on the encryption controversy in Long Island Press, The Hill, The Roanoke Times and Augusta Free Press, among other outlets. He has argued that no matter the outcome of this battle, the public will lose.

Read the full story in USA Today.


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