
Serious illness can get people thinking about the future and what effect their will have on their life and family. Finances are a part of that thinking.

News from the Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Program
March 2, 2020
Contact: Lyn Dobrin, 516-997-8545

Free Breast Cancer Forum on April 6
Planning for the Future: Finances and Advance Directives

Serious illness can get people thinking about the future and what effect their will have on their life and family. Finances are a part of that thinking.

This educational forum—Planning for the Future–to be held on Tuesday, April 6 at 6 pm at Adelphi University in Garden City, provides information about finances and advance directives. Dr. Ganesh M Pandit, Associate Professor of Accounting at Adelphi University, will focus on topics such as saving money, using a budget, keeping track of bills, debt-to-income ratio, retirement planning, IRAs, different types of insurance, different ways to invest money, using credit cards wisely, credit reports and credit score, and identity theft. Kathleen M. Fox, a registered nurse and attorney, will focus her discussion on trusts, wills and advance directives. Her aim is to give participants peace of mind while planning for the future.

This free forum is presented by the Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline & Support Program and sponsored by The Junior Coalition of Manhasset’s Women’s Coalition Against Breast Cancer and NYS Department of Health.

The meeting will be held at Adelphi’s Angelo Alumni House, 154 Cambridge Avenue in Garden City. All forums are free and open to the public but registration is required.  Snacks will be served.

To RSVP, call 516.877.4325; email 

The forum will be livestreamed on the Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Program’s Facebook page and will be on their YouTube channel the following day (AUBreastCancer).

Photos below:

Dr. Ganesh M. Pandit

Ms. Kathleen M. Fox





For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
e –

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