
We invite you to participate in the online survey developed by the presidential search committee.

Dear Members of the Adelphi Community,

The search committee for the 10th president of Adelphi University has officially begun its work. As a means of gathering broad input about the qualities desired in a new president, the committee has developed this online survey, and we invite you to participate. 

Survey responses will help committee members better understand the perspectives of Adelphi’s diverse stakeholders.

The survey, found at should take approximately 10 minutes to complete, and your feedback is vital to this process. 

Please be assured that your responses are anonymous. 

Thank you in advance for your time and input.  

Mr. Robert B. Willumstad and Dr. Gerry House

Search Committee co-chairs

For media inquiries, please contact

Lori Duggan Gold
Vice President for Communications
p – 516.877.3262
c – 516.724.0693
e –
or Kali Chan
Director of Media Relations
p – 516.877.4040
c – 516.993.5677
e –

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
e –

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More Info
Levermore Hall, 205
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