
We try to limit the amount which Adelphi students are required to borrow.

The national media seem to relish reporting stories about students who have graduated college with enormous amounts of debt. It is not uncommon to read stories of debt levels at $120,000 or $140,000. However, these are the exceptions; they are based on students and families who willingly borrowed money in order to attend the “brand” institution they wanted.

We try to limit the amount which Adelphi students are required to borrow, and our average debt per graduate is just above the national average at about $35,000. While this is higher than we would like, we are pleased that our student loan default rate is amongst the lowest in the nation (while the national rate is 13.7%, Adelphi’s is only 3.7%) because our students can keep debt to a minimum and are able to find employment.

Endowed and expendable student scholarships allow us to award “packaged” aid. This helps all students, no matter their family’s financial circumstances limit the amount they need to borrow.

Robert A. Scott
President of Adelphi University

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
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